Full Moon in Pisces - August 2018

Now 50% Off: I have a reading and ritual for your sign for Sunday’s full moon in Pisces, as well as a guided meditation and altar suggestions in Eclipse Season Part 2.

Our pain has a story. A theme. A thesis. 

There is a meaning to our hurt. 

It’s hard to remember that when we are deep in its lair. Abducted by its sensations. Lost in its labyrinth. Gathering clues as to what it might be trying to communicate to us while submerged in our pain, it’s challenging not to get mired in self-pity, self-doubt, and despair. 

We buy thousands of products for pain-free living, and we are sold a million more, but life wonders at such preposterous promises. 

Pain repeats itself for good reason. 

Each time we circle an old wound, we get a chance to deepen our understanding of what was imprinted upon us. What patterns were set in motion. What grooves we tend to get in the ruts of. We can know our story inside and out, upside and down, right side and round and still be unconscious as to how those old ways of being find new avenues to slide through. 

How well we learn to acknowledge the burdens that we carry changes the nature of how we experience them. Letting them breathe. Unwind. Unraveling their meanings can make all the difference. 

Within our pain lives a great and abiding wisdom. A tale of our suffering and our deepening. Our loss and our acceptance of it. Our ignorance and our awakening from it. 

The full moon in Pisces occurs on August 26th, at 4:46 AM PT. The first lunation to happen outside of Eclipse Season, the full moon articulates the vulnerability that Pisces embodies. With no shell, no stinger, no claws to fight back with, this fish is open to experiencing all that life floats its way. 

We are asked to do the same on some level. 

Pisces’ great skill and set back is its vulnerability. Sometimes overwhelmed by the onslaught of suffering and stimulation the world offers up, Pisces needs a way to release the psychic material it absorbs. It needs places to process. Cleanse. Release. Reset. Any therapeutic containers it finds for itself are incredibly important to invest in. Visit often. Return to. This full moon is affirming the healing we have attempted. That’s the thing with healing: with no end, no perfect way of doing it, the most important principal to practice is giving it a repeated try.  

With a solidifying sextile to Saturn in Capricorn and an invigorating one to Uranus in Taurus, this full moon affirms the emotional intelligence that we have cultivated. The work we put into developing ourselves serves us in every aspect of our lives. Taking responsibility (Saturn) for how we may reenact painful patterns helps us to break free (Uranus) from repeating them. Knowing our stories, our pain, sorrow, and suffering is key to our freedom, pleasure, and joy.

They exist on the same spectrum and we need to know both in order to honor either. 

The full moon in Pisces reminds us that being connected to the inspiration that lives inside of all life requires that we also be vulnerable enough to bear witness to what we have struggled through. Suffered with. Carried at great cost to ourselves.

May we remember that the examination of our stories need not be feared, for it is the very thing that contextualizes our tale, setting free the sentiments that can hold our life with the care it deserves.  

Full moon blessings,


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