December 2020 Horoscopes & Cosmic Playlists

Your December 2020 horoscopes are published with companion Cosmic Playlists that I curate for Spotify. They feature many new up-and-coming artists, that I hope you will love, follow, and stan.

If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists! Take what works for you, leave the rest.

As the year comes to a close, get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign.

Aries & Aries Rising

2021: Serving the group is how you succeed.

The end of 2020 just so happens to be the end of a professional chapter for you. Over the past two plus years, you have had to work through some extraordinary challenges in your public-facing life. The process of paring back certain career goals, while growing others, has been formative. What is left is most likely something akin to a monument or marker of your personal best. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished, but know that the real achievement is what you learned about yourself. Invisible accolades of self-respect never tarnish. On December 21st, you begin an important new cycle, one that initiates you into the meaning and the power of the collectives in your life. Friends, colleagues, and accomplices take on a whole new importance for you. Serving the group is how you succeed. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Taurus & Taurus Rising

2021 helps get your big ideas to the world stage.

The end of 2020 is also your graduation. Over the past two plus years, you have had to find your way along some unusual paths, let go of the goals that you outgrew before you got there, and rework your personal belief systems. What you are left with is the truth — plain and simple. The self-improvement odysseys you’ve traveled to and from have helped you heal and most likely helped you envision what your next steps need to be. On December 21st, you begin an important new career cycle, the likes of which will shape your contribution to your industry and to the world in incalculable ways. It will take every effort and all your courage and consistent care for what is possible if committed to, but you make your professional mark in 2021: of this we can be sure. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Gemini & Gemni Rising

 2021: A new and fortuitous journey begins.

There is a light at the end of 2020’s tunnel, and you are moving straight towards it. Finishing up a two plus year deep dive into your underworlds and pain caves, you now know a lot more about your healing process than perhaps you ever have. Having just had an eclipse in your sign, you are most likely in the throes of making some very defining decisions, ones that are aided by the very special astrology of December 21st. As you enter this new and fortuitous journey, you get the sense that you have more choice, more options, and more roads open to you than you have had for some time. There is no rush deciding which path to take, but know that there is a very real need to commit fully to wherever it is you venture to next. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Cancer & Cancer Rising

2021 wants you to give, share, and receive more.

For you, 2020 was a graduate course in boundaries. Not only were you challenged to deal with the exact personality issues that promise to always stress you out, you were given no way out — you had to work through them. As the year, and this influence, comes to a close, take note of what you’ve been able to address with success and what you learned about patience in the process. The end of December brings about a fresh start with collaborators that make a marked impact on your life. Closing the deal is half the battle, and by the looks of it, you win if you play hard. Don’t undersell yourself. You’ve got every talent necessary; you just need to commit to developing them and believe in their worth before you get to the negotiating table. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Leo & Leo Rising

 2021 brings you a boost through your partnerships.

2020 taught you everything you needed to know about the balance between getting the job done and getting it done right. There was no end to your workload, and the more you learned about taking responsibility for your part of the process, the more you understood the possibility for your personal and professional growth. Working through discomfort builds the kind of strength that is necessary if abundance is to be received, and 2020 served that lesson repeatedly. By the end of December, you begin an important new cycle of growth within your partnerships. Those that can get down to business make themselves known, and those that can’t become less and less interesting. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Virgo & Virgo Rising

 2021 initiates you into a whole new idea of prosperity.

2020 made one thing clear: if you build a container for your creativity, if you practice your craft, and if you focus on the small pleasures and little wins, the inspiration will follow and your audience will find you. Nothing about this year was lighthearted, but you’ve been tasked to take the difficult material of the moment and make something out of it. With the perspective of time,  you can now see your creations with some appreciation. What 2021 initiates you into is a whole new idea of wellness, work, and prosperity. What you are yearning for now are innovative ways of approaching your daily life and routines, to feel lighter amidst the to-do’s of life, and more in relationship with your body and its needs. With the right practices, healing happens in ways you didn’t even know you needed. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Libra & Libra Rising

2021: your creative rebirth is here.

2020 was a year that made clear your need for home, family, and foundation. Working through age-old issues takes time, but the patience it helps you develop is exactly what makes healing possible. When you look back, what have the last 12 months helped you to put in place as a foundation for your life? As the year comes to a close, an important new creative cycle begins for you. Bringing you into close contact with your desire to self-express, 2021 wants you to go all in. New modalities await your experimentation, new techniques need to be integrated, and a new self-confidence emerges when you make a commitment to your craft. A little delayed gratification brings abundant pleasures. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

2021: It’s time to create a sanctuary for yourself. 

2020 was a relentless teacher when it came to getting you organized and on track. You are completing a graduate degree in how bite-sized activities ultimately add up to big deal goals achieved. Your routines have never been so potent, transformative, or important to keep up with. 2021 takes those lessons and applies them to your home-base and foundations. What do you want to come home to, who do you want to build a home with, and what does home mean for you right now? All these questions will be faced and eventually answered over the coming year, but for now, stay with the feeling you want to create in your sanctuaries rather than investing in the idea of what they should look like, or what you should have by this point in your life. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

 2021 pulls focus on your ideas and how you get them across.

2020 taught you all about budgets, time restrictions, and your creative potential given those factors. You had to reach farther with less and get more solution-oriented than you thought possible. Your livelihood required every effort from you and relentlessly pulled every trick from your sleeve. At the end of the day, nothing but elbow grease and earnest hard work made a difference. 2021 pulls focus on your ideas and how you get them across. You have innovative insights that others need in on. It’s less about being right and more about being in solution for you. The more you surround yourself with folks that want actual system change, the more you and your ideas find ways to flourish. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

 2021: You’ve got nothing to lose.

2020 was your year to get right with yourself, to no longer take your efforts for granted, and to release the need to please others. This year has been a year of reckoning with and realizing your power, purpose, and potential — most likely not through gain, however. Knowing what to sacrifice and what to hold close has made all the difference. Stripping away false notions of security and safety, you’ve come to know your true grit and gifts. 2021 puts a focus on your livelihood, your labor, and your creative talents. Getting what you deserve, experiencing fair and equitable changes, and feeling abundantly rewarded for your hard work is a top priority. Don’t settle for anything less or listen to those that think you should. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

2021 is one of the most potent years of your life.

2020 was a deep dive into the psychological underbelly of your past, your sorrows, and your possible future without (at least some) of it. You now know that just because you feel it doesn’t mean you have to carry it forward. What isn’t yours should be left at the door of 2021, as much as is possible. As you begin one of the most potent cycles of your life, remember to choose you, as much as possible and as relentlessly as you can. Believe in the prospect of a new start — not one detached from your past or the lessons you’ve learned, but one informed by it. Believe in your ideas: they are your gateway to getting where you want to go and getting you to the people you need most. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

Pisces & Pisces Rising

 2021 wants you to make magic in the studio.

2020 taught you all about boundaries with friends and communities. It revealed why you might have feared being honest with others in the past and how to be more direct, forthright, and in your integrity now. It asked you to develop deep commitments to the groups you are a part of and to be more reliable to the audiences you entertain. As 2021 unfolds, you are being called into the backrooms, studios, and private spaces of your life. Don’t be afraid to pull back when appropriate — you need time to attune yourself to the projects that are gestating in spaces that can provide them the protection, care, and patience they demand. Whether these projects are creative, or more about finding the cures and remedies to your wounds, they are well worth the attention they are asking for. Get ready for the year ahead with 2021: The Year Ahead for Your Sign

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