Chiron is currently roaming the scorched plains of Aries, dabbing cooling balms onto our sunburns and astringent medicines to our tongues. Sometimes we have to break down before we break free or through, and Chiron is an old hand at such therapies.
The minor planet takes 49-51 years to circle the zodiac, and its orbit is wildly elliptical. That means that while it spends only a few years in some signs, it lingers for much longer in others. Chiron entered the sign of Aries in 2019 (after an initial dip during the spring and summer of 2018), and it will transit through this sign until 2026/2027.
That gives the Centaur nearly a decade to work its callused palms over the knots embedded in the Aries corner of your chart. Like any deep-tissue massage, the process could be uncomfortable at times — but that pain can be a wise old teacher, and we’re likely to feel some relief in the weeks after.
The following horoscopes invite you to acknowledge the bruises Chiron may currently be activating, and to lovingly alchemize these aches into wisdom, medicine, and healing.
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What if the medicine was in you all along? Administered in gradual doses over the span of nearly a decade, Chiron’s patient teachings bring you back home to yourself. That’s not to say they won’t burn a little on the way down.
In Aries, Chiron uses the leverage of swiftness and heat to sear away insecurities, promoting a cellular regeneration of your body’s capacity to claim space with confidence. Along the way, you might discover the autonomy to heal yourself in the modes you know best.
This process begins the moment you decide to trust yourself and your body’s wisdom, even if it’s just a pinch more than you do already.
Some pills are hard to swallow, but Chiron in Aries seeks to dive head-first into subjects that feel tender. With Chiron simmering in an area of your chart known to be hidden and isolating, a great deal of bravery will be demanded of you to confront the ghosts and ogres looming in your side-mirror.
While other people can work against us at times, these treasons don’t compare to the ways we are tempted to abandon ourselves. The healing modality of the moment will involve loving yourself enough to get a little angry about these letdowns, whether external or internal. Your mental health and the things it responds to are the seat of much therapeutic learning right now.
In self-sufficient Aries, Chiron generally prefers to apply its own bandages, kiss its own bruises, and become fully literate in wound treatment on its own terms. But even if you’re inclined to resist asking for other people’s help, your experience might show you the value of community care in addition to self-healing.
This doesn’t mean you have to negate your agency around your own wellness, but there’s a legion of friends, followers, and like-minded peers who are eager to take notes on what you’ve learned.
In the myth of Chiron, abandonment formed one of the centaur’s heftiest wounds. By learning to tend to your own hurts in collaboration with your support network, you may recover from any lingering sense of loneliness, too.
With Chiron slow-cooking at the apex of your chart, you might start to give a damn about your reputation in ways that feel initially too tender to hold. While you’re ostensibly someone who cares a lot, the sign Aries has an irreverent streak. When it comes to career and visibility, you may present yourself with more boldness than your deeply-felt emotional world would suggest.
Soft people have a way of constructing their own armor, and one way you do so may involve channeling your bravery and bad-assery into your public image and work. Vulnerability is about as courageous as it gets, though, and some of your most profound learning will take place in the open.
You might also wind up steering your professional path in the direction of medicine, perhaps by becoming a healer or source of knowledge around how to remedy various kinds of afflictions.
You’re either in med school or enrolled in a metaphorical program of medicine, healing, and learning from the hurts that so succinctly summarize the human condition. What you do with that knowledge is less of a priority than the fact that you study it, get to know it deeply, and allow it to inform your worldview.
Sometimes Chiron’s wounds derive from a sense of not belonging, and you might feel this most acutely in the form of a profound culture shock. Whether you feel alienated by the dominant norms around you, or you feel unable to relate on account of your politics and spirituality, Chiron in Aries will ask you to confront that tension head-on to reconcile it in ways you can live with.
Not all societies are built to accommodate grief, and if you grew up surrounded by Western values, this is probably especially true for you on some level. The busy pace of modernity has no space for the long, meandering process of bereavement, and it often lacks in ceremony. But regardless of how well your formal education prepared you, you’re a ready student, and the teacher has arrived.
