February 2020 Horoscopes & Cosmic Playlists

Your February 2020 horoscopes are published with a companion Cosmic Playlist that I curate in collaboration with Spotify. They are made with a lot of love and magic and we hope they help you cultivate more of the same. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists!  Take what works for you, leave the rest. 


Aries & Aries Rising

Investigate (but refuse to judge) your process.

February’s Full Moon brings big creative accomplishments and cause for celebrating them with your people. However, much of the important work happens behind the scenes for you. As Mercury makes retrograde moves, it asks you to do a thorough investigation of the set-up of your life. Psychologically this means that you’ll be investigating how you move towards small wins, self-sabotage, and everywhere in-between. There need not be any judgment attached to the discovery of either, just a helpful dose of curiosity. Being judgemental of how you work won’t encourage your growth, in fact, each time you stumble upon a less-than-helpful behavior, pour bucket loads of compassion on it and see how much farther it gets you.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

February wants you to take your time getting gorgeous.

While most of February has you accomplishing great feats in your public and professional roles, its Full Moon wants you to come home. Get cozy. Get your fuzzy slippers and most dramatic evening gown on. Get your Cosmic Playlist cued up and enjoy the luxury of dancing on your own. Romance yourself. Romance your home. Appreciating yourself from the inside out is the best beauty routine, and February wants you to take your time getting gorgeous. As Mercury retrograde gets underway mid-month, it asks you to review your roles in groups, with friends, and in regards to whom you align yourself with. Getting where we are going is hard enough, but trying to get where we are going with the wrong crowd is near impossible.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Make your desires into an affirmation and put them on repeat

Mercury’s retrograde gets you to review your career goals and ways of communicating them. When you apologize for wanting what you want, asking for what you need, or saying what you think, the world gets confused. It’s time to be honest about your intentions. In fact, February asks you to be unabashedly, undeniably, unapologetically straightforward about what you know you can build in the world. At least with yourself. At least with your most trusted people. At least with your guides, muses, and angels. Make your deepest desires into an affirmation that you have on repeat internally. In the process, you’ll most likely come to understand where you get lost, where you leak your energy, and what you no longer want to invest in. Edit as needed.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Take a fine-tooth comb to the philosophies that guide you.

February brings you an important review of your long-term goals, what to tweak before you try to get them off the ground, and how to take a fine-tooth comb to the philosophies that guide you. What you once thought was impossible to achieve now becomes the next level you are working to reach, but it’ll be much harder to get there if you don’t divest from some of the thoughts that get in your way. Take time this month to understand all the ways in which you might talk yourself out of success and then do whatever you need to do to unravel those patterns. Interrupt each self-defeating monologue by distracting yourself with taking the actions necessary to attain the opposite.

Leo & Leo Rising

This month’s Full Moon sets you up to shine bright.

This month’s Full Moon in Leo sets you up to shine bright. The celebrations center on how far you’ve come and the kind of self-development you’ve made an effort towards. What you’ve been able to heal and grow into becomes clear. It’s time to take up space in new ways and you’re more than ready to. Mercury retrograde shows up half-way through the month wanting you to work on revising your budgets and getting better acquainted with your joint accounts. Collaborations and the work-loads you share need your attentiveness. What is unfair stands out. The wells that have run dry are in need of replenishment. Anything or anyone that is only draining doesn’t stand a chance of making it through this month with you.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Let nothing get in the way of your rest.

February’s Full Moon helps you celebrate your solitude. Restoring your energy is high on your list and works wonders as a beauty routine and self-care manual. Let nothing get in the way of your rest. The rest of the month focuses in large part on your ability to work through the communication issues that come up in your committed partnerships. The issues that arise may render you more vulnerable than usual, but they will also teach you everything you need to know about your current needs and how to meet them. The month requires that you defenses get subtly but definitely stripped away. It isn’t an all-at-once experience, rather a soft exfoliant that eventually helps you renew your commitments with more conviction, appreciation, and love for your partnerships.

Libra & Libra Rising

February’s Full Moon sends you an invitation to party

Mercury’s next retrograde asks you to sort through the elusive communication issues that tend to come up for you at the office. How you approach a miscommunication means the difference between getting your point across or losing your audience completely. Instead of proving that you are right, focus on what it takes to get the best out of your co-workers, clients, or colleagues. You might have to take the high-road when you’d rather just get your way, but the process of being the most mature person in the room will have you shining. The Full Moon on February 8th is a pure party, make sure you buy everyone a round that lifts spirits and makes you a team captain to salute.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The Full Moon shines a light on your professional success.

February’s Full Moon shines a bright and beautiful light upon your professional successes. What you have accomplished recently helps you feel more aligned with your purpose and the process of uncovering it. It takes time, energy, and patience to bear witness to all the things that your creative energy can do in the world. This moment is one of many celebrations for you to partake in, make it a priority to witness what is being affirmed by the world. Mercury retrograde begins half-way through the month (though we’ll feel it throughout February and into March). It asks you to gain a little clarity on the creative projects that you are planning. Some reconstruction, revisioning, and reworking is necessary. The process will help you create a masterpiece, so trust it.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Who you were before the world got in the way?

The work of understanding our upbringing and how it shaped us is never complete, but there are moments we are asked to uncover another layer of its truth. This is one of them. What you are able to reclaim from your childhood is hopefully your innocence, energy, creativity, and playfulness. The more you can get back to the true essence of who you were before the world got in the way, the more engaged with your power you’ll be. February’s Full Moon fuels this sentiment, bringing your creative accomplishments into focus. Meanwhile, Mercury’s retrograde asks you to review your foundations, your home life, and the issues from your past that are currently ready and willing to heal.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Stack your calendar for success

The Full Moon at the beginning of the month focuses on the successes in your collaborations and the creative possibilities that flourish when you are on a team that plays for keeps. Financial lessons steer you towards thinking outside of the box, strategizing your way around your fears, and being as clear as possible about what you need to make in order to be making the life you need. As Mercury spends the last half of the month retrograde, communication issues rise to the surface. You are being asked to rethink your daily life and rituals, making sure that how you stack your calendar sets you up for success instead of sinking you before you even have a chance to start.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

All the inner-work you’ve put in is paying off

Recent events have been encouraging you to break up with the bad habit of settling for what you don’t actually want. Encouraged to experiment, take risks, and run wild with a new idea, the planets have wanted to prove to you is that all the inner-work you have been putting in is paying off. By mid-moth Mercury retrograde is in full swing getting you to revise, rework, and rethink how you relate to you finances, resources, and assets. Healing the issues that you have with money may take a lifetime, but what you can get a head start on now is an investment you can’t afford to miss making. Cut the fat from your budget and you’ll feel a whole lot lighter.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

February’s Full Moon lights up your work-life

February’s Full Moon lights up your work-life and helps you celebrate the recent successes you’ve had here. Enjoy the spotlight and use it to better understand what true success feels like for you. With Mercury in Pisces most of February, stationing retrograde half way through the month, the major area of focus for you is clear communication. Whatever you are afraid to say will be sure to haunt, so make a habit of writing down what you have a hard time getting out. Talk with friends and trusted mentors about your fears, ambitions, and secret desires. Getting loud startles the monsters of your imagination just enough to get a hold of them or a better understanding of how they get the upper hand at times.

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