Your horoscopes for April 2019 are published with a companion Cosmic Playlist that I curate in collaboration with Spotify. April is home to a new moon in Aries, arriving this Friday, April 5, at 1:50 AM PT. Aries is a sign known for its ability to take brave, bold actions towards what it desires and this new moon encourages us to do the same. It’s a new moon that asks us to challenge our self-doubt by being thoughtfully responsible to all that we have committed to. It’s a new moon that demonstrates the transformational nature of being discerning, deliberate, and unwilling to be halted by unfounded fears. I hope these April horoscopes and playlists inspire, delight, and affirm you!
If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work. We really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
Whatever reminds you that you are enough needs to be placed front and center in all you do. Whatever salves help you heal the parts of yourself that feel inferior, inadequate, or devalued, need to be applied every day. Whatever helps you to reset your system needs to be practiced with regularity.
You are allowed to begin again; with work, with relationships, with your whole life. Remind yourself as often as you can that your job is to develop a relationship to your life that centers you as its courageous protagonist. Once upon a time is right now.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
The first 3 weeks of April asks what it means to balance rest and renewal with action and accomplishment. It’s a month that puts the finishing touches on some of your more important work projects. It’s a month that illuminates the importance of stamina when applied to all that feels too important to give up on.
Sometimes it takes many moons for a project to come to completion. Take pride in being able to push through the professional doubts that along the way are only trying to derail you. Keep finding ways to give your dream job a chance to become a reality.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
April celebrates the successes that you experience when you put yourself in the social circles that feel like the right fit for your growth. It’s cute to be praised. It’s not helpful to be unfairly criticized. It’s hard, however, to grow if the people we surround ourselves with aren’t able to give us an honest reflection.
Folks that aren’t afraid to be honest and generous, thoughtful and courageous, triumphant and still learning are likely to inspire you to do the same. Find a way to give to the audiences that you’re holding captive right now the same kind of stellar sentiment.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Whether or not you are being paid for your passions at this stage in your career, isn’t the point. Developing, trusting, and believing in the power of your gifts, when applied with consistency and sincerity is the only thing you need to focus on or prove to yourself.
Your greatest talents are the ones that you came into the world with, like a seed deep within you. When you trace them back, you’ll always be able to see the roots in your earliest yearnings, imaginings, and offerings. April’s astrology continues to highlight how deeply your desires are planted within you. Keep watering accordingly.
Leo & Leo Rising
April wants you to feel free to roam as long as it means meeting your responsibilities with willingness. This spring urges you to forge new professional paths, ones that help you get the job done with a style all your own.
The more you are able to trust your own insights and intuitions about what your professional life needs, the more you’ll be able to inspire other’s faith in your vision. The world reacts with great interest when you declare your ideas with thoughtful and steady confidence in your learning process. You don’t have to know how to get from A to B, you just need the desire to do so innovatively.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
April asks you to get your financial life in order. Sometimes just knowing what we have to work with is enough to inspire new ideas about how to work with it. How you create with the resources you currently have is highlighted, but so too are the resources that you might not always value.
Do an inventory of your skills, tools, and talents. You might be pleasantly surprised at how much you have to harness. The clearer you get on what you are good at, what you’ve got at your disposal, and what you aren’t built for, the freer you are to move towards what works. Knowing where you shine is half the battle.
Libra & Libra Rising
April comes bearing significant gifts for you to reap. Given your level of commitment, the benefits that befall you should be proportionate to the efforts you’ve made. With the second of two full moons in your sign, this month helps you get the extra boost you need.
The more you consciously keep putting yourself in spaces with the people that you admire, the places that inspire your best to come forth, and practices that you want your life to revolve around, the clearer the value add of your contribution becomes. This is true during any astrology, but it’s made extra obvious under these skies.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
In life, there is a certain amount of luck that occurs whether we try to create it or not. Sometimes that luck comes in the form of what we are asked to let go of. Sometimes it comes in the form of unknowingly getting ourselves to the right place at the right time. April gives you a little of both.
Trusting your instincts and following them up with effort is an incredibly sound recipe for success. Pay special attention to the work projects that are demanding your extra energy, as well as the ones that are momentarily quiet. The more you trust their ebb and flow, the easier it is to succeed.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
April encourages your creativity to pour forth. It defrosts your ambitions and wants to help you put your talents to practical use. Every time you take a risk and bring your ideas into form, you get a chance to understand what about them works and what doesn’t.
It’s a process that challenges the ego in the best of ways, but it’s worth every temporary bruise it might bring. In fact, the more you investigative you can get about how form meets function, the better. Not every idea you have is a good one, but every single one, when viewed with an abundant curiosity, will lead you to one.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
April brings the second full moon in a row whose light floods your professional life and projects. This pattern helps you to accomplish great feats with a little more ease than usual. Your reputation gets the gift of magnification, which promotes both your best efforts and the situations that need your attention.
The more you can feel inspired by what you do well, and what you still need to work on, the better. You aren’t meant to be a master of all, you are here to learn how to best climb to the top of all that piques your interest.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
April gets your problem-solving juices flowing and finds you moving around many an obstacle. Structure your days so that they include time for deconstructing the most perplexing of the issues you face. Your creativity needs space to find its own way. Your imagination needs time to rest in order to present its best. Ideas await you after naps and in-between tasks.
Stay open to the wisdom that finds you at the most inopportune times. Carry a notebook and ample amounts of curiosity with you at all times, it never disappoints and always asks the questions that lead us to the solutions we seek.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
April asks you to work through the nuts and bolts of your finances, work schedules, and professional goals. The more practical you get about your dreams, the more real they become. Getting to know what you can realistically create given your current time, energy, and abilities help you plan your reign accordingly.
Not every goal needs to be given your all right now. Steady yourself with the long-term plan in mind. Give yourself a reason to savor all the small steps it takes to reach the peak of your accomplishments. So much of the learning occurs along the way.