As our mirror, the planets’ rhythms and ways are as complex as our lives. Being in communion with the skies helps us to access our resilience, our curiosity, and something much deeper than our self-interest. Astrology is a bridge to the mysteries of life, and how that mystery wants to make itself known to us.
The lunar eclipse in Gemini arrives on November 30th, at 1:30am PT. In general, eclipses tend to work in mystifying ways. The very nature of them is concealment. A cosmic magic trick, eclipses bring an adjustment to how we experience the world around us. They expose what is usually hidden, hide what is usually dominant, and trick us into using different senses to understand our surroundings. In short, they expand our awareness of ourselves from all sides.
In Gemini, this eclipse focuses on the exchange of information. All eclipses help us uncover some aspect of what was formerly unconscious; how we interpret, communicate, and share knowledge is highlighted now. An eclipse in Gemini makes us privy to the many ways in which data can get distorted. Near the north node, this eclipse increases the speed of information exchange, making it important to double check our sources. Square Neptune, this eclipse brings with it some fuzzy boundaries, tall tales, and hazy accounts to offer. While it may not be a great moment for accuracy, it is superb for channeling the healing powers of storytelling. Where the imagination wanders isn’t void of truth, it just might not be loaded with details that add up.
Because this eclipse season happens right before the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (on December 21st), it’s a potent portal, helping us to energetically exfoliate, if we so choose. This is one of the most important astrological signatures any of us will live through because it is the first time in a few hundred years that these two planets will make a conjunction in a new element (air). It is a beginning, the mark of a new cycle that will last a couple hundred years.
Coming at the end of this year, and on the heels of eclipse season, it certainly is a mark that feels full of potential; how we work with that potential is, as always, up to us.
Eliminating what depletes the system is important now; doom scrolling, speaking in ways that diminish your self-respect or admonish another person’s character, and unnecessary-to-know-tales that you’d rather not have in your psyche should be avoided. Replace them with content that keeps you thinking in critical yet generative, abundant, and generous ways. Gemini loves nothing more than to process; discussing every detail of an issue is this sign’s forte, something that should be practiced now, just more mindfully than usual.
Eclipses help us to set patterns — be an active participant in the ones you are putting in place.
Mercury, keeper of wisdom traditions, transcriptions, and translations of the mysteries, rules this eclipse. Mercury is in Scorpio and sextile Saturn in Capricorn on November 30th. In this very grounding set up, that is deeply attuned to the power of cathartic processes, the eclipse is somewhat stabilized and it’s made even more evident that what we say, write, and think makes a mark on our lives. Saturn makes things lasting.
Your words are spells, cast them well.
December 5th
Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces
Hypnotic pleasures entice us into alternate realities. Because we are in eclipse territory, intoxicants should be kept to a minimum, however. Shopping might soothe frayed nerves, but the bills that follow are not so chill. Connection is the real appetite to indulge. Call your cuties and darlings to sing their praises and receive their love.
December 9th
Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
In between eclipses, the sun gets tangled in Neptune’s net. The confusion that abounds makes keeping things simple even more necessary. Trying to do too much will tend to land us in a whole host of unforeseen strings-attached issues. Keep it simple, sweethearts.
December 10th
Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Sun in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries
As Venus makes a sextile to Pluto, pursuits of pleasure have a depth about them. We aren’t satisfied with surface sweet talk, we want to discover what sentiments exist when intense emotions are unearthed. And today, they are.
A bright spot in some treacherous astrology, the sun trine Mars helps us to burn off a little of the sogging wet from yesterday’s downpour, so we can gain a modicum of confidence. Just don’t take it overboard – December 13th and 14th will make it hard for foolishness to fly.
December 13th
Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Tomorrow the second eclipse of the season takes place. On the way to it we have a confusing little bump in the road to contend with. Not much is clear in the way of communication today, and because tomorrow brings with it a total eclipse of the sun, it’s best to lay low, keep calm, and avoid making any major decisions if they can be put off. More will be revealed but give it time.
Your lunar eclipse horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
Aries & Aries Rising
The lunar eclipse highlights the daily rituals that have given you solace, have kept you connected to what matters, and have made you more appreciative of your time and how you spend it. This moment finds you more reflective about the neighborhood you live in (or want to live in), your local environment, and your routes and rhythms. Since eclipses signal moments of change, take note of the evolving needs you are ready to meet, what you might have to move around in order to meet them, what is a passing fancy and what is a non-negotiable.
Important conversations have a way of surfacing right now; pivotal pieces of information float your way and influence your routes forward. The decisions that you are making all hinge on what actions will bring you more into alignment with your ultimate destinations. There is an impending sense of needing to get your ducks in a row sooner rather than later and this should be heeded — but not rushed.
Over the course of the next two weeks there will be moments of confusion to tend with and nuances to tease out. Don’t mistake your natural tendency towards confidence for a way forward. Care-full courage is what’s called for now.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
The lunar eclipse wants your material life to get a little fresh air. New ideas rush in about income streams and asset building when you make a little space for them. Clear out your wallets, go through your bank statements, scour your automatic payments, and get your checkbooks in order. If unhelpful or unconscious spending habits are revealed in the process, reflect on where their roots lie and what disrupting the patterns might do for your energy levels. Any leak, no matter how small, is a drain on the system.
