Celestial creatrix Venus — the planet of artistry and connection — stations retrograde from March 1st until April 12th, encouraging you to review how you contribute your gifts and talents to the world. Whether you choose to craft a more courageous 10-year plan, edit your poems or paintings for maximum impact, or amp up your volunteer efforts, think big.
You’ll receive more motivation to aim high on March 30th, when Neptune — the planet of imagination, spirituality, and delusion — enters fiery Aries, where it will remain until 2039. When the planetary mystic rubs elbows (or third eyes) with your ambitions, it can inspire you to infuse your endeavors with more compassion, grace, and intuitive wisdom. Ask yourself how you use your platforms to generate more collective abundance, kindness, and interdependence — which might require stretching your heart and mind beyond their current limits. This is a long-lasting transit that will gradually reshape how you channel your lofty visions into the world, so don’t expect to become an enlightened guru overnight. But do pay attention to the dreams that begin lighting up for you this year.
Next up, Saturn — the planet of structure and boundaries — enters Aries on May 24th, initiating a two-and-a-half-year period of establishing stable containers for your fantasies. Saturn transits can feel tough at times, but that’s because they have a big job to do: ensuring that your offerings are built to last. Commit to doing the necessary — and sometimes tedious — work to support your aspirations. Whether that means putting your head down to log hours on your projects or upgrading your self-care routines to keep mental fatigue at bay, honor both your personal limitations and what your goals require of you. If you get impatient about your progress or competitive with others who are receiving the recognition you yearn for, practice keeping your hotter-tempered instincts under control. Locking horns with those around you only zaps your creativity and distracts you from figuring out how to do the important work you’re here to do.
This is your year to blaze new trails for the collective to “ooh” and “aah” over.
Celestial creatrix Venus — the planet of artistry and connection — stations retrograde from March 1st until April 12th, encouraging you to review how you contribute your gifts and talents to the world. Whether you choose to craft a more courageous 10-year plan, edit your poems or paintings for maximum impact, or amp up your volunteer efforts, think big.
You’ll receive more motivation to aim high on March 30th, when Neptune — the planet of imagination, spirituality, and delusion — enters fiery Aries, where it will remain until 2039. When the planetary mystic rubs elbows (or third eyes) with your ambitions, it can inspire you to infuse your endeavors with more compassion, grace, and intuitive wisdom. Ask yourself how you use your platforms to generate more collective abundance, kindness, and interdependence — which might require stretching your heart and mind beyond their current limits. This is a long-lasting transit that will gradually reshape how you channel your lofty visions into the world, so don’t expect to become an enlightened guru overnight. But do pay attention to the dreams that begin lighting up for you this year.
Next up, Saturn — the planet of structure and boundaries — enters Aries on May 24th, initiating a two-and-a-half-year period of establishing stable containers for your fantasies. Saturn transits can feel tough at times, but that’s because they have a big job to do: ensuring that your offerings are built to last. Commit to doing the necessary — and sometimes tedious — work to support your aspirations. Whether that means putting your head down to log hours on your projects or upgrading your self-care routines to keep mental fatigue at bay, honor both your personal limitations and what your goals require of you. If you get impatient about your progress or competitive with others who are receiving the recognition you yearn for, practice keeping your hotter-tempered instincts under control. Locking horns with those around you only zaps your creativity and distracts you from figuring out how to do the important work you’re here to do.
This is your year to blaze new trails for the collective to “ooh” and “aah” over.
For more 2025 content…
It has sign-specific astrology readings for every quarter, workshops for the main themes of the year, and a host of rituals, journal prompts, and guided meditations to help you work with the astrology as it unfolds.