Polarity: Diurnal
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
Traditional ruler: Mercury
Keywords: Curious and conversational
Symbol: ♊ (The twins)
As the sign of mutable air, Gemini is the zodiac’s ultimate cross-pollinator. It’s an eternal student, magician, and occasional trickster. Ruled by Mercury — the planet of communication and data processing — Gemini is endlessly inquisitive, comfortable with paradox, and distractible. If you have planets or angles in Gemini, you prefer the lands of “either/or” to total certainty.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Gemini season coincides with the peaking of the light and the frenzy of new growth. Consider the playful antics of young animals in late spring. Or the speedy errands of bees. Gemini possesses these webbings of interconnection. Like dandelion seeds on the wind, its thoughts and concepts scatter wide.
If you have key placements in this sign, your life may be steered by the crosswinds of duality. The symbol for Gemini is the twins, and Gemini people can appear to be everywhere and nowhere at once. Defying the laws of gravity, space, and time, shape-shifting comes naturally. But as you flit between contradictions, it can be easy to lose who you are at the core. When distorted, this sign can become inconsistent, gossipy, and distracted. Remember to balance your endless stream of information with discretion and integrity. Give your zingers time to percolate.
Gemini’s flexibility is a gift for projects or undertakings with lots of moving parts. This sign has a knack for perceiving the patterns in vast swathes of data. Like the frantic detective with his corkboard and string, you might get impatient if others can’t keep up with the connections you’re weaving. Pauses for questions from the audience are your friend.
But the world would be a dull place indeed without Gemini’s wit and way with words. We need tricksters and contrarians to deconstruct ideas that have grown too stale. Of all the signs, Gemini reminds us that the Earth is teaming with plurality. The variety show of the twins is just the spice our lives need.
Note: Each sign has its own signature style, and every planet or point has to function through the filter of the sign it’s in. The manner in which this happens depends on all the planets, points, and signs involved. To find out which placements you have in Gemini, download the CHANI app or use our chart tool.

What does it mean to have one of your “big three” in Gemini?
Sun in Gemini
The Sun travels through Gemini from around May 21st to June 20th every year, though the exact dates will vary. Sol’s spotlight in this sign illuminates endless factoids, bits of knowledge, and open Wiki tabs. With the Sun in Gemini, you feel most vital in life’s marketplaces, message boards, and hubs of commerce. But even the zodiac’s social butterfly needs its solo time. Working with your hands, breathwork, or meditation can help you find your center again. As a buzzing hive of ideas and commentary, folks turn to you for analysis in these complex times. As well as comic relief.
Moon in Gemini
With your Moon in Gemini, curiosity is more than a trivial pursuit — it’s self-care. You have a deep emotional need to gather as much information as possible. To ask all the questions. Feelings can shift on a dime with this Moon sign, but one of your gifts is your ability to poke fun at yourself, even when you’re pouting. The Moon in Gemini creates safety through conversation and self-soothes through learning — though the mind’s hamster wheel can spin out when you’re dysregulated. Understanding that you are not necessarily your thoughts can be incredibly liberating for this Moon sign.
Ascendant (aka rising sign) in Gemini
If your ascendant is in Gemini, you may be known for asking more questions than you answer. Like the juggler keeping the plate, the torch, and the bowling pin aloft, you delight in creating momentum out of your multitudes. Forever in motion, life is in the footnotes, the digressions, and the sidequests. With Mercury the messenger as your chart ruler, you need the freedom to switch directions. After all, this planet is retrograde three to four times per year. Though your willingness to dwell in uncertainty can be read as ungrounded, this mental nimbleness is part of your charm.

