November 20, 2024
As we bid farewell to Scorpio season, reflect on everything you’ve unearthed about your deepest desires for your calling. What ambition is still simmering on the back burner, and how can you return it to a full boil? Life is too short to feel lukewarm about your life’s path, so blast through any last bouts of impostor syndrome holding you back. Let your imagination overflow with dreams of your ideal public self. By reframing your worldly goals as sites of constant regeneration, you’ll never be stuck.
Continue readingNovember 19, 2024
You’ll be going through a deeply personal evolution over the next 20 years — but first you need to scour away the outer layers that no longer reflect your innermost sense of self. Ease into the mysteries of your metamorphosis as Pluto enters Aquarius. Though transforming your fundamental identity is never comfortable, the wings you’ll grow and the freedom you’ll find will be worth it. Whether you ink a major milestone on your skin or bare your most vulnerable feelings to the world, your authenticity will make waves.
Continue readingNovember 18, 2024
Today, strike up conversations with thought-provoking people. Swap stories with community elders. Spam the group chat with “would you rather” questions. It’s important to learn from others while enjoying their company. And your networks have plenty to teach you. If they push you to rethink how you bond or behave socially, accept the paradigm shift. That’s what friends are for.
Continue readingNovember 17, 2024
You’re at a crossroads when it comes to your inner world. Buried desires or relationship fears might be surfacing right now. However daunting it may seem, the only path forward is through. So meditate on your anxieties. Journal about your self-limiting beliefs. Or dissect that spooky dream with a friend. When you confront the mystery within, you catalyze healing and clear space for better things to come.
Continue readingNovember 16, 2024
Today, notice where you feel confined in your public-facing life. You might be tempted to mix things up in your career or greater calling. Just remember to vet your ideas before acting on them. It may not be wise, for instance, to send an office-wide memo on a whim. But there are plenty of small ways to appease your restless spirit. Share a meme with your closest colleague. Picture ten versions of your professional future. When you funnel your energy toward something positive, your next steps will become clear.
Continue readingNovember 15, 2024
This Taurus Full Moon shines a light on your roots and home life. Right now, the ways you tend to your foundations are reaching a crescendo. Maybe your houseplants are thriving, or maybe you’ve deepened your bonds with family or chosen family. Bask in the comfort and stability of your domestic rituals. Today’s energy has an electric charge to it, making these practices all the more pivotal. So pour that mug of tea, slip into your softest jammies, and enjoy.
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