Your March 2020 horoscopes are published with companion Cosmic Playlists that I curate for Spotify. They feature many new artists that I hope you will love, follow, and stan. To work more deeply with March’s astrology, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Pisces, the Full Moon in Virgo, and the Astrology from Feb 23 – March 18. In it, you’ll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists! Take what works for you, leave the rest.
Aries & Aries Rising
Choose yourself before all else
Extricating yourself from the most pervasive of your patterns will require massive effort, but doing so will also offer you the greatest rewards. Your boundaries need to be non-negotiable in both your personal and professional relationships, and March makes this unequivocally clear. Work on detangling yourself from the sources of attention that feed you some of the things you like, but not all of the things you need. Something occurs at the beginning of the month to help you choose yourself before all else. Make doing so your morning ritual, a midday snack, the main course at dinner, and an essential part of your sleep routine. Doing so will teach yourself and others how to treat you all day every day.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Growth means knowing when to get out of your own way.
Growth means knowing when to get out of your own way. March asks you to give up on trying to get something right and asks you to instead focus on getting right with yourself. The most radical thing that you can do is to accept the reality of where you are right now, without losing sight of what is possible. The current astrology sends you encouragement, a couple of tips to get you on the right track, and some practical advice that helps you make confident strides towards your goals. Aim high, care deeply and risk your pride abundantly. It’s only with great belief in the process of your life that you’ll come to be in awe of both.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
No matter what buffets you about, know what holds you down.
With a deep need to get your home-life in order, March starts off with you cleaning house. Vacuum under the bed, sort through your feelings about family issues, spend time organizing your cupboards. Whatever helps you to feel cleansed and ready for company should be a priority. This focus on your inner life fades with the passing of the Full Moon and the more pervasive theme of career comes to the fore. With as many miscommunications as clarifying breakthroughs, March keeps reminding you that unless you are honest about what you want out of life, others will make your mind up for you. Drop an anchor into what is essential to you. No matter what storms buffet you about, know what holds you down.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Put others at ease instead of at odds.
March pulls your focus to your relationships; what you bring to them, what you want from them, and how you show up in them. From career, to community, to committed partnerships, it’s all about how you maintain the quality of your connections. No matter what comes up, pay attention to how you show up. Take note of what others are teaching you about your personal power, what you are learning about the hierarchies that you are in, and how to put others at ease instead of at odds. As a leader, you are being asked to create the conditions that allow folks to show up with their best. Nothing generates our growth faster than working through relationship dynamics, and March squeezes in as many opportunities to do so as it possibly can.
Leo & Leo Rising
Don’t brush off your insights as insignificant.
There is no better month than March in which to make your career moves. People want to hear more about your innovative solutions, your out-of-the-box strategies, and your bold ideas. Do not hold back and do not brush off your insights as insignificant if they aren’t conventional. Write them down. Flesh them out. Find ways to encourage more creative surges to move through you. Nothing impedes the flow of a good idea like unnecessary and badly timed criticism. There is time for channeling and time for refining; know what you need and when. The end of this month brings you the attention and possibly a financial reward for the consistent and diligent efforts you have made professionally. Use these moments as launch pads for the next iteration of your workflow.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Give your goals an upgrade.
March’s Full Moon in Virgo shines its light upon you. The relationship dynamics that you sorted through, no matter how tough they were to get through, will now reward you. Celebrating your triumphs at the beginning of the month will help you witness yourself in a new light. It’s time to give your long-term plans a revision. The vistas, horizons, and goals you want to reach are getting an upgrade and you better understand the dreams that you’ve been keeping on a leash. Get curious about what it would look like to let them loose in your life. You know the work it takes to get something done, and this month wants you to trust in that effort while developing your faith in the process.
Libra & Libra Rising
March asks you to focus on your foundations.
March wants you to gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, core values, and needs. Focusing on your foundations by exposing them, this month may be a little tenderizing. Some of what you come across will require further investigation, while other remains will be all too familiar. Try not to denounce your discoveries just because they challenge your understanding of your past, present, and future. Digging up ancient relics is a delicate skill and you’ll need patience to get to the treasures buried amidst the rubble. Cut ties with what weighs you down, but stay connected to the truth of what you’ve had to carry and the strength that it has helped you cultivate.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Don’t waste your energy trying to force an old feeling.
Your committed partnerships are in need of some new adventures. Be open to all innovative avenues that lead to mutual pleasure. Relationships are places of extreme growth for you right now, but the depths to which they require you go need to be tempered with a healthy amount of levity. If your relationship goals aren’t centered on your collective joy, you’re going to have a harder time manifesting your shared talents. When we partner with others (be it business or romance) out of a sense of lack or scarcity, it’s hard to grow much, if anything. March wants to remind you of the verdant fields that you can create with the right partners. What you value in others changes over time. Instead of forcing an old feeling, see what new situations await you.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
If you want your work to last, make the process pleasurable.
The first week of March helps you garner the professional praise you need. Launching something into the world takes patience, persistence, and perspiration, but to make it last the process also has to be pleasurable. Your work projects are getting a reboot and you’ll benefit greatly if you center beauty, abundance, and your personal joy as you work on them. People want to be a part of what you are creating right now, but the glue that will keep them around has to do with how they feel while working with you. Get them laughing, loving what they do, and wanting more of what you are creating and you have a recipe for some very sweet success.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Learn how to say no to too much of a good thing.
Your ambition is a beautiful thing. Your desire to accomplish what others fear to dream up is one of your greatest assets. Your need to climb to great heights is the beginning of many a success story. However, your desire to get ahead can sometimes get the best of you; make sure this month doesn’t end up being one of those times. March offers you both the good fortune of opportunities rarely offered you, and a little too many of them at once. You’ll need to find a pace that is sustainable while still focusing on the best opportunities of the bunch. Eliminating what isn’t the highest of your priorities will lead to great productivity.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Take yourself and your talents seriously.
March is one of the most personally defining months of the year for you. With Saturn entering your sign for the first time since 1994, you are being given the opportunity to redefine yourself for yourself. This is no small or simple feat. In order to do so, you’ll need to lay down personal boundaries the likes of which neither you nor anyone close to you, has seen you do before. This is bound to ruffle a few feathers, but getting clear tends to disorient those who are afraid to do so for themselves. You’ll need to be dedicated to the projects in your life that are well worth the rigorous effort it will take to complete them. You’ll need to take yourself and your talents seriously and leave out the hubris so that you can get to the humbling work ahead of you.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
Send love notes to your kind-hearted, kindred spirits.
The beginning of March gives you a quick lesson on how to own, appreciate, and cultivate your resources. It’s hard to develop our talents – let alone put them to work – when we discount them for not being enough. The more you see their potential, protect their growth, and take responsibility for their needs, the more you’ll be able to ward off anything that threatens their development. As the month unfolds, it offers you the great blessing of ease in your daily life. Pleasure is paramount, and your life does well when you spend time connecting with those who remind you of the abundant, simple joys of your life. Share food with your besties, serenade your sweethearts, and send love notes to all those who are kind-hearted and kindred in spirit.