A half-tone print of a human eye beside a doodled star.
Paintbrush with gold glitter splatters.
Hand-drawn black star.

Current Sky Horoscopes

Curious how the cosmos is influencing you? 
Pick a planet OR point to find out.

A doodle speech bubble with "Psst" in cursive text.

These are your planetary horoscopes.

📍 Currently in


A piece of gold paper with “Mercury” in collage letters. Also, a tabby kitten standing on a notebook above the words “stay curious”, and a round rhinestone.

📍 Currently in


A piece of paper with “Venus” in collage letters. Also, a pair of gummy bears, a pink heart with “you woke up gorgeous again this is getting ridiculous x.” in handwritten text, and a red Gerber daisy.

📍 Currently in


A piece of brown paper with “Mars” in collage letters. Also, a half-tone printed hand with long fingernails holding a pair of small antique scissors.

📍 Currently in


A piece of white paper with “Jupiter” in collage letters. Also, a sparkly rainbow sticker, a four-leaf clover, and a pair of white dice.

📍 Currently in


A tan piece of paper with “Saturn” in collage letters. Also, a brown barn owl, a blue shooting star, and a green and orange Saturn sticker.

📍 Currently in


A ripped piece of lined paper with “Chiron” in collage letters. Also, a white, feathered wing being pierced by a sword, and a bandage over the wound.

📍 Currently in


A yellow piece of paper with “Uranus” in collage letters. Also, a UFO, a cluster of gold stars, and an eyeball.

📍 Currently in


A blue piece of paper with “Neptune” in collage letters. Also, a shark sticker, and three blue flowers.

📍 Currently in


A piece of paper with “Pluto” in collage letters. Also, a moth, and a skull with a scared black cat perched on top.

📍 Currently in


A purple piece of paper with “the North Node” in collage letters. Also, a dinosaur skull with orange flames coming out of its mouth.

📍 Currently in


A green piece of paper with “the South Node” in collage letters. Also, the bones of a long vertebrate tail.

📍 Currently in


Astro 101 is in session. Click here to start with the basics.

2025 is packed with pivotal transits. Prep for what’s coming next.

Find out what today holds. Read your daily horoscope.

Astro 101 is in session. Click here to start with the basics.

2025 is packed with pivotal transits. Prep for what’s coming next.

Find out what today holds. Read your daily horoscope.

Half-tone print of the planet Saturn.

If you’re interested in learning more about how planetary movements manifest on Earth…

Listen to down to astro

In this podcast, professional astrologers Chani Nicholas, Thea Anderson, and Eliza Robertson look to the sky to make sense of what’s happening IRL.

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Incense surrounded by gold stars.
A calico cat and white rabbit sitting on an oversized strawberry.