From January 6th to April 17th, Mars — the planet of action, vitality, and motivation — crawls back through emotionally protective Cancer. This cardinal water sign’s crustacean mascot offers clues to Cancer’s temperament: Its hard shell conceals a soft belly. When the warrior planet enters this moody sign, it becomes concerned with donning its favorite armor and shoring up its fortresses.
At its best, this placement is brave and direct about revealing — and fighting for — the truths in its heart. Courage and compassion go claw in claw. But at its worst, Mars in Cancer avoids vulnerability in favor of pouting, throwing tantrums, or getting passive-aggressive. If you find yourself stewing over resentments or irritations and then lashing out, practice identifying the genuine needs beneath the angst. Softening your defenses and gently tending to what hurts will, paradoxically, reconnect you to your power — and activate your ability to scuttle after your desires with greater confidence.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Explore the ways that your early caregivers or ancestral legacies have shaped your relationship with anger.
Whether you’re proactive in the extreme or prone to biting your tongue in the heat of the moment, trace your hotheaded habits back to their source. Understanding how your drive was stoked or squelched when you were young is essential for stewarding your vitality more effectively now.
And if tensions with roommates or kin build over the coming months, summon your compassion. Defusing conflict with a bit of heart will strengthen all your bonds.
Prepare to share your most powerful ideas.
If you’re driven to take action against injustice, remember to read the room. You don’t have to water down what you think, but pausing to compassionately check in with your audience will help your message land more effectively.
And if you experience a sharp uptick in appointments or meetings in your schedule, pencil in rest and replenishment. Prioritizing regular doses of serious downtime will keep your inner flame burning.
Over the coming months, channel your energy and drive into making bold financial moves.
Whether that means kicking off a fresh entrepreneurial venture, negotiating a raise, or protesting economic injustice, be proactive about pursuing what you want. If you butt heads with others over fiscal matters, check in with your emotions. Sometimes tensions rise because we’re not being honest about our needs.
The more truthful you are about your own aims, the easier it will be to clear the air — and reroute back to co-creating mutual abundance.
Nurture your nervous system.
Over the coming months, you’re set to experience a fresh wave of courage and vitality. Channel your increased determination and drive into pursuing your passion projects, whether that means brewing more homemade stews or amping up your self-confidence.
But to avoid blowing any fuses in the process, remember to tend to your physical needs. Taking regular time-outs to relax and decompress will replenish your energy reserves.
Retreat with gusto.
Over the coming months, channel your vitality into cultivating your restful habits and behind-the-scenes artistry. Whether that means crafting a new game plan for bedtime or sticking glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling, nourish yourself by creating your ideal dream oasis or sacred schedule.
If you have trouble defending your right to solitude and downtime, remember: Your feelings are always valid, and “no” is a complete sentence. You don’t need to give your energy to everyone who asks for it. Setting boundaries keeps your magic and magnetism radiant.
Cultivate communities of care.
Over the coming months, enliven your world by fostering friendships and alliances that are built on trust, compassion, and vulnerability. Whether that means gossiping with pals over brunch or incorporating more of your heart’s agenda into your activism goals, lead with emotional transparency.
And if you find yourself overwhelmed by moodiness in the middle of a gathering, give yourself space to decompress. Temperamental feelings are often rooted in unmet needs. Honoring your own vitality expands what you have to offer those around you.
Take action on your professional goals.
Over the coming months, your public offerings receive a boost, so ride the momentum. Whether that means making bold moves in your current career or nurturing your longer-term ambitions, tend to your heart’s desires.
And notice the fickle moods that can affect your aspirations. Your emotional intelligence is a wise compass guiding you toward success, but sometimes you need to throw a tantrum before you can get a clear read. Make a fuss if you need to, and your sense of direction will return.
Feed your sense of adventure.
Whether you want to scale mountain peaks, learn a new language, or flutter your third eye, the coming months offer ample opportunities to channel your energy and drive into expanding your intellectual vistas.
A word of advice: Being proactive helps. When you get stuck in moody feels about your latest trip itinerary or educational pursuit, grant yourself permission to privately vent about it. Then take action anyway. You’ll build positive momentum with your willingness and effort.
Bring your desires to the negotiating table.
Over the coming months, asserting what you want from your exchanges propels you closer to your goals. Think: lucrative business arrangements, grants, scholarships, or loans.
But pay attention to the sensitive sides of your psyche that get prodded when you try to advocate for yourself, and reflect on what you need to thrive. If you feel called to throw a private tantrum or set fiercer boundaries with others to honor your soft spots, do so. Your inner and outer gold awaits.
Schedule regular check-ins for your 1:1 commitments.
Over the coming months, proactively asserting your needs in your closest relationships — whether romantic, platonic, or professional — is your most effective success strategy. It can be easy to assume that besties, beloveds, or business partners should know how to intuit what we’re feeling, but no one’s a mind reader.
Going the extra mile to initiate difficult discussions will prevent any simmering resentments from boiling over — and keep the air clear in the long run.
Alchemize frustrations into proactive game plans.
Over the coming months, note what sets off your temper in your work or wellness endeavors. If you’re dissatisfied with your 9-to-5 or tired of your usual health regimens, this irritation is useful information. When you dig beneath the surface of your peeves, chances are you’ll find an unmet need.
Your task? Clearly articulating your core necessities and fiercely advocating for them. Being on the side of care — for yourself and others — is the ultimate healing act.
Revitalize your inspirations.
Whether you want to learn a new art form, fall in love, or just have more fun, let your imagination lead the way. Over the coming months, reconnecting with your childlike side will help you build a life that’s both nourishing and exciting. Revisit the pastimes that enthralled your younger self and exercise your natural instinct for joyful creation.
If tensions arise in your pursuit of happiness, practice clearly and compassionately advocating for your wishes. When you take initiative, you’re more likely to get what you desire.
Ready to make more magic?
Our small-batch Planetary Candles are hand-poured at auspicious times for their respective planets and include affirmations to help you call in extra planetary power. Plus, 100% of the proceeds go to survivors of gender-based violence through our partnership with Gifted by FreeFrom.
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