When Mars — the planet of action, aggression, and assertion — enters Leo on November 3rd, every setting becomes your center stage. Hunger for attention, adoration, and acclaim flares up when the planetary go-getter is in this fixed fire sign. If you find yourself covertly posing at the grocery store or suddenly posting a slew of new glamour shots, give yourself permission to bask in the ensuing applause. Being witnessed in the best possible light isn’t a frivolous thing to want; it’s a healing, transformative experience that we all deserve to enjoy.
But take a time-out from showboating if you notice your ego edging others out of the frame. Competitiveness can be used as fuel to give your all in a constructive way — or it can reflect and perpetuate a scarcity mindset. Resist the urge to raise your claws when someone else is getting their flowers. Celebrating wins — no matter whose they are — makes life more pleasurable for everyone.
On December 6th, Mars stations retrograde, prompting us to review how we work with anger and share our creative gifts. If you experience lagging momentum around this time, this slowdown is serving a crucial purpose: self-reflection. Instead of racing forward with your podcast recordings, audition tapes, or red-carpet rollouts, take this opportunity to check in with yourself and assess whether your projects enliven or deplete you. If they’re no longer inspiring, they may be due for a tune-up.
This is also a potent moment for feeding the sides of ourselves that crave attention. Not receiving the accolades we yearn for can spark frustration and resentment. But we can use this period to overcome any barriers to being celebrated. Take actions that honor and protect the parts of you that want to shine, whether you decide to put yourself out there in a performance art class or turn off the comments on your latest social posts. The praise you earn when you’re being authentically yourself is more meaningful than a thousand trophies and more motivating than a crowd of adoring fans.
Retrograde Mars backtracks into Cancer on January 6th, 2025, and then stations direct in the sign of the crab on February 23rd. By the time Mars re-enters Leo on April 17th, where it will remain until June 17th, you’ll be more attuned to your vitality and prepared to broadcast your talents in a spirit of generosity. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to retreat backstage and take a breather. Temporarily going dark increases your allure and heightens the impact of your next star turn.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Your muses are in the mood for attention.
Over the coming weeks, the most playful and creative sides of your inner child demand witnessing — and for good reason. Seeking recognition for our radiance and our gifts isn’t superficial or egotistical; it’s vital.
Challenge yourself to display your unique genius freely. Whether you wear a statement jacket to the grocery store or put on a one-person talent show for your friends, give those around you something pleasurable to discuss. Why hide your magic? Share it shamelessly.
Rummage through your costume trunk, gather your favorite props, and bask in the spotlight.
Whether you spent your youth receiving nonstop applause or disguising your talents, the coming weeks are a perfect time to reveal your artistry. It’s healing to be witnessed by an audience, even just by your adoring houseplants during an early-morning karaoke sesh in the kitchen.
Trusting yourself enough to channel your creativity without censoring it reawakens your playfulness — and your power.
Reclaim your airtime.
Over the coming weeks, championing your opinions boosts your magnetism. Whether you press “send” on a controversial hot take or pull out all the stops in a dramatic podcast recording, let your enthusiasm enliven your words.
And don’t declaw your self-expression, even if it sometimes veers into a rant. It’s true that countless other thinkers and creators are hogging the mic these days, but no one can imitate your unmistakable passion. Asserting your uniqueness is a healing corrective for impostor syndrome.
Infuse your fiscal endeavors with the riches of your creativity.
Over the coming weeks, pounce on any opportunity to generate income or recirculate wealth. If you struggle to believe that your talents are worth anything, ignore this negative thinking. Right now, you can learn the most by trusting your instincts, not your mental chatter.
If you feel playful and excited while making something, you’re animating it with valuable vitality. Open up to the possibility of receiving the dollars and cents you deserve in exchange for the bountiful radiance you offer.
Give it up for you, yourself, and you.
Over the coming weeks, take actions that maximize your natural glory. Whether you get new headshots or brag to a therapist about your recent wins, proudly center yourself in your life.
It’s not navel-gazing to celebrate who you are and how far you’ve come. You reconnect with your power when you’re an enthusiastic player on your own team. But resist the urge to crowd out others with your charisma. Authentically expressing your life force is an act of generosity.
It’s rehearsal time.
Over the coming weeks, linger backstage with your muses to amplify your star power. Instead of immediately going public with your endeavors, incubate them privately. Whether you rant to your succulents or make bold collages on your bedroom floor, act for no one’s approval but your own.
When you remove the pressure of an audience from the equation, you can connect more fully with your authentic creativity. That’s more valuable than all the applause in the world.
You’re always a social butterfly, but over the coming weeks, you may feel more like the queen bee of your circle. Own it.
Whether you hold court at gatherings with friends, at community meetings, or in the group chat, take up space. You’re a gifted harmonizer, but that doesn’t mean you don’t crave applause. So bring drama to the dinner party. Show off at the club. Celebrate your pals’ successes exuberantly.
As long as you let others have their spotlight moments too, you deserve to claim your own.
Stealth mode may be your default setting, but there’s no shame in wanting to shine.
Over the coming weeks, act on your ambitions, and seek opportunities to reveal your talents to a broader audience. Zhuzh up your website, sign up for an open mic, or rehearse your comedy routine in your bathroom mirror.
Even if you have to feign confidence at first, it’s worth the effort. But if competitiveness flares up, slow your roll. You glow brightest when you recognize that there’s more than enough stardust to go around.
Seek the dramatic — and the divine.
Over the coming weeks, your quests for truth and adventure receive a generous dose of theatricality. Whether you’re pitching yourself to agents, shining in acting classes, or building an altar to your own X factor, getting creative with your self-adoration will help you grow.
The cosmos is vaster than your ego can comprehend, but that doesn’t mean you need to shrink yourself — quite the opposite. Take the risk and put your talents out there. Your gifts are reminders of the universe’s inexhaustible magic.
Take up more space in your collaborations.
Over the coming weeks, flaunt your assets shamelessly, whether you’re negotiating for a pay raise or self-promoting in a grant application. The surest way to shake off inner naysayers isn’t to argue with them; it’s to act in your own favor despite their doubts.
Even if not all your efforts succeed, you’ll have strengthened the muscles of your confidence and self-respect. But remember to be proactively generous with others around you. Shared wins are more satisfying than solo triumphs.
Prepare to enter diva mode.
Over the coming weeks, your 1:1 relationships — romantic and platonic alike — are sites of dramatic, creative expression. Whether you choose to lavish the VIP treatment on a bestie or to celebrate the artistry of a beloved, soak up the life-affirming nectar of mutual admiration.
But also: Keep your temper in check. If sparks fly and egos roar, consider ducking backstage. Taking in other perspectives with an open mind and heart is a skill, and practicing it makes all your unions come spectacularly alive.
It’s time to sharpen your self-advocacy skills.
Over the coming weeks, challenge yourself to be more audacious in your routines and practical affairs. Volunteering an idea in a meeting or asking your acupuncturist to adjust a needle might seem insignificant — but it isn’t. Acting on your own behalf, consistently and constructively, builds up your confidence over time.
And when egos grip the wheel, remember: It’s not about dominating the supermarket line or “winning” your meditation class; the point is to treat self-care as the important ritual it is.
Ready to make more magic?
Our small-batch Planetary Candles are hand-poured at auspicious times for their respective planets and include affirmations to help you call in extra planetary power. Plus, 100% of the proceeds go to survivors of gender-based violence through our partnership with Gifted by FreeFrom.
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