Chiron takes our pain and turns it into an instruction manual, In Aries, the directions it gives might present themselves as an open-source DIY guide. There’s no one-size-fits-all map for confronting the specter of death, loss, fear, and trauma, but the way out is through, and that’s the medicine.
For someone so driven by relationship-building, you’ve probably never had a reason to pop open the hood and examine what’s driving and complicating your urge to merge — at least not to this extent.
Whether your journey with Chiron over the next few years involves a painful breakup, a deep inventory of your relationship wounds, or some form of literal or metaphorical couple’s therapy with your beloved, the love doctor is prescribing you some courage.
Courage, by the way, comes from the Latin word for “heart.” Can you let the pain into your heart, give it the grace of acceptance, and move beyond it? The wisdom of Chiron teaches us that some wounds never heal completely, at least not without leaving their mark. But these are precisely the cracks where the light gets in.
Sometime’s Chiron’s teachings are subtle, but in many ways, you’re being invited on a literal journey into the realm of healing modalities. As the medicine-bringer takes inventory of your health, lifestyle and work habits, a cure is being slowly devised.
This may take the form of a medication, supplement, or natural remedy of some kind, or it may present itself as an alternative form of healing, therapy, or habit correction that helps you thrive.
In self-starting Aries, Chiron encourages you to take initiative when it comes to your own recovery, which could require some self-teaching about the ailments that trouble you. If you were looking for an excuse to get a pet, animals may be incredibly therapeutic to you at this time.
Healing can be hard work, but sometimes it’s exactly the opposite. On this next leg of your Chiron journey, the doctor is prescribing you deep belly laughs and creativity with no agenda. The pressure to monetize your hobbies and blend business into your social life is real, and this may contribute to why you’ve been feeling starved of joy.
Even if you’re a creative by trade, reconnecting with your playfulness can serve as an antidote to wherever you’re feeling tender or wounded. Children (or your thoughts on whether to have them or not) can play a role in this.
Art, music, and physical intimacy can also provide rejuvenating forms of therapy. Chiron in Aries is especially invested in helping you burn away your insecurities through fun and physical pleasure.
Home is where the hearth is, and for many of us, it’s also where the hard is. Hard memories, hard legacies, and hard psychological material to grapple with. As Chiron courses its way through your foundational 4th house, your attention may linger on wounds originating in family or early childhood.Chiron’s story is one of parental neglect and abandonment, so this is a genre of pain the centaur knows intimately. The 4th house also reminds us of our lineage, and part of the medicine for you might involve metabolizing the epigenetic traumas passed down through generations.
It won’t happen overnight, but these processes will educate you in the management of that hurt and bolster your confidence to confront it directly.
Chiron is a healer and a teacher. When it comes to the lessons we receive through the prism of the third house, you might spend Chiron’s long stint in Aries buried in books or podcasts, versing yourself in various medicinal arts, or acquiring skills to add to your healing toolkit.
Given the independent nature of Aries, your lesson plan may be self-directed, and you might feel called to write or speak about what you’ve learned in the process of your recovery. For some of you, painful sibling or extended family dynamics may clamor for your attention. For others, the cure you’ve been seeking may be hiding in your own neighborhood all along.
The blocks we experience around money are rarely just blocks around money. If Chiron teaches you anything over the course of its long sojourn through Aries, it’s that our deep-seated survival needs are disfigured by the ungracious demands of a capitalist system.
As someone with independent Aries patterning your second house, you might be prone to letting a rugged individualist ethos guide your earning or spending habits; Chiron can help you confront where you’ve been wounding yourself unnecessarily around that.
A stubborn tendency to not ask for anyone else’s help can sometimes be a symptom of not having your needs met early on. At their core, Chiron wounds are often abandonment wounds, and the slow and patient medicine of the moment might paradoxically involve ripping the bandaid off.
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