Eclipses are charged lunations that prompt fated events, entrances, and exits. The Virgo eclipses on March 13th and September 21st support you in releasing any tendencies to micromanage or overanalyze your greater calling. If you’ve been fine-tuning your 10-year plan down to the last detail, getting blocked by perfectionism, or letting impostor syndrome get the best of you, it’s time to get out of your own way. You don’t need to reread that email fifty additional times or burn yourself out to help a collaborator. On or around these eclipse dates, lying low, resting up, and loosening your grip on outcomes will allow your worldly contributions to unfold more naturally. You have cosmic permission to celebrate the wins you’ve already achieved and review your public offerings from a place of self-compassion. Put “giving yourself grace” high on the to-do list.
The Pisces eclipse on September 7th sends a power surge through your domestic sphere, your relationships with family or chosen kin, and your efforts to heal your inner child. It also echoes themes that were activated for you during the last Pisces eclipse on September 17th, 2024, so revisit your journals from that time for further insights. And heed any urges to rummage through the costume trunk, crack open your paint set, or infuse your altar with more whimsy. Engaging with the creative pastimes or mystical practices that enchanted you when you were young reconnects you to life’s boundless mysteries. But notice if you find yourself playing out old habits of escapism or codependency that you may have learned from early caregivers or inherited from your family tree. Accessing the innate wonder available to you requires sustainable boundaries. Protect your magic, and avoid absorbing other people’s problems at the expense of your own wellbeing.
Your 1:1 commitments — whether romantic or platonic — receive a jolt of new life when Uranus enters chatty Gemini on July 7th. This is the start of a seven-year period of shake-ups in your closest connections with best friends, romantic partners, longtime clients, business associates, or even enduring frenemies. Pay attention to any restlessness you experience, and brainstorm healthy ways to channel it. Whether you choose to reveal more honest truths to loved ones, squeeze extra breathing room into your relationship agreements, or cut a draining tie completely, experiment with productively pushing your own growth edges. And stay receptive to intriguing freaks, geeks, and provocateurs who enter the scene over the coming years. Bonding with others who help you feel alive — and allow you to be radically yourself — will revitalize you. Some of your explorations and incendiary insights might ruffle some feathers, but this authentic self-expression will set you free.
In 2025, staying open to improvisation and imagination will replenish and reawaken you. Tune in.
Eclipses are charged lunations that prompt fated events, entrances, and exits. The Virgo eclipses on March 13th and September 21st support you in releasing any tendencies to micromanage or overanalyze your greater calling. If you’ve been fine-tuning your 10-year plan down to the last detail, getting blocked by perfectionism, or letting impostor syndrome get the best of you, it’s time to get out of your own way. You don’t need to reread that email fifty additional times or burn yourself out to help a collaborator. On or around these eclipse dates, lying low, resting up, and loosening your grip on outcomes will allow your worldly contributions to unfold more naturally. You have cosmic permission to celebrate the wins you’ve already achieved and review your public offerings from a place of self-compassion. Put “giving yourself grace” high on the to-do list.
The Pisces eclipse on September 7th sends a power surge through your domestic sphere, your relationships with family or chosen kin, and your efforts to heal your inner child. It also echoes themes that were activated for you during the last Pisces eclipse on September 17th, 2024, so revisit your journals from that time for further insights. And heed any urges to rummage through the costume trunk, crack open your paint set, or infuse your altar with more whimsy. Engaging with the creative pastimes or mystical practices that enchanted you when you were young reconnects you to life’s boundless mysteries. But notice if you find yourself playing out old habits of escapism or codependency that you may have learned from early caregivers or inherited from your family tree. Accessing the innate wonder available to you requires sustainable boundaries. Protect your magic, and avoid absorbing other people’s problems at the expense of your own wellbeing.
Your 1:1 commitments — whether romantic or platonic — receive a jolt of new life when Uranus enters chatty Gemini on July 7th. This is the start of a seven-year period of shake-ups in your closest connections with best friends, romantic partners, longtime clients, business associates, or even enduring frenemies. Pay attention to any restlessness you experience, and brainstorm healthy ways to channel it. Whether you choose to reveal more honest truths to loved ones, squeeze extra breathing room into your relationship agreements, or cut a draining tie completely, experiment with productively pushing your own growth edges. And stay receptive to intriguing freaks, geeks, and provocateurs who enter the scene over the coming years. Bonding with others who help you feel alive — and allow you to be radically yourself — will revitalize you. Some of your explorations and incendiary insights might ruffle some feathers, but this authentic self-expression will set you free.
In 2025, staying open to improvisation and imagination will replenish and reawaken you. Tune in.
For more 2025 content…
It has sign-specific astrology readings for every quarter, workshops for the main themes of the year, and a host of rituals, journal prompts, and guided meditations to help you work with the astrology as it unfolds.