What it means to have other planets and points in Gemini
Mercury in Gemini
Mercury is at home in Gemini, bringing you the gift of the gab. This placement is mentally dexterous. Silver-tongued. Insatiably curious. With the messenger in Gemini, you take a collage approach to meaning. Clashing bits of trivia with profound truths, your message emerges from the collision of all the factoids jangling in your mind. Though your mental ping-pong isn’t for everyone, your wit wrangles quite an audience.
Venus in Gemini
Venus in Gemini is the hummingbird drinking from every flower in the garden. Taking a multi-pronged approach to pleasure and relationships, your dance card is full of brunch dates, French lessons, pottery classes, and book clubs. The main challenge is not spreading yourself too thin. Connections that center learning are the nectar you crave.
Mars in Gemini
With Mars in Gemini, the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. Dishing out the hottest takes and juggling multiple debates, you fight the good fight with your words. With this placement, you might start more fires in the comment section than you have time or energy to put out. Balancing your exposés with discretion — even a weighty pause — will serve you in the long run.
Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter is considered in detriment in Gemini, which means you may struggle to find an equilibrium between the mythic and the micro. With this placement, you are learning to balance matters of faith with fact-checks. You’re attending to life’s delightful details, even as you chase dragons into the sunset.
Saturn in Gemini
With Saturn in Gemini, you might need time alone to reflect and ruminate before you share your ideas. Resisting gossip and idle chit-chat, you’d prefer not to mince words. With a critic louder than others, establishing a compassionate inner script is crucial. And in all channels of communication, a little mirth and mischief can break the ice. If Saturn’s got your tongue, know that even the planet of limits can be disarmed by a joke.
Chiron in Gemini
With Chiron in Gemini, your curiosity is a mentor. Though this placement can bring hurdles in early education or a feeling of not being heard at a formative time, your words become a healing balm as you mature. If you find yourself searching for your twin, always return to your own exquisite wholeness.
Uranus in Gemini
You’re not afraid to poke the hornet’s nest — with lightning speed, from every possible angle. Uranus loves to shatter the status quo. In Gemini, it will do so with subversive ideas, grassroots activism, flash mobs, and the disruptive power of irony. Though your deconstruction is often needed, this placement needs to commit to building something new from the pieces too.
Neptune in Gemini
Neptune hasn’t been in Gemini since 1902, which means the next generation of people with this placement doesn’t exist yet — we’ll have to wait until 2052. In Gemini, Neptune will bring its themes of illusion, fantasy, and idealism to the realm of communication technologies, science, and social debates. While this signature could usher in a renaissance in AI, mind-bending forms of information transmission, and youth-based movements, we’ll need to be more vigilant than ever in pinning down the truth.
Pluto in Gemini
Pluto hasn’t been in Gemini since 1914, and it won’t be again until 2132. If we reflect on past generations of Pluto in Gemini, they include people who transform themselves and the world through powerful ideas and even bursts of chaos.
North Node in Gemini
With the North Node in Gemini, learning is crucial, mental stimulation is a must, and the freedom to roam between many schools of thought is absolutely necessary.
South Node in Gemini
With the South Node in Gemini, your more playful side can feel the pinch. You might prefer to go deep into one subject, rather than falling down all the rabbit holes.
MC in Gemini
If your MC (or midheaven) is in Gemini, you’re a jack-of-all-trades in your career, vocation, or public roles. When it comes to the threads of your many talents, you want the freedom to weave them all together. Your life’s most important work will be centered on communication, writing, data processing, or even the wares you make with your hands. Whether you’re a ventriloquist, a meme page owner, or a fan-fic enthusiast, you want your outward-facing life to hold your multitudes.
IC in Gemini
When the IC is in Gemini, your home, family life, and lineages hold many stories. Inside jokes are passed down like heirloom linens. Whether or not you want to tell the tale of those who came before, these memories hold poignancy. Your connection to your kin may have felt more cerebral too — playing pranks, racing the crossword, and competing in the pun Olympics. Your caregivers modeled playfulness and adaptability, but you might still be unraveling their more inconstant or ungrounded tendencies. You’ll want to cultivate the grounding practices that felt elusive in childhood.
DC in Gemini
Your DC in Gemini is searching for its comrade in curiosity. You magnetize connections that strike mental sparks. Whether you’re trading field notes on your love languages or starting a podcast with your bestie, a constant stream of dialogue is crucial in your closest partnerships. This placement can have you searching restlessly for your “twin”: the bestie, beloved, or collaborator who completes your mile-a-minute thoughts. Just remember that you are already exquisitely whole.

Affirmation for Gemini
I am as reflective as I am inquisitive.