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Change sets us out on a trajectory that we cannot come back from. We are rearranged with every shift. Reconfigured with every brake. Reformulated with every awakening.
While the gods of nature are unarguably ceaseless in their demonstration of life’s perpetual process, up close those deities can be devastating. Change that feels too far from comfort can be hard to hold with perspective for us humans. Change often reminds us of a loss. A pain. A disappointment.
We never forget what happened the first time something changed and it wasn’t good.
We were left. We were hurt. We were forced to endure something unthinkable. We are given only the circumstances we are in. No explanation, rationale, or definitive course of action to take. No management up on high to take our complaints to. No court of Divine Law to take our case to. We must grapple with our grievances. Seek justice when and where we can. Source love from the wells we come from or are stumbled upon.
On Tuesday, May 15th at 4:48 AM PT, the new moon will occur at 24° of Taurus. In and of itself, a new moon in Taurus is a time to focus on the abundance of nature. Planting seeds of sweetness in the soil of our lives.
This new moon is a little different, however.
A few hours after the new moon, Uranus, Goddess of Change and Creative Chaos, enters the bull’s sign. The last time that Uranus entered Taurus was 1934. With an orbit of 84 years, this is the first time many of us will live through this energy, especially as adults.
Uranus changes, innovates, invents, breaks, and awakens. The first planet to be discovered with a telescope, Uranus broke the 4th wall of our cosmic consciousness revealing an entirely new dimension. For thousands of years we thought our solar system ended with the hefty rings of Saturn’s boundary. Uranus broke that limited thinking in 1781, when it was discovered by William Herschel. Laying on the other side of Saturn, Uranus’s axis differs from all other planetary bodies. Rotating almost entirely on its side, it is no wonder Uranus is known for having an impact of unconventionality. Uranus brings breakthroughs, demonstrated by the fact that its very discovery changed our understanding of our solar system, and what might lie beyond it.
Uranus in Taurus is an odd mix. Taurus is the most stabilizing of earth signs. The most grounded. Stubborn. Fecund. Fertility is never in shortage with this sign. Its fields are famous for yielding crops of incredible sustenance. A planet’s transit through these lands will always speak to the ways in which we work with them. How we build. How we grow. How we sustain. How we value the earth and its resources. The bull has been connected to wealth, currency, stock and trade for thousands of years. When a planet rolls through this sign, it teaches us something important about how we are relating to these exchanges.
Uranus’s time in Taurus speaks to innovations, changes, breakdowns and (hopefully) breakthroughs in banking systems, social security nets, land ownership/occupations, and how we work with the resources of this glorious earth we are so fortunate to inhabit. Taurus wants secure sources of prosperity on reserve, but consistency is not Uranus’s game. Here, Uranus seeks to flip the script on the status quo, but we mustn’t mistake change for progress when it isn’t. We mustn’t mistake what is shocking for what is innovative, what is disruptive for what is revolutionary, what is extreme for what is just.
Some men may be trying to outdo each other with fancy trips to Mars, but let us not be distracted from our job here on earth. Let us be endlessly interested in finding ways to live on this changing planet, this beloved space rock that birthed us, with greater appreciation, cooperation, and curiosity for how to take care of it and ourselves.
Transits from Uranus often come in loud, leaving many cowering from its sheer volume and velocity. Uranus transits chip away at our calcified exteriors, grinding our defenses down to dust. Revealing our ego’s tricks and tired antics.
Along the path of change we must part with our small, sometimes petty, outlooks so that we might meet broader aspects of ourselves and our lives. New knowledge we didn’t know we possessed. New talents that were latent within. Uranus reveals deep reserves of energy to draw from. When recycled, the wreckage of our lives makes for incredibly potent fuel. In order to access it, however, we have to confront our apathy. Our stifled rage. Our bound up desires. Our fears of being a failure and a success.
These are mighty foes. Uranus can bring about harrowing events, but only in confronting the fears that they reveal can we take our power back.
Uranus, like all planets in our solar system is always moving. When we speak about our personal astrology, or our astrological chart, we are talking about a snapshot of the sky that is taken at our birth. A snapshot that never changes, shifts, or alters.
Below I go through a series of transits from Uranus. That is to say, I am speaking about transiting Uranus, Uranus in the sky right now, in relationship with where Uranus was when you were born, your natal Uranus, the Uranus in your chart.
Transiting Uranus will make an aspect to our natal Uranus around the ages of 14, 21, 28, 42, 56, 64, 70, and 84. Each transit is completely unique in nature, but all have to do with a personal innovation, change, and awakening.