Abundance loves it when we refuse to waste our resources as well as when we make room for its arrival.
Know what you owe, want you want to be making, and check up on any outstanding payments that are supposed to be in your account by now. If the gigs are flowing in at a rapid rate, this is the time to systematize how you keep track of the exchanges that are taking place. Take note of the ideas that you are getting about new ways to work with collaborators and your resources.
As we move from this eclipse to the next, you’ll keep noticing all the misalignments in certain unions — don’t be afraid to disengage from partnerships when they no longer fit the bill.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Bound to amplify your visibility, the lunar eclipse makes real the craving for something more that you’ve been experiencing for the last 6 months. Whether there has been a flurry of activity in your life, an increased appetite for success, or a new desire for the hard to attain, you feel a pressure to get on with it. Accomplishment is an ever-fleeting carrot dangling in the face of us all, but you aren’t thwarted by the challenge – right now, you need to sink your teeth into the best ideas, exchanges, and projects that you can get a hold of.
Mediocre won’t cut it.
However, this need for more can be misleading and at times it can veer you away from the sheer joy of contentment. Since this setup is with you for the next 6 months or so, make a point of appreciating what you put out and get done. As eclipse season rolls out, you get to encounter relationship issues from a new angle. Expect insights to emerge about your exchanges, agreements, and committed partnerships that floor you. It’s not that what comes to pass is new information, but like a fish coming to the realization that it’s swimming in the ocean, you get a chance to understand who you are in relationship to, what that relationship provides for you, and maybe even what you take for granted.
The dynamics in your unions are undergoing their own cleansing rituals. Assist this by being humble in the face of difficult reflections and brave in your ability to name what it is you want, need, and can’t live without.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
The wisdom of the stars aren’t here to sell us easy answers — nothing in nature bends to our expectations or desires. It loves us more than that. As eclipse season begins, you are given the opportunity to unload a hunk of psychic debris that has been getting in your way for far too long. Not in the least bit esoteric, this is a very nuts and bolts reclaiming of your narrative, and one of the most practically rewarding processes to go through. What stories about yourself have you surrendered your agency to? When do you start to believe that you are all alone, that no one is ever going to help you in the way that you need? Or that when they do, they will get it wrong anyways? In what ways do you isolate yourself so that you think the only option left is martyrdom?
This eclipse is here to help you clear that chaos up.
It will unearth these behaviors in the sneakiest of ways sometimes, but if you can track your own reactions — especially to what goes on at work, with colleagues, and in your behind the scenes projects, you’ll be able to get to a core issue and interrupt its grip on your interactions.
As eclipse season rolls out, this will not only help you attain your professional goals with greater ease, but it will also aid your sense of well-being on every other level.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Leo & Leo Rising
This lunar eclipse circles back to the lessons that you were learning in May about the roles you take on in the group, your social life, and your hopes and dreams for the future. Now, having reached a critical point along this learning curve, what you offer others, how your work and life is supported by your networks, and what your relationship to your audiences is, holds your attention.
The horror of knowing how vulnerable we are in this world is only assuaged by the people that we care for and that care for us. Curating community takes effort, offerings, generosity, and reciprocity. Whatever it is that gets in your way of knowing and being known by others now comes up for your review. Whatever lingering issues that your besties are working through might end up on your doorstep. What you give matters more than you know. What you keep for yourself is part of making sure the exchange is sustainable. What you are able to help your people hold, helps to hold you too. Investing in the folks that you want on your side when things go awry is self-care 101. Divesting from those that aren’t moving towards the same goals as you, is too.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Eclipses are pattern setting times, moments of change, marks on the calendar that we can point to and remember something pivotal happening. The lunar eclipse brings an increase of professional opportunities for you to consider, revealing more about what you want in a career and why. You might notice that your needs are shifting, your motivations for chasing certain professional goals are becoming more clear, and your choices are more important than ever.
As the monuments that you want to leave behind come into focus, your appetite for them amps up. The truth is that you’ve been building towards them your entire life, but this moment reveals something about the underlying reasons that you are driven to do so. If you look back to your beginnings, to your past, and to your origin story you’ll see the themes clearly woven through all you do. With this clarity, you can parse out any misaligned desires so that you can be more on purpose with your message and your intentions. Because this eclipse is connected to whatever was taking place in May/June of 2020 for you, consider what you were learning about your place in the world then and reflect on how much you have grown since.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Libra & Libra Rising
November’s lunar eclipse reveals just how intense your appetite is for being on the move, learning new things, putting your ideas out into the world, and making substantial strides towards your goals. There isn’t enough time in the day to read all the books on your list or write all the essays that come to you in a flurry while in the shower. The liminal spaces of your life are packed with inspiration (or distracting twitter threads?) and your yearning for satiating conversation is relentless.
Focus may be fleeting.
