pink emerald chani gem
Yellow smiley face sticker.
gold safety pin
cute chipmunk with faceted gem
decorative washi tape
neon pink crayon
gold foil star
chani composition notebook

Processing crisis amid Mars retrograde and the Full Moon in Cancer

I can’t stop crying. None of us can. Oceans of grief roll through for a multitude of reasons at any given time. It’s hard to think, plan, or construct a full sentence. The greater Los Angeles area is still in an acute crisis as I write this. The winds are not through with us, the lack of rain looms, and the electric current of fear that more untold devastation may be around the corner is palpable...

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An alchemical New Moon in Aquarius

I tried to stay off the internet that day. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of being stressed out by what men in power with bad hair, worse fashion sense, and criminal records or intent are going to do to us all next. I’m not saying what they have planned isn’t anything short of terrorizing, but I’m no longer offering my cortisol to their whirligig willy-nilly...

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No, astrologers haven’t gotten it wrong — the media has

There’s a predictable moment in the year when the news cycle slows and the same types of articles fill the blogosphere: Did You Know That Your Astrology Sign Is Wrong? Have You Heard of the 13th Sign? Why You’re No Longer a Scorpio! These relentless headlines are designed to attract...

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Everything you need to know about the 13th sign

Like any school of thought that disrupts the status quo, astrology isn’t a stranger to controversy. And we at CHANI would like to address the elephant — or serpent-bearer — in the room: Ophiuchus. Aside from providing a powerful tool for self-discovery, astrology is a numbers game. There are 12 zodiac signs...

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Making room for what’s not there

I was asleep when the scorpion stung me. In my dream, a hot, sharp needle pierced deep into my finger, all the way to the bone. The pain woke me; I remember yelling. I remember something crawling across my right shoulder, …

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The astrological timeline of your life

While every life is spectacularly one-of-a-kind, have you ever noticed that we tend to go through similar trials at similar ages? That’s because each threshold of human development holds astrological significance. Every planet orbits the Sun in consistent numbers of years — for example, it takes Saturn 30 years to complete this journey, while it ...

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Pluto and the power of generations

Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z. Political polls obsess over them. Tastemakers are born from them. And global markets hinge on their purchasing power. While we casually invoke these names invented by corporate strategists and talking heads, we’re usually speaking to something deeper. Generations are the titans of a culture. They exert their influence ...

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Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our astro guides.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Glyph for Jupiter.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Glyph for Jupiter.

Need to start with the basics? Enroll in Astro 101.

Or perhaps…

check out our astro resources

From planners to yearbooks and workshops, we have everything you need to make sense of the current astrology.

Yes pls
The 2025 Astro Planner with a black bird on the cover holding a black rose in its beak. A cartoon speech bubble overlaps the cover with “Oooh! Oooh!!” in handwritten text.
vintage speech bubble
The 2025 Yearbook with a pink crayon drawing a scribble next to it. Overlapping the cover is a gold starburst with “New!” text on it.
Pink crayon scribbling.

Or you could

Check the chani app

If you want in-depth breakdowns, astro forecasts, and personalized readings for all the planetary goings-on, that is.

Download at:

A white duck and a cartoon speech bubble with “I have seen the future!” text in it.
The CHANI app logo with “Download now!” in handwritten text underneath.
Hand-drawn star.