Uranus will also make aspects to the planets and points in your chart, but those are specific to you. The transits mentioned here are part of astrological life-cycles. We all go through them no matter the specifics of our chart. However if you have any planets or points between 28°-29° of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, or any planets or points between 0°-2° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you will be experiencing a major Uranus transit over the next year which will result in unexpected changes, innovations, upheavals, experimentations, and awakenings in the areas of your life that Uranus is impacting (see your horoscopes for more information or join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus where I go into great detail about Uranus in Taurus).
The following is a list of Uranus transits that folks will be going through from the spring of 2018 to the spring of 2019. However, you can use the general ages I mention to look back on your life, and possibly forward, to get a sense of how Uranus impacts certain parts of our lifecycle. I’ve noted the ages at which major Saturn cycles align with Uranus cycles. Later in life they still occur close together, but not at the same time. Saturn represents structure, tradition, limits, and boundaries. Uranus is untraditional, experimental, and boundary-breaking. Thus the times mentioned hold the tension of needing to address both aspects of self and life.
Those in their mid teens, between 13-15 years old, that were born with Uranus between 28° of Aquarius and 2° of Pisces are experiencing their opening Uranus sextile Uranus. This is the first major aspect that Uranus makes to itself. It is a transit that inspires our strange, helps us to make contact with our weird, and encourages our rebelliousness. As our bodies become their own hormonal experimentations, we are astrologically encouraged to go our own way, try new things, and envision who we might become given the right to freely express ourselves. It is, of course, an age filled to the brim with Uranus-themed revolts. We sneak out. We scheme about how to get the attention of a cute person. We seek attention through disruptive behavior. We are embodying the complexities of changing and having no idea what we will eventually become. This happens around the same time as our first Saturn opposition, a time when our issues, complaints and stand-offs with the authority figures in our lives become very pronounced.
Those around 20-22 that were born with Uranus between 28° of Capricorn and 2° of Aquarius are going through their Uranus square Uranus. At the time when teenage-hood spits us out, we are suddenly stumbling through some sort of beginning adulthood. Squares are linked to a crisis, a call from deep within to take action but, without much time in the saddle, understanding which action to take is hard to decipher. We must upset tradition. We must cause a scene. We must find our way through the rocky and unexpected beginnings of being on our own. This occurs at the same time as our closing Saturn square Saturn, the major aspect that precedes the Saturn return. Saturn is also creating a condition for further release of the childhood conditions we need to grapple with in order to move towards adulthood.
Those between 27-30, born with Uranus between 28° of Sagittarius and 2° of Capricorn, are in their Uranus Trine Uranus. This is a transit that occurs at the same time as our Saturn return. Uranus teaches us to break with the traditions that inhibit us as Saturn demands we face the realities of adulthood. Uranus trine Uranus makes it easier for us to move in our own direction, meaning, if we didn’t have that transit our Saturn return might be even harder. Imagine.
Those between 42-44 with Uranus between 28° of Libra and 2° of Scorpio are working through their Uranus opposition. This is akin to a mid-life crisis. Shaken to the core, the Uranus opposition can derail us if we are on a life path that is anything but authentic. This transit is usually a kind of rude awakening. One that points directly to our core issues and patterns. One that breaks up the oldest of our issues and asks us to get free or get old without having truly lived. Around this time the second Saturn opposition occurs, detailing the lengths, successes, and pitfalls we’ve managed our way through since our Saturn return.
Those between 55-57 with Uranus between 28° of Leo and 2° of Virgo are going through their closing Uranus trine. I say closing because the planet has passed the point of its opposition, and much like a full moon shedding its light, the second Uranus trine of our lives give us more to work with. We might even say that much like the disseminating moon phase, the second Uranus trine is a time of sharing what it is we have learned about caring less and getting even more free with our lives, creativity and selves.
Those between 63-65 with Uranus between 28° of Cancer and 2° of Leo are going through their Uranus last quarter square. This is an aspect that causes friction, much like we felt when we were in our early 20’s, but this time much of our creative ambitions have been lived out and, if they haven’t, this transit will be that much more uncomfortable, calling us to break with what limits us and move confidently towards living out our life purpose.
Those between 69-71 with Uranus between 28° of Gemini and 2° of Cancer are going through their closing Uranus sextile Uranus. Much like the sextile that occurs in our early teen life, this transit reminds us, in a sweeter, more subtle way of the aspects of ourselves that are irrepressible. Let no ageism slow us down. We must keep rebelling, this time with more skill and deftness than we did as teenagers. These gifts should not be wasted and there is no longer eons of time left for us to put them to good use.
Those between 83-85 will be experiencing their Uranus return. Since Uranus is also the Goddess of No Fs Left to Give, folks experiencing this later in life transit are encouraged to abandon themselves to their unique nature. All eccentricities are magnified under this planet’s presence, and those that live well into the 8th decade of their life should feel free to express their own, fully and without restraint.
Want to know how Uranus’ movements are impacting this week’s astrology? Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas.