The big news for Sagittarius Season is that Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, is leaving its home sign after being there for the past year. Moving onto conquer the steep slopes of Capricorn, Jupiter will help us all cultivate an appreciation for the work it takes to both bring about, and then handle, abundance.
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is, in astrological terms, known as the teacher, enthusiast, and a planet that comes bringing the gift of growth. In Capricorn, the growth that Jupiter helps us do is more measured than when it’s in other signs, but the wins will be long-lasting. That’s because in Capricorn, Jupiter is forced to find ways to be sustainable in its approach to expansion. Capricorn is a sign that values the process of maturation and therefore does things with more caution and reserve than enthusiasm and glee.
Jupiter’s travels through Capricorn will be especially helpful for those born in Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus Season, but so too will it be helpful for the part of our astrological chart that contains Capricorn (we may not all have planets in Capricorn, but we all have Capricorn somewhere in our chart). Jupiter takes roughly one year to transit a sign, which means each year we get to work on developing, growing, and expanding into a new area of our life.
To get a better understanding of what Jupiter in Capricorn will mean for you, check out your horoscope on