Opportunities to publish your best ideas increase under this influence, if that is part of your trajectory, and the need to clarify your thesis is urgent. Get to the point and stay on track by deleting an app, refusing to take on more than you can cope with, and setting your email to OOO when needed. The main aim of your eclipse season is to clear up your daily life, your calendars, and your not so helpful habits that derail you. Take note of the beliefs that you have about your ability to make your dreams a reality, and the storylines that need a readjustment when it comes to what you’re capable of. Jump off the trains of thought that get in the way of you going places.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The exchanges of your life dominate your days. What you’ve given is coming back to offer you its gratitude. What you are investing in and why becomes the subject to ponder, process about, and reflect on.
Some aspect of how you make a living is changing, morphing, or taking a turn that feels pivotal. What you do with the resources you have is more important than ever; as you understand just how finite they are, you also come to appreciate that using them for more than your own prosperity brings the kind of collective wealth that never depreciates.
This moment encourages the exchange of ideas in your collaborations, makes room for more when you are in the right partnerships, and points out the minor-to-major adjustments that you are undergoing in your unions. What you allow yourself to receive from others is a powerful invocation, not only of your own value, but of theirs. Let the scaffolding of the love that surrounds you hold you up when you are wobbly, weary, or overcome with emotion.
If you have bothered to build it, let it support you.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The lunar eclipse magnifies what your relationships are made of. The exchanges you have are your lifeblood; more than just conversations with your cuties, you are looking for partners that can keep up intellectually and help manifest your best ideas.
This moment shows what each of the unions in your life is capable of. Those that waffle on promises will tip over the brink. Those that harness the power of your co-creativity will soar alongside you. Those that are willing to sift through the debris of your interactions, power dynamics, and intimacy issues will go the distance.
Over the past 6 months, what you have been developing in your committed partnerships is now coming into its own. How projects and people in your life fair through eclipse season will be telling. This time warp will have your relationships quantum leaping to whole new levels. You need those that are as hungry as you, as intense as you, and as committed to the growth process no matter what it takes, as you are. Otherwise, what’s the point of being in bed, in business, or in cahoots with each other?
As eclipse season rolls out, you’ll notice you have less room in your psyche and space in your being for any set up that doesn’t ring true for you. A whole life exfoliation is required.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
The lunar eclipse brings your most important work rituals, assignments, and relationships to the fore. Since eclipse season tends to speed up the process of whatever it touches, this area of your life is accelerating. What survives the process is where to place your focus; what can’t make it through this portal wasn’t built to last.
The ideas that are infused in your projects and the messages that you most hope to get across professionally are currently front and center for you in terms of importance. Over the past 6 months, these lessons have been with you repeatedly. Take note of how being clear from the onset impacts so much of how the results are rolling in now. If it’s hard for you to initiate something with absolute transparency about what you need and expect from your collaborations, this eclipse will highlight the repercussions of that pattern. This moment reveals the communications that have gone awry, the ones that have helped you advance your agenda, and the ones that have made it possible for you to make your mark. Stick to your message.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The lunar eclipse makes clear your need to shake it off. No matter how intense the moment, it’s imperative that you make room for the healing power of joy. Reset with abandon. Retreating into pleasure just makes good sense and, at the moment, most likely refuels your tank – you’ll be grateful that you did.
With the Great Conjunction about to occur in Aquarius, you are entering one of the most important growth phases of your life and if feeling the power of your creative energy isn’t front and center, the work won’t seem worth the reward.
Over the past 6 months, you’ve been busy understanding what your creative energy wants to do, say, and be in the world. Whatever project is coming to completion, or an important stage of its growth right now, speaks volumes about your ability to stay with the process. It’s no small feat to take the raw material of your ideas and turn them into something that can hold their own in the world. It takes a tremendous amount of faith to believe that while flying through the great trapezes of development you’ll catch the next swing of insight and maybe even inspiration. It takes constant practice to come into a working relationship with your craft, a thick skin and a desire to receive constructive feedback about how to make it sing. Whatever you’ve been able to understand about your creative process is something that will be with you for life. Put it into practice going forward and you’ll be wowed by the results.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
The lunar eclipse focuses your awareness at the foundations of your life – what it needs, what you have been developing here, and what the last 6 months have taught you about family, home, and shoring up your safe harbors. Those that you live with may be experiencing moments of big transition, loss, or even renewal. Those that you consider family might be multiplying, asking you to make room for more people around the table. Your desire for relationships that run deep with history and a shared narrative or the need for a space of your own to spread out in might be overwhelming.
Whatever you yearn for, trust it.
This eclipse can also signal a time to clean house, clear the cupboards, and file the paperwork that has piled up. Whether this cleanse occurs on a material or psychological, emotional, or spiritual plane matters not. Tidying up on one level impacts all others. Just make sure that at the end of the process you feel like there’s a little more room for you.
As eclipse season unfolds, it makes clear that you are ready for a reset in your career, and come December 14th that’s exactly what happens. Prepare the base for the new beginnings.
NOW HALF OFF: For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Lunar Eclipse, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, and the Astrology of Nov 14 – Dec 13.