December 31, 2024
It’s time to close out 2024 and welcome in fresh opportunities for 2025. Bid this year farewell however tickles your fancy. Write down everything you’re ready to shed and ritualistically rip up your list. Whisper spells for the abundance and creativity you wish to conjure at your altar. Move slowly and gently process whatever arises for you. And if you just want to get cozy in bed, that’s more than fine. Prioritize what feels good. There’s no better way to meet your next chapter than all snuggled up and well-rested.
Continue readingDecember 30, 2024
Out with the old, in with the New Moon. Today’s lunation is clearing out the dust bunnies in your daily work routines and health regimens. Bid farewell to whatever isn’t working for you, and clarify your intentions for your wellbeing. If you need more time throughout the day to meditate, read in the tub, or commune with nature, make moves. Habits are built through small, consistent actions. And if getting started feels tricky, Luna is eager to assist. All you have to do is ask.
Continue readingDecember 29, 2024
Over the past five months, you’ve been tackling self-doubt about your long-range goals. Going after what you want requires courage, whether it’s self-publishing your novel or taking a solo trip abroad. What have you learned about the way you pursue your dreams? What inner or outer obstacles tend to block your path? When challenges arise, you can either shrink or shine. Stay gentle with yourself as you practice the latter.
Continue readingDecember 28, 2024
As 2024 simmers down, reflect on what you’ve accomplished this year. Everything you’ve achieved or struggled with over the past twelve months has shaped you. Offer gratitude for it all. Celebrate the sweetness of your victories and the lessons your challenges have taught you. Then turn your focus toward your to-do list. What’s next? What do you want to manifest in your work life or wellness routines in the coming year? Specificity is a powerful form of magic. Let this New Moon help you cast it.
Continue readingDecember 27, 2024
Today, your desires for freedom and intimacy are at odds with one another. And while commitment and discovery aren’t mutually exclusive, they may feel that way right now. So take your loved ones on a spontaneous adventure. Check out an unfamiliar area, attend a unique art class, or mix up your usual recipes. Following your instincts bolsters your bonds. What will you explore together?
Continue readingDecember 26, 2024
Fantasies require fact checks. If you’ve been brainstorming ways to infuse your days with more fun, now’s the moment to invite your discernment to the disco. Whether you’ve been comparing options for painting classes or stacking up ambitious cookbooks, consider your limitations. Taking an honest inventory of your time and energy isn’t the most glamorous activity, but it is the prerequisite for living it up without burning yourself out. Combine your revelry with realism. Your future self will thank you.
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