Two black pawprints.
An open safety pin.
A black cat laying over a doodle circle.
An eyeball crystal ball inside a doodle circle.
A black snake coiled inside a doodle circle.
A hand sitting on a severed branch inside a doodle circle.
A set of golden scales inside a doodle circle.
Horse figurine inside a doodle circle.
A golden wand inside a doodle circle.
A ceramic teapot and blue gemstones inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A blue flower inside a doodle circle.
A plush goat stuffed animal inside a doodle circle.
A cow figurine inside a doodle circle.
A star fish surrounded by a doodle circle.
Pearl surrounded by a doodle circle.
An oyster surrounded by a doodle circle.
Two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
A gold mirror.
Yellow gemstone.
Amber gemstone.
Illustration of a lit match and the orange glow radiating from the flame.
A green crayon inside a doodle circle.
A green gemstone inside a doodle circle.
A shooting star sticker.
A gold star.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A pearl inside a doodle circle.

February 12, 2025

The Full Moon in Leo is blazing bright over your daily life and communication projects. Reflect on how these themes have evolved over the past six months and what’s culminating around them now. If you’ve been craving bolder self-expression or more confidence in your interactions, Luna’s here to amp you up. But if this time feels exhausting, it’s okay to dip for a bit. Your one-liners have a better chance of landing after a quick catnap.

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December 25, 2024

Keep your notes app open. Over the coming day, record every flash of interpersonal insight you receive. In particular, run a mental highlighter over any epiphanies about your committed partnerships, whether romantic or platonic. Your ability to imagine fresh possibilities for your unions is stronger than usual. Take advantage of your heightened brainstorming prowess by envisioning new ways of connecting that are abundant, expansive, and inspiring. Your thoughts are blueprints for your future realities. Map them with care.

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December 24, 2024

As optimism about your public offerings swells, harsh reality sets in. If you’re on this seesaw right now, leave it behind. You have a multitude of unique gifts to share with the world, but delivering them effectively requires practicality. You don’t have to forfeit your grand schemes to accept that you and your ideal audience both possess finite time and energy. Working within limitations doesn’t mean giving up on your passions; it just nudges you toward taking a savvier approach. Let creative constraints help your dreams come true.

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December 23, 2024

You may be at a crossroads in your joint ventures and material collaborations. Today, identify what needs shedding in these areas. Pay special attention to any codependent dynamics in your romantic or creative life. It’s not always easy to stop people-pleasing and own your desires, but doing so is key to forging sustainable give-and-takes. So bid farewell to being overly invested in what others ask of you. By asserting your preferences, you’ll plug back into your power.

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December 22, 2024

Analyze your relationships with your playmates, romantic loves, or creative collaborators. What’s one interpersonal habit you’re ready to drop? Maybe it’s the way you people-please on dates. Or maybe it’s your tendency to sugarcoat the truth in painting class. Whatever the case, allow yourself to let go. If helpful, you can artfully ritualize this release. Write stale patterns in glitter pen and shred the paper. Or dance out of your old self and into a new, healthier one. A spoonful of sugar helps the cord-cutting go down.

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December 21, 2024

Raise the bar in your joint ventures. Whether you assert firmer boundaries with business partners or commit to weekly check-ins with roommates, establish supportive structures in your material collaborations as the Sun enters Capricorn. If setting yourself up for success requires burrowing under a comforter, do it. Taking adequate time to rest up and digest all that you’ve already accomplished this year helps clarify your path to victory. When you tend to your own needs first, it gets easier to take actions that elevate everyone involved in your co-creations.

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December 20, 2024

As Sagittarius season wraps up, reflect on its teachings. Over the last few weeks, you’ve learned plenty about roadblocks and leaps of faith in your 1:1 bonds. The challenges you’ve faced may have felt insurmountable at first. But consider what they’ve taught you about daring to improvise alongside your nearest and dearest. When you metabolize these lessons, you integrate them deeply into your relationships. So draft up a plan as you go — together. This is how your adventure begins.

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