Horoscopes for the Solar Eclipse in Cancer - June 2020

Your solar eclipse horoscopes are written affirmation style. They are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.

Aries & Aries Rising

I take note of the lineages that I’m connected to, by blood or philosophy, by actions and beliefs, that help me to stay focused on my strengths and how I can apply them to this moment. Whenever I feel deficient in faith, energy, or direction, I can always borrow from the vaults of the past that overflow with wisdom and guidance. 

I fill up on the offerings of those older, wiser, and more attuned to what it takes to sustainably and steadily work towards liberation. I know that my connection to those that came before me can help me to build a foundation that is both firm and fertile. I know that even in times of great upheaval and change, I can be tender towards myself and all that I hold dear.  

I’m not interested in rushing through this moment or repeating the mistakes of the past, of my parents, caregivers, or lineages. I take the best of all of them with me. I ask for their blessings as I move forward with the gifts they bestowed upon me, and nothing more.  

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

In the midst of a moment as intense and complex as this one, I remind myself that the urgency has always been here. The need to join a movement that works to bring about a world built on the principals of kindness and care has always been a pressing concern. The freedom of those most vulnerable to harm can never afford to wait for the rest of the world to catch up. A steady, sustained effort is required and I find a way to structure my days so that they become centered around what is good for the whole.

True transformations begin within. 

When it is time for me to say something, I will use my megaphones thoughtfully to get to the truth. To be clear is to care and if I am certain of anything it is that I need to be as forthright as possible. My fear of conflict holds me in place. I cannot grow or heal unless I confront what is mine to challenge. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

True loneliness is having and not being able to give. It is being so afraid of being vulnerable that there is no exchange with the world around me. With this eclipse, I review all the feelings that come up around resources: abundance and lack, fear and faith, generosity, and greed. I know that past experiences in which I was taken advantage of can lead to present-day complications when trying to share with others. 

But isolation is not my aim. 

It’s ok to have mixed emotions when it comes to money and how I make it, prosperity and what to do with it, or material lack and how to not make it mean something about my character.   

With this Mercury retrograde, I make a point of combing through my bank statements, cleaning out old wallets, purses, and receipts. I know that the more familiar I am with the state of my affairs, the more empowered I am to heal from the harmful beliefs that my worth is based on my material status and not on the quality of my friendships, family, or my relationship with life at large. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Cancer & Cancer Rising

I make a point of remembering that the worries of scarcity that linger in the background, the fears that try to derail my days, and the resentments that threaten to zap me of my energy, aren’t as powerful as they seem. In an instant, I can reclaim my energy from them. I can refuse to be held captive by something that actually makes little sense when held to the light.

I break all spells that keep me asleep to my own power. 

With this eclipse, I make sure to pay close attention to all it reveals: the shadows, the losses, the diamonds in the rough. I make it my business to cleanse my life of cruelty. I call myself out on my own. I know that perfection is a myth and so I assume I have just as much healing to do as anyone else and just as much right to a world built on connection, care, and collective wins. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Leo & Leo Rising

The healing work that I have made a point of engaging in over the past two years is paying off. I am carrying less baggage as a result. I am carrying less shame into my interactions. Before I ask others to affirm me, I catch myself. Holding myself to a higher standard than wanting to win anyone’s approval. 

I am here to make myself proud. 

Over the past two years, I have learned that attaining status isn’t what creates self-respect. That can only come from being able to choose myself, come rain or shine. If I am the person I want to be with after the party or without an invite, I’ve got everything I need to make a meaningful life. I look to the quality of my connections for proof of my growth, my wealth, and my well-being. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Care doesn’t live in a vacuum. It is either extended out to everyone or it is favoritism. It is either given equally or it becomes the seeds of severe pain and separation. Care cannot be conditional. It is for all life or it isn’t for any.  

With this eclipse, I take a deeper look at the communities I am a part of. How they demonstrate care and what they decide to condemn says everything. I align myself with the people that dream of the same futures as I do. Folks that have the kind of courage to fight for a dream they may never see realized, content knowing that they helped make it happen. 

I give myself space to feel what I might usually deny about a friend, a collective, or group dynamic. I let myself know the truth as radically as I possibly can. 

My safety depends on it. 

I am allowed to love some people from afar, while others get my affections up close. I am allowed to show up and then realize I need to bow out. I am allowed to have feelings as complex and nuanced as this moment. No matter how anyone else in my peer group is surfing the waves of this time, I don’t compare myself to them. I let myself find my unique way to ride through each day.

