Mercury entered Gemini on May 3rd and stays until July 11th. Here, Mercury is in its home sign and well-equipped to excel at all written and verbal exchanges.
During this time, Mercury will be retrograde from May 29th – June 22nd. In the midst of that, there will be a solar eclipse in Gemini just before Mercury’s inferior conjunction to the Sun, a gilded lightbulb moment in Mercury’s retrograde journey, and the inauguration of a new cycle.
Mercury’s transit through Gemini invites you to follow all manner of curiosities. If the retrograde period leads you astray, know that Mercury is skilled at navigating the most winding of routes.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Thea Anderson.
Aries & Aries Rising
When Mercury darts into Gemini on May 3rd, your command control center is due for a drastic and somewhat frenetic overhaul. Questions/concerns multiply in your inbox, and it seems you have the agility to tackle them. That said: prepare for matters to get complicated.
The planet of communication turns rogue trickster as it stations retrograde on May 29th. Not only that, Mercury’s squares to Neptune during this period will make communications even more vulnerable to obfuscation. The importance of slowing down while delivering important messages only intensifies with the eclipses that are woven into late May and early June. Everything deserves to be double-checked before hitting “send.” By July 6th, Mercury and Neptune repeat the question, asking (one more time) if what you say is really what you mean. But by now, if you’ve done your due-diligence, there’ll be no getting one over you.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
On May 3rd, Mercury flits into Gemini with pen and paper ready to reevaluate communications. At the top of the month, you dive into the data with the goal to make sense of a dizzying array of facts. However, it soon becomes clear that you’ll have to plan for inconsistencies, red herrings, and diversions regarding your income streams, budgets, or bank balances.
As Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, circuitous routes will be the ones you travel in regards to your possessions. (Speaking of possessions, backup your tech.) Interloping with a pair of eclipses, this retrograde further befuddles when it comes to material concerns and earnings. Keep your receipts and remember that this backtracking primes you to get specific and detail-oriented when it comes to your bottom line. By early July, you can more readily spot ill-intentioned merchants or business proposals in your midst and say, “no thank you,” to whatever deal appears too good to be true. If you’ve done the work to deeply and thoroughly account for all that belongs to you, you’ll be able to steer clear of the work that isn’t yours to entertain.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
On May 3rd, Mercury enters Gemini, amplifying your messages and helping to distribute them far and wide. For the next ten weeks, the fleet-footed ruler of your chart will pick up on any distortions of self that you are working through. Given the kaleidoscope filters and funhouse mirrors that we contend with everyday online, these distortions are no wonder. However, on May 29th, as Mercury stations retrograde between eclipses, all discrepancies are exaggerated. With ample opportunity to reassess the equation between your inner dialogue and the external perceptions projected onto you, these next couple of months aim to help you reclaim your truth.
By the end of Mercury’s journey through your sign, what you emerge with is an unwavering and unflinchingly honest vision statement for yourself and life. Frame it. Hang it up where you’re sure to be reaffirmed by it often.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
Mercury flies into Gemini on May 3rd giving you the ability to communicate with fluency and wit. With the messenger planet in this part of your chart, you evaluate and speak to information that would normally fly under the radar. The right words will come in periods of solitude or when in communion with nature or dazzling cityscapes.
On May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde and the assignment changes. You will want to reassess the mysteries and perplexities of the world by finding a tradition that supports the seeker in you. Practice automatic writing or speak with a trusted confidante as an outlet for the revelations that are still steeped in shadow. The challenge is to not merely accept the messages from the world, but to arrive at a truth that resonates with you. By the end of Mercury’s ten-week foray in Gemini, you articulate truths that have been tested in the field.
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Leo & Leo Rising
On May 3rd, Mercury soars into Gemini, ready to disseminate fun factoids or intel in a way that is distinctly social. The planet of words is visiting the part of your chart that belongs to friends and alliances. It’s as if you’ve tapped into the zeitgeist and can now speak to what’s in the ether across various channels.
