Monday, August 29th
7:07 PM PT – Venus enters Libra
Tuesday, August 30th
6:04 AM PT – Mercury stations retrograde at 29° of Virgo
Thursday, September 1st
2:03 AM PT – New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 9° Virgo
8:22 PM PT – Sun in Virgo Square Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 10°
Friday, September 2nd
9:38 AM PT – Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, both at 10°
This week rocks up with a Mercury retrograde and a solar eclipse. Just for fun. Just for laughs. Just to keep things interesting.
Both Mercury’s station retrograde and the new moon/solar eclipse occur in Virgo. Both have a quality of intrigue to them. Both are asking us to look at life from a different angle.
A mysterious one.
One aspect of life is eclipsed so that another can be revealed. Eclipses tend to mark important events. They tend to speed up the advancement of our lives in a certain area. They tend to place us in situations that demand more of us. They tend to reveal what we are made of.
This eclipse is squared by Saturn’s stern gaze and opposed by Neptune’s confusing one. There may be obstacles to contend with as we set out on this new lunar cycle. Ones that feel heard, difficult or daunting and ones that feel too elusive to name. Do your best to remember to work with the skills that keep you steady. Keep your routines. Keep it clean. Keep it simple.
Mercury retrograde reminds us that we don’t have all the answers. We also have no idea how things will work out. We can plan all we like, but life has its own agenda. We can either get hip to it or have fun suffering because things aren’t going as planned. Mercury’s retrograde is a journey into our own underworld. Into our psychological landscape.
There is gold there, waiting to be retrieved but we’ll have to take the journey to get the goods.
I’ll be back Tuesday with a full account of the eclipse. For now, please find your horoscope below written affirmation style. Change the phrases or the wording as you need to so that the affirmations resonate and help to activate the potential for growth and healing that this week is sure to bring.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
*Suggested affirmation for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 6th house of health, employment, employers, employees, duties, chores and the unseen work that helps your life happen
My body’s needs are worth a review. My health is my wealth. I’ll take my time going over what I need in order to feel optimal. I will take time to understand the sensations of guilt and shame that might arise when I take care of myself. I see these feelings as capsules of information, obstacles to work with. But not to suppress. I need to intimately understand what stands in the way of me and a loving relationship to my health.
I never cease to tell this temple that it is glorious as is and I always take time to tend to it.
I view my work in the same way. I’m open to the rapid growth that is occurring through my work. I am thoughtful with the ways in which I am expanding through my daily duties and employment opportunities. There may be things that I miss if I move too quickly but I respond to urgent situations with grounded and patient attention.
I take note of the important inklings about what is to come, what wants to be produced through me, through my work. Something new is emerging. I am here to help that happen. I will work on getting out of its way. I will work on loving it into existence. I will work on being a good servant to it. I will work on accepting what it is, what it wants me to do and what and where it might bring me to. I’m open to this professional journey. Without expectation.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 5th house of creative energy, erotic energy, love, romance, creative projects, self-expression and children
I honor all old love stories as parts of my learning and healing process. I see them all as important parts of my journey. Parts I have outgrown. But growth I could not have had if it was not for them. I can honor experiences I no longer need to relive. I can honor people that I no longer need to spend time with. I am that kind of grown.
I am the kind of grown that knows not to keep hanging on to what no longer works. I am the kind of grown that knows that being in love with fantasies does nothing real for me. I am the kind of grown that wants to do something real with my creative, reproductive energy. I am the kind of grown that wants real love and the work that it requires.
Because I am the kind of grown that has faith.
Faith that love is real. Faith that I am meant to put my creative energy into projects that will make something of themselves. Faith that I am in a constant stream of co-creative collaboration with my life.
This masterpiece is far from over. Despite my age. Despite what I was “supposed” to have done by now. Despite what preconceived notion I had of life by now. I know that the love, the energy, the creativity that is available to me now, is all the ingredients I need to make my life a work of art.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmation for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 4th house of home, family, foundations, parents, ancestry, lineage and inner life
What has been left un-lived in my family story? What did my parents not get to do? Has that been passed down to me? Where did they stop and what do I push through? What is mine to do and what isn’t?
As I have been learning how to take up space at my base I let these questions sit with me. They are good company. I take time getting to know what gets in the way of healing the ancestral stories I have been given. These are mine to sort through. I want to know what I am unconsciously carrying. I take time getting to know what I don’t know I am doing. I spend time separating what I learned was my only choice from what I freely chose.
I give myself the room to breathe into my foundation. I expand into the places that my ancestors couldn’t. I put my privilege to use. I see their sacrifices. I see their pain. I see their rough spots as the price they had to pay. Not as their set back, but as my call to heal within myself. I don’t hold them hostage with blame or shame. This life is long and complicated. I honor the journey and the marks it has made on us all.
