Jupiter represents how and where you create abundance. Check which sign Jupiter is in to learn how it’s currently showing up in your life.

Stack of books with cartoon monkeys playing on it.
A black star.
An oversized beige skull on a black skeleton torso.
The bones of a long vertebrate tail.
A black star.
A bandage with a red heart on it.
A half-tone print of a hand with long nails holding a pair of vintage scissors.
A four-leaf clover.
The blue planet Neptune.
Winged planet in front of two swans.
The planet Jupiter surrounded by clouds and a rainbow.
A goat skull.
A half-tone print of a llama with a pair of small vintage scssors.
A white pair of dice.
The planet Pluto.
The planet Mars with a cartoon speech bubble saying “What energy!!!”
A black ribbon tied in a bow.
Kiss print in red lipstick.
Black rose.
The planet Saturn.
Grey and white kitten in a tiara.
A sword.
A UFO with a cluster of gold stars below it.


is currently in

is currently in

is currently In



is currently in



is currently in



is currently in



is currently in



is currently in


Horoscopes for Jupiter in Gemini, 2024

On May 25th, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will stay until June 9th, 2025. In this roving, quick-witted air sign, the planet of expansion amplifies our inventiveness, imagination, and powers of expression — plus our drive to learn little facts about lots of things. Think: spelling bee champion x Olympic mathlete with a touch of wizardry.

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Horoscopes for Jupiter in Taurus, 2023 - 2024

Jupiter will be strolling through the verdant plains of Taurus from May 16th, 2023 – May 25th, 2024. Taurus loves material, sensuous pleasures. And Jupiter loves to grow what feels good. In Taurus, Jupiter’s abundance is extra fertile. This is a garden bloomed overnight. A fistful of flowers bursting from every direction. A basket overflowing with fruit.

As an earth sign, Taurus focuses on resources — both the ones we collectively lay claim to and the ones we gather in our own lives. Taurus wisdom reminds us that a resource doesn’t appear out of thin air — the earth is always involved. Jupiter in this sign roots us to our foundation, to the dirt beneath us, to the bounty of our world, and to the ways we extract without consideration.

Accountable growth

Jupiter in Taurus reminds us of the power of slow-growth. It prioritizes sustainable practices that center longevity and cooperation over quick profits and speed. Yes, Jupiter in Taurus teases us with earthly delights, but it also pushes us to identify where they come from, and at what cost.

For the next year, Jupiter in Taurus invites you to examine your personal relationship to the earth: to honor what the earth gives you and to get intentional about giving back in return.

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Horoscopes for Jupiter in Aries, 2022 - 2023

On December 20th, Jupiter re-enters Aries. This is part two of a thriller that played out between May 10th – October 27th/28th, 2022. Now we’re ready for the sequel — a five-month joyride that won’t visit Aries again for another 12 years.

In this cardinal fire sign, the planet of fortune favors the brave. Think Glenda the Good Witch with track shoes on and a glint in her eye. This placement has serious forward momentum. Here, Jupiter will encourage our growth like a coach. There will be sweating, cheering, screaming, and friendly (but ferocious) competition.

Jupiter in Aries wants a win for all.

Brave Expectations

With Jupiter in Aries, we’ll be bolder than usual — daring and down to take the risks necessary for growth. Emergence is the name of this game, and we are sure to see the entrepreneurial spirit blaze in more ways than one.

However, this get up and go type of drive does have a downside.


When we believe our own hype, we distort the truth. It took an entire lineage of humans to get us here: swarms of angels, spirits, and luck we did not earn but were granted anyhow. We are because creation said we could be — for now. May we remember that humility no matter the victories, defeats, or glory we are granted.  

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Horoscopes for Jupiter in Pisces, 2022

Our benevolent fairy godmother / wizard uncle of the cosmos is once again well-resourced to help us help ourselves. In Pisces, Jupiter is at home, comfortable, and at its command center.

Working with Jupiter is generally joyous, as the planet of plenty encourages us to get serious about our pipedreams. However, Jupiter in Pisces is more than accumulation or advancement. It’s about trust. About faith. And the wisdom that finds you when you limber yourself up to give, receive, and believe.

Jupiter cruises back into its watery domain on October 27th, where it lays anchor for just under two months, until December 20th. This is Jupiter’s farewell tour in this sign. It won’t return to Pisces for 12 years. Whatever abundance, blessings, or open-heartedness Jupiter bestowed between May 13th – July 28th, 2021, or December 28th, 2021 – May 10th, 2022, this is the final chapter before Jupiter moves on to other parts of your chart.

Trust yourself to dream big

To make the most of this time, trust your intuition, and your pipedreams. The only limit is your imagination with Jupiter in Pisces, so cast your spells accordingly. Let yourself believe that anything is possible for your future, even if you don’t know how you’re going to get there.

Later, it will be time to draft a concrete plan, but that’s not the priority with Jupiter in Pisces. Every innovation begins with a fantasy for how things could be better: consider this your daydream period. Also know that there’s no way to do this wrong. Jupiter will work its blessings whether or not you’re trying to beckon them.

The following horoscopes are an invitation to consider where in your life you can relax into abundance, align with the principle of generosity, and trust the luck that falls into your lap.

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White dove in flight on a witchy broomstick.

Want to know how Jupiter’s movements are impacting this week’s astrology? Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas.

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Halftone print of a hand holding a megaphone.