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From January 6th to April 17th, Mars — the planet of action, vitality, and motivation — crawls back through emotionally protective Cancer. This cardinal water sign’s crustacean mascot offers clues to Cancer’s temperament: Its hard shell conceals a soft belly. When the warrior planet enters this moody sign, it becomes concerned with donning its favorite armor and shoring up its fortresses.
At its best, this placement is brave and direct about revealing — and fighting for — the truths in its heart. Courage and compassion go claw in claw. But at its worst, Mars in Cancer avoids vulnerability in favor of pouting, throwing tantrums, or getting passive-aggressive. If you find yourself stewing over resentments or irritations and then lashing out, practice identifying the genuine needs beneath the angst. Softening your defenses and gently tending to what hurts will, paradoxically, reconnect you to your power — and activate your ability to scuttle after your desires with greater confidence.
When Mars — the planet of action, aggression, and assertion — enters Leo on November 3rd, every setting becomes your center stage. Hunger for attention, adoration, and acclaim flares up when the planetary go-getter is in this fixed fire sign. If you find yourself covertly posing at the grocery store or suddenly posting a slew of new glamour shots, give yourself permission to bask in the ensuing applause. Being witnessed in the best possible light isn’t a frivolous thing to want; it’s a healing, transformative experience that we all deserve to enjoy.
But take a time-out from showboating if you notice your ego edging others out of the frame. Competitiveness can be used as fuel to give your all in a constructive way — or it can reflect and perpetuate a scarcity mindset. Resist the urge to raise your claws when someone else is getting their flowers. Celebrating wins — no matter whose they are — makes life more pleasurable for everyone.
On December 6th, Mars stations retrograde, prompting us to review how we work with anger and share our creative gifts. If you experience lagging momentum around this time, this slowdown is serving a crucial purpose: self-reflection. Instead of racing forward with your podcast recordings, audition tapes, or red-carpet rollouts, take this opportunity to check in with yourself and assess whether your projects enliven or deplete you. If they’re no longer inspiring, they may be due for a tune-up.
This is also a potent moment for feeding the sides of ourselves that crave attention. Not receiving the accolades we yearn for can spark frustration and resentment. But we can use this period to overcome any barriers to being celebrated. Take actions that honor and protect the parts of you that want to shine, whether you decide to put yourself out there in a performance art class or turn off the comments on your latest social posts. The praise you earn when you’re being authentically yourself is more meaningful than a thousand trophies and more motivating than a crowd of adoring fans.
Retrograde Mars backtracks into Cancer on January 6th, 2025, and then stations direct in the sign of the crab on February 23rd. By the time Mars re-enters Leo on April 17th, where it will remain until June 17th, you’ll be more attuned to your vitality and prepared to broadcast your talents in a spirit of generosity. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to retreat backstage and take a breather. Temporarily going dark increases your allure and heightens the impact of your next star turn.
From September 4th to November 3rd, Mars — the planet of action, vitality, and motivation — crawls through emotionally protective Cancer. This cardinal water sign’s crustacean mascot offers clues to Cancer’s temperament: Its hard shell conceals a soft belly. When the warrior planet enters this moody sign, it becomes concerned with donning its favorite armor and shoring up its fortresses.
At its best, this placement is brave and direct about revealing — and fighting for — the truths in its heart. Courage and compassion go claw in claw. But at its worst, Mars in Cancer avoids vulnerability in favor of pouting, throwing tantrums, or getting passive-aggressive. If you find yourself stewing over resentments or irritations and then lashing out, practice identifying the genuine needs beneath the angst. Softening your defenses and gently tending to what hurts will, paradoxically, reconnect you to your power — and activate your ability to scuttle after your desires with greater confidence.
From July 20th to September 4th, Mars — the planet of action and drive — moves through chatty, flexible, and inquisitive Gemini. During this time, we get a little more oomph to follow through on our intentions and inspirations. That being said, Mars in Gemini can run hot, and it can stir up urges to jump into social media dumpster fires, to debate for debate’s sake, and to insist on having the last word.
Communication can build bridges of understanding — or it can devolve into an empty echo chamber of anger. Over the next few weeks, our job is to spot the difference. When we do, Mars in Gemini reminds us just how powerful our words and ideas can be — not as abstractions or virtue signals, but as tangible tools to help us solve problems and create something new.
Want to know how Mars’ movements are impacting this week’s astrology? Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas.