July 2019 Horoscopes & Cosmic Playlists

Your horoscopes for July 2019 are published with a companion Cosmic Playlist that I curate in collaboration with Spotify. July 2019 is Eclipse Season: it’s home to a Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer and a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. For more on Eclipse Season and to learn what Eclipse Season might reveal for you, check out my workshop on Eclipse Season

If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes and listen to both playlists! They both contain important information. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work. We really appreciate it and you! 


Aries & Aries Rising

Aries, July’s astrology attunes you to your inner landscape. It asks you to interrupt the unhelpful patterns of your past that are replaying in the present. It asks you to mine your history for gold and do away with the burdensome lumps of coal you may have been gifted.

It asks you to give yourself what you need, without hesitation, compromise, or caution. Healing old hurt requires a deep acceptance of what has transpired. It’s not that you have to be ok with what happened to you, it’s that making peace with it frees you up to love yourself a little more. It helps you to make the most of this moment, something a prosperous personal and professional life depends upon.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Taurus, July’s eclipses present you with options in regard to your life’s direction. The adjustments you make may be large or small, but right now even subtle shifts make a long-lasting mark.

Pay attention to the places and people that you are being redirected and directed to. Notice the books that fall from shelves. Notice the important messages that wander into your inbox.

Notice the ways in which you trust your gut and the ways in which you still question it. Absolutely nothing in this life is certain, but the more you learn to lean on your inner-knowing, the more direct your access to the path you need to tread.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Gemini, July’s astrology gives you an opportunity to reset your relationship with your work, your resources, and your relationship to abundance. Take it. Notice which of your talents are being highlighted. Notice which needs more of your energy. Notice which is becoming a strength that you can lean on for support and sustenance. When you find your feel unworthy of what you are owed, change your mind.

The time and energy you put into building your business, brand, self-esteem and professional contacts make a lasting impression. Right now, do more of the work you love and it will set a pattern you’ll get to enjoy for a long while to come.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Cancer, July’s astrology makes personal transformations a must. This is no time to play small. This is no time to pretend your appetites aren’t what they are. This is no time to hold onto resentments that only tangle your energy up.

You need every ounce used wisely. July offers you the opportunity to get clear on which battles are yours and which are for others to win. Just because you’re attuned to discord, doesn’t mean that every conflict is calling on you.

Become a master of your energy so that when the Big Battlefields beckon, you don’t show up spent from petty scuffles in the street.

Leo & Leo Rising

Leo, the first three weeks of July have you in reflective mode. Before Leo Season sets in, you’re encouraged to be thoughtfully thorough in the investigation of your inner world. Prioritize the work that needs to be done behind the scenes and out of the spotlight.

There’s no telling where it will lead you, but if you focus only on immediate gratification, you’ll never find out. Any amount of self-care you prioritize this month sets a pattern of personal well-being. This helps you in the moment, but also in the months to come. The more space you carve out to connect with yourself, the less the chaos of the world controls you.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo, July has you working through relationship dynamics that come up with friends and colleagues. Try not to get lost in everyone else’s story. Emotions tend to run high and you’re more than likely going to be the person whom others turn to for support, sustenance, and a second opinion.

This month asks you to consider who you want to partner, hang, and ally yourself with. Who you like and who you can go all the way with aren’t always the same. The clearer you are on what you want to create, the easier it is to find who you want to create it with, give it to, and share amongst.

Libra & Libra Rising

Libra, this July, all the little, personal triumphs help you win big professionally. Each difficult personality you deal with deftly, each hand you hold carefully, and each nerve you calm seamlessly sets a tone for many moons to come.

Treat each obstacle you come up against as if it were your entrance fee to the next part of your professional path. Some will push you to speak your truth and take up space, others will ask you to hold back and gather more information. All eyes are on your at the moment. What you communicate is just as important as what you remain silent about. At least for now.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, July sets you out on adventures that come with big blessings and substantial challenges. Every hurdle that you currently find a way to overcome, builds soulful stamina that you’ll be able to lean on for a lifetime.

The more challenging the projects you choose to publish, put out into the world, and produce, the better. But committing to the right challenge is key. You need to fight for something that you have a sincere connection with. It’s not about making noise, it’s about hitting the right notes so that the alarm you sound carries your message with clarity.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius, to the degree that you can, be unrelenting in your admission of guilt, shame, fear, and frustration. Flush them out of your system. Relieve your heart of any unnecessary heaviness. Get clear on your part in any situation that’s gotten entangled in complications.

Then move on to the solution.

Bad blood needs a transfusion. Poisoned wells need not be revisited. Your purse needs to feel worthy of being filled up, and so do you. There are plenty of lessons to be learned via your finances but remember it’s never about the money. It’s about your willingness to get to the heart of the issue so you can be clear about what you must ask for, negotiate or demand. 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, Whatever people project onto you isn’t about you and isn’t your issue to make right. It is, however, part of your life lesson at the moment. How you combine the subtle art of not giving AF with the ability to take in constructive criticism is your goal for the month.

Whatever you can do to minimize unnecessary shame, and maximize proactive solutions and strategies, the better. This month is all about your personal growth, but you actually need the challenges that come up with others to get to it. If and when you can see your opponents as teachers in disguise, the better for you and all involved.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, when planning out your month remember to schedule a time for what helps your mental-health and well-being flourish. Notice when and where you try to do everything for yourself instead of delegating to those that could, would, and should do it in partnership with you.

Notice when you get in the mind frame that tells you that you have no support. Notice when that kind of thinking leads you to decision making that’s detrimental to your mind, body, and spirit. How can you be sweeter, kinder, and more forgiving with yourself as you learn to advocate for what you need and deserve?

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pisces, July brings with it an important note about your creative projects, energy, self, and life. You are a creator. Not a consumer. You have the power to shape your life, your greatest work of art, a little bit every day. A little chisel here, a little color there, a higher note to compliment some of the lows of life.

This month makes clear your creative drive and the impact that it has on your community and networks. Whatever it is that you are dreaming of doing is dreaming of you doing it, too. It’s time to take a leap of faith and find out what you’re capable of when you believe that you are.

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