This is what it means to grow into my home-base. This is what it means to know that I am home, no matter where I am. Accepting what was. Accepting what is mine to do within the family framework I have been given. Letting go of what was never mine to do. What was never mine to heal. What was never mine to become.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmation for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 3rd house of siblings, aunts, uncles, neighbors, neighborhoods, daily rituals, schedules, communications. The third house is traditionally known as the Temple of the Goddess and is therefore related to divination, seers and the rituals we do in the temple that lead to spiritual experiences.
I honor the spaces, places and rituals that help me to remember the transitional nature of life. I honor the in-between. The states of mind that allow me detach from the outcome of things. I honor all the ways in which I am afforded the ability to see more than just the physical aspects of life. I remember that my agenda is a cosmic joke that life loves to laugh at.
It’s got other plans.
I remember to go with the flow. I remember that my physical needs don’t always match up with my plans and that taking care of my health needs to come first. I remember that everything will happen in its own way on its own schedule and that my schedule might need a little tweaking here or there. Which of my daily rituals work and which don’t? Which parts of my schedule are just too much to keep up with and which help to keep me on track?
I take time to reconnect to my sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins and comrades that feel like them, bloodlines or not. I remember to send out the messages of love and connection that I most wish to receive. I remember to remind folks that I am here and that our connection is sacred to me and intrinsic to my life and growth.
I take time to start the writing projects that haunt me, begging me to help them escape onto the page. I won’t refuse them their right to exist, even thought I will need to edit, rework and rebirth them many times over. I will listen to the ones that wish to tell their tale and I’ll help it happen.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 2nd house of income, assets, talents, livelihood, resources and self-worth.
I count my blessings. Tally them up. Hold up my fortunes for myself to see, so that I don’t forget. So that I don’t take them for granted. So that I don’t get trapped in concentrating on what I don’t have.
This is accounting for the soul.
I know the cost it took to get here and I don’t take that for granted either. I value every ounce of energy I spent. Every step I took. Every hill and valley that I had to find my way through. I respect the resources that I have. They got me here and that’s no small thing.
It’s with this appreciation that I engage with this week’s eclipse. Because it is bringing all kinds of lessons to my lair about the resources that I have to work with, how I feel about them and what I do with them as a result. I know that feeling good about what I have to work with helps me to grow good things. I know that fear, guilt and shame about what I have to create with doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t pay my debts. It doesn’t make it equal. I don’t owe anyone my self-doubt. But I do owe the world my ability to work through it.
I honor this new moon/solar eclipse by making sound investments in myself.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 1st house of self, body, vitality.
I liberate myself from the need to be right. I liberate myself from trying to get to perfection. I liberate myself from the outcome. It’s not my concern nor is it my focus.
I like the place I am in.
It’s endlessly interesting. It’s getting me to grow in all the right ways. It’s encouraging me to move past what tends to hold me back. It’s helping me to see the delusions that keep me running around in circles. It is asking me to deal with the issues at home and in my heart. It’s getting me to anchor down and extend myself out. It’s getting me to a place where I can be sturdy enough, solid enough and expansive enough to know my options, stay open to realistic possibilities and push past the fears of abandonment that have been around for a lifetime.
I’ve grown. In small, steady, hard-working steps. I’ve grown. I take time to see my growth and to give thanks for it. I review the steps I’ve taken and keep room for any last minute reviews.
I honor this process I am in. No matter how strange the process might be at the moment. I like the odd twists and turns my days take. I let myself enjoy the pursuit of getting it right without having to. I let myself love the living of it all. Getting there is boring. Nothing is at the top but the top. This, right here, is what is interesting.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 12th house of endings, closures, losses, sorrows, the spirituality that can be cultivated when we choose to face ourselves and our pain, the unseen elements of life, behind the scenes work, and what is hidden.
I stand at the precipice. About to begin a new cycle of growth. About to launch into the lessons and the love that will help me expand in the ways I now need to. The next year will bring me all kinds of opportunities to magnify my work, my life and myself. I’m ready for this.
But I don’t need to future trip.
This year has taught me that I need not look outside myself for the answer. It doesn’t matter how anyone else lives their life. The only thing that matters is that what I do is in line with my truth. When things get rocky, confusing or convoluted, all I need to do is get quiet enough to listen for the answer.
My connection to myself is my fortune.
It is from this place, this place of inner connection, that I expand outwards. I expand steadily. Connected to my core. Evenly. In balance with my life. In harmony with what is important to me. In sustainable ways so that this personal growth can extend out to others as an offering. I know how to share my abundance while keeping my boundaries because my wealth comes from my self-knowledge.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 11th house of good fortune, mutual benefit, friends, allies, patrons, and those that share your hopes and dreams for the future.
I dream in details. I spend time getting to know the nuances of what I most wish to create. I want to know what it would take to make my visions a reality. What it would take to bring these ideas into form. I give myself permission to become intimate with what I wish for. To get close to what I most want for my future, for our collective future.
