Half-tone print of the planet Saturn.

A Chani Productions Podcast

Astrology of the Week Ahead

with Chani Nicholas

Join New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas to discuss the astrology of the coming week — and what it might mean for us all.

Pink rabbit atop a bright purple, witchy broomstick.

The Host

Circular polaroid of Chani Nicholas.

Chani Nicholas

Our president & Co-founder

Chani is a New York Times best-selling author and astrologer with a community of over one million monthly readers. She has been a counseling astrologer for than 20 years, guiding people to discover and live out their life’s purpose through understanding their birth chart. She has been featured in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, the New Yorker, the Atlantic, and multiple Netflix series. And yes, she is our namesake.

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A sample CHANI push notification with “Your weekly reading is here” heading followed by an eyeball emoji. Body text reads, “This week, the Full Moon brings a pop quiz on ambition and Mars enters chaos mode.”

Recent Episodes

The Week of March 3rd, 2025

A quiet confidence boost

The astrology of the week of March 3rd, 2025, is relatively low-key — but that doesn’t mean it’s boring. The headlines? The messenger planet zips into Aries, stirring up hot topics and bold conversations, and the Sun and Mars stoke the flames of our courage and vibrancy. It’s the perfect time to plug back into your power and prep for the busier days ahead.

The Week of February 24th, 2025

Feeling deeply with the New Moon in Pisces

The astrology of the week of February 24th, 2025, brings connection to the forefront. The New Moon in Pisces asks us to extend radical compassion to ourselves and our loved ones. And as Venus (the planet of union) retraces its path through Aries, it prompts us to review our relationships — be they with justice, our values, or other people. In all, the next seven days remind us that we’re in this together. But it’s up to us to act on our emotional wisdom.

The Week of February 17th, 2025

Diving deep with Pisces season

The astrology of the week of February 17th, 2025, stirs up critical conversations and emotional downloads. As Pisces season begins, deep feelings about even deeper wounds may bubble to the surface. But with Mars wrapping up its latest lesson in conflict and security, we’re given newfound wisdom to tackle both. In all, the next seven days call for sturdy boundaries, lots of rest, and a little extra care.

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