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Libra & Libra Rising

I review my career goals to make sure that care is central to all I strive for. Where my industry lacks it, I infuse it. Where my family of origin left it out, I include it. When I refuse it, I know I have work to do in regards to cultivating more of it.

I know that care cannot and does not exist without boundaries. Saying no means knowing what my limits are. It’s how I show respect for the resources in my life that aren’t replenishable, like time. Each day I get to enjoy is one I will never see again. I remind myself that no accomplishment is as great as presence. I’ve made quantum leaps over the last 2 years in my career. I understand my professional potential and use it to create openings for others that might be otherwise refused.  

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

I know I’m uniquely needed and not special because of that. I know I’m fantastic but not for the fragile. I know I’m here for a reason and I never shrink from it. My righteous rage is holy and when it flares up I remember not to turn it inward. Divine intervention often shows up as a streak of refusal so strong it can make a wrong, right. I’m not worried if a few feathers are ruffled in the process. 

I don’t waiver from my path or pursuit of the truth, no matter who else is afraid to take on such a steep incline. I know to rest when weariness overtakes me. I know to cry when the tears come. I know to rejoice when there is any and all reason to. 

I accept the work that is mine to do as a spiritual practice. I don’t doubt it. I don’t compare it. I gather all my resources in order to be fully attentive to it. I have faith in the process because I am committed to seeing it through. I cannot fail to be part of creating a better world if I don’t give up on doing my part. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

I tend to my collaborations. I care for the corners where we fold together. Interdependence teaches me how to trust and have faith in the process of growing a life with those around me. I am in awe of how perfectly my partnerships fall into place. How each one teaches me something sacred about the nature of exchange. Even in the harshest and hardest moments, I remember to show myself patience and persistent kindness.  

With this eclipse, I pay attention to what might have gone without love for too long and I make sure it feels fluffed and folded. Including myself. Taking the time I need to feel cleansed and cared for helps me extend the same offering to others. In this moment, where so many of the world’s toxins are rising to the surface, I know any clearing I am able to do helps the whole.  

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

If my committed partnerships aren’t constant reminders that they are worth every ounce of energy I pour into them, I question why I would be loyal to them. I can be loving to others without leaking my energy into bottomless cups. 

My boundaries keep my soul and self-respect intact.

With this solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde, I review the agreements that I’ve made with friends, family, and loved ones. If I previously made promises out of fear or a sense of lack, I review the roots of my reasons for doing so. I know that as I heal, my need for certain types of attention, praise, or acceptance will change. My grasp won’t be as tight, my neediness not so great, and my desire to succeed solely for myself will transform into a deep desire for all of us to win. I know that all of the work that I have put into developing myself, to lessening the baggage I carry, and to clarifying what my purpose is, has been worth it. My ability to show up for this moment is greatly assisted by every choice I’ve made on my way to it. 

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

I divorce the cult of individualism and its doctrine that tells me to strive for my singular greatness. I refuse the maxims that would have me deluded into thinking that I am separate, above, or better than the humanity that surrounds me. Domination is for consenting adults only. I seek freedom, for myself and everyone else. I want to win in a circle. I want to work alongside my heroes. I don’t want to be on a pedestal or put anyone else there. The anxiety of having to be great is exhausting. Finding out that every human is both a disaster and a blessing only needs to be learned once. I want to be in a world that allows everyone to be gorgeously flawed and figuring it out.  

I remember to soak up the pleasure of all our collective wins. These reserves carry me through the downtimes that tend to follow. Sustained effort is mostly an inside job. With this eclipse, I remind myself that my work, my labor, and my efforts are all acts of service. I worship at the feet of what I know to be holy: the whole of us. I complete every chore in our honor. There is no separation between the divine and the duties of my life.

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

Pisces & Pisces Rising

I’m taking the pressure off. I no longer aim for creative perfection. I know how much magic lives in the messiness. I play like enjoying my life is meaningful. I approach achievements with curiosity. 

Glory isn’t only in the limelight.  

The real honor of my lifetime is found in my connections and their outcomes. The cross-pollination that occurs when we gather is nectar from the gods. A simple nod from a friend can inspire an essay. The laughter of my loved one is a light in the dimmest of days. A word of encouragement sent at the exact right moment reminds me that we are always intuiting each other’s needs. Always catching one another. I put my faith in the safety nets I am building. Weaving a world from love and care is the creation I want to be remembered for.   

For a more detailed reading and guided meditation for your sign for this Eclipse Season, please join me for A Workshop for Eclipse Season, the Summer Solstice, and the Astrology of June 20 – July 19

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