On May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde, inviting a few complications in and among your network. If someone is playing pretend with facts, get on your Veronica Mars and investigate recent exchanges. Remember to read between the lines — there’s always a subtext and a subtweet — to grok the true sentiment. By June 22nd, Mercury returns to its regular programming, and your people trust you to express the group consensus.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
Mercury swoops into Gemini on May 3rd and the winged ruler of your chart is ready to broadcast your message in a highly visible way. You’re okay with the prime time slot, because the planet of communication is doing what it does best — exchanging, examining and interpreting exciting concepts. The varied ideas that you’ve nurtured behind the scene now have their moment in the spotlight.
On May 29th, your messaging becomes susceptible to crossed wires or weird misunderstandings. Spend the month of June revisiting first drafts, especially if you want to go public. Practice saying what you mean and repeat yourself if you need to. The people want to hear from you, so proceed to signal-boost your most visible projects.
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Libra & Libra Rising
When Mercury alights into Gemini, you are newly enlivened by conversations that increase your capacity for knowledge. The seeker in you is lit up and eager to expand to new frontiers of the mind. Access libraries of wisdom and revisit your past curiosities. Dabble, dialogue and discover over the next ten weeks. Then, on May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde, prompting a review of faith traditions and practices. It’s a little like going to the oracle and getting a riddle for an answer. Allow for the slow reveal.
June 10th is a watershed moment for higher-plane downloads. Spend time rewriting and reframing wisdom traditions in a way that resonates with you based on what you know now. Knowledge can heal. The path to understanding may twist and turn, but trust that it will ultimately deliver you to the right place.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
When Mercury zips into Gemini on May 3rd, you communicate with keen understanding around what you create in closeness with another. Over the next ten weeks, negotiate and fine-tune the verbal agreements on all the “treasures” that are on loan. Talk out the terms of entanglement, whether romantically or financially speaking. Implement new patterns of communication, track your joint-spending, and compile the data from all parties.
When Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, dive even deeper and think out the variables that come with collaboration, even if the truth appears elusive. What else needs to get said in this intimate space? Spend the month of June contemplating the mystery of truly knowing someone deeply. What emerges is a renewed way to talk about power and vulnerability. We haven’t always been taught how to have these conversations, but we can certainly learn.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Mercury breezes into Gemini on May 3rd, and over the next ten weeks you engage in thrilling conversations that stimulate a plethora of curiosities. Find a partner, bestie, or loved one who can match you in breadth and range of subject matter. One exchange branches into many more and suddenly you are crossing between varied interests, affinities and topics.
On May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde, prompting you to rehash and revisit certain conversational threads. Engage in active listening. So often, what another person says differs from what they mean. Spend the month of June examining the texts and tidbits from your closest confidantes, as there could be more there than you originally heard. Your ability to decipher and read between the lines establishes a true dialogue.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
On May 3rd, Mercury lands in Gemini, set to recharge talks around systems and processes. Over the next ten weeks, document your way to efficiency as you specify, in writing, all the prongs of your work. If you can compile data around that work, even better, because clear patterns emerge now.
On May 29th, Mercury stations retrograde and your attention will magnetize to anything that appears out of order. You may have to press pause and retrace your log history. If the solution eludes you, ask yourself, “what if I already knew?” It may take time, energy and thought but that’s time well-spent during the month of June. Your ability to think through the minutia helps establish a process that circumvents kinks down the line.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Mercury glides into Gemini on May 3rd, ready to express a wide range of curiosities and pastimes. These ten weeks are playful and inquisitive in your conversations, as well as the pursuits that give you joy. Exploratory, open minded play enlivens your creative self.
On May 29th, when Mercury stations retrograde, consult your inner child for ideas on how to invite more fun into your life. Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve let yourself relax, or perhaps your tastes have changed. Spend the month of June cycling out the old for the new. By retracing the path of a past diversion, you can build a bridge back to the muses and live interests that keep you stimulated.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
On May 3rd, Mercury flutters into Gemini, prepared to boost the signal on all your conversations at home. Over the next ten weeks, dialogue with your elders, roommates, and innermost circle. You are keen to know the real story of your roots, tradition and home now. Gather information over virtual interviews, dig into newspaper archives, and most of all, ask questions.
On May 29th, as Mercury stations retrograde, allow for the past to be reexamined. Where has myth-making not served you and what are you primed to address when it comes to your lineage? This research can reveal new truths during the month of June, helping you tell a more precise origin tale and become the story keeper of your people.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
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