I review the details of my grand plans. I review my relationships to the folks that want to get there with me.
Some friendships will naturally go through a growth spurt right now. Some friendships will hit a growth edge. Some friendships will help me retrieve something I forgot that I needed. This new moon/solar eclipse will bring friends out of the woodwork. New friendships sparked. Old friendships rekindled. Some friendships, partnerships or community liaisons put on hold for a moment.
No matter the circumstances, I’ll trust the ebb and flow of connections. I check in with those I love when need be and try to remember that sometimes folks just need a moment to process something. Although I might want to take it personally, chances are, it’s not about me.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 10th house of career.
The story of this world is not complete without my chapter added to it. No matter what my inner-demons try to tell me, my work and my contribution to the world is essential to its unfolding. Each one of us holds a piece of this puzzle. Mine is no more and no less important than anyone else’s.
No matter the ways in which I tend to limit the reach of my work or feel limited by my own misunderstanding of my worth, my work in the world cannot be left undone. It is mine to do. It is my child. My love. My relationship. My offering. My way in and through this life. I am here to offer myself in service to the work that must be done through me. This isn’t up for negotiation.
Life might have me backtracking over some details and some decisions in regards to my overall career. Life might have me second guessing some of my decisions or my drives. I am willing to go through that process to see what it might teach me. I am willing to see what I may have over looked. I am willing to review what I need to because I know it will help me to understand the reasons why I might resist my success or sabotage my strides forward. I am willing to go through this process so that I may be better equipped to take on the structures and the systems that do the same. I am willing to review so that I can better understand the skills that I need to develop in order to move forward when the time comes.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 9th house of travel, expansion, long-range vision and planning, philosophy, religious experiences, publishing and psychic/healing dreams.
I respect the limits that I must abide by, but I let the rules that constrict my life-force fall to the wayside. I transcend my own small-minded thinking by seeking to understand an issue from many perspectives. I’m not afraid to be wrong, only to be misinformed. May I never feel attacked, persecuted or betrayed when I am simply being schooled. May I find gratitude for the tough lessons that I learn. May I remember that the hard won lessons are also the ones that stay with me for life. They reshape me. They bring a new light to the path I am on. They bring more depth to the life that I live. May I always have a sincere love for the lessons that have helped to open my heart and mind wider. No matter the cost to my pride.
May I enjoy the work it takes to be in the world. The mundane world is my gateway to the spiritual one. May I respect both equally. I am not above being human.
May I allow a natural review process of my plans to take place. Without fear. May I trust that any unforeseen stops, hold-ups or wrong turns are the best thing to happen for me. May I gladly relinquish any excess baggage. I’m not supposed to carry everything with me. I will keep the gems and let go of the excess.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 8th house of shared resources such as energy, talents, money and time. The 8th house is also a place where we get in touch with the psychological fears that arise when we are faced with loss and letting go.
I make wise investments with my energy because it is my most valuable currency. I look for intelligent investments to make with it. I look for the folks that know how to collaborate with integrity. I am willing to walk away from any investment of my time and talent that feels off, no matter what pot of gold is promised. I’m not fooled by mirages of money. I am attracted to the possibility of collaborations that will potentiate all involved and not afraid of the work it takes to make it a reality.
I willingly review the debts that I have to repay. I am honest about them, that way they don’t have a hold of me. I refuse to live in shame or fear of a number. I am worth more than a balance sheet. Though I seek to live in balance with the material world and make good on my word, I know that sometimes these things take time. As I review my energetic and financial exchanges and get real with my balance sheet, I become clearer and clearer about what is a good investment and how best to come into alignment when working with my talents and learning how to share them.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.
*Suggested affirmations for the solar eclipse/new moon in Virgo and Mercury retrograde through your 7th house of committed partnerships, marriages, business partners, clients and all folks that you are in a committed and intimate partnership with.
Those that I allow in, those that are willing to swim upstream with me, those that are down for high tide and low, are my greatest teachers, healers and hotspots for growth. Especially right now. The old relationship dynamics that arise do so for a reason. I will not worry if and when they do. I will dive into their waters and float around with their lessons.
All acts of intimacy are also acts of courage.
It takes a great faith in the abilities of our hearts to trust the process of extending it to others. No one owes me kindness, but that does not mean that I don’t owe it to myself to extend it to them. Whatever makes me a better partner, makes me a better person. Whatever makes me a better ally to myself, makes me a better partner to others. I’m willing to engage with this give and take. I’m willing to be vulnerable enough to let myself be loved and known and available for the lessons that can only come when I am.
*Join me for How to Thrive in Eclipse Season, an in-depth look at how September’s eclipses will impact each sign and how best to work with their powerful energy. I’ve got ritual suggestions, ideas for altars, and a look at the best days and times to work with through the solar eclipse in Virgo, the lunar eclipse in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde.