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Chiron is currently roaming the scorched plains of Aries, dabbing cooling balms onto our sunburns and astringent medicines to our tongues. Sometimes we have to break down before we break free or through, and Chiron is an old hand at such therapies.
The minor planet takes 49-51 years to circle the zodiac, and its orbit is wildly elliptical. That means that while it spends only a few years in some signs, it lingers for much longer in others. Chiron entered the sign of Aries in 2019 (after an initial dip during the spring and summer of 2018), and it will transit through this sign until 2026/2027.
That gives the Centaur nearly a decade to work its callused palms over the knots embedded in the Aries corner of your chart. Like any deep-tissue massage, the process could be uncomfortable at times — but that pain can be a wise old teacher, and we’re likely to feel some relief in the weeks after.
The following horoscopes invite you to acknowledge the bruises Chiron may currently be activating, and to lovingly alchemize these aches into wisdom, medicine, and healing.
To dive deeper into your natal Chiron placement, and to see how the centaur interacts with your other chart placements, check out the Chart tab of the CHANI App, which is included in your Premium subscription.
Not seeing Chiron? Try closing and reopening your app. If that doesn’t work, read how to update the app here.
Want to know how Chiron’s movements are impacting this week’s astrology? Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas.