Your May 2020 horoscopes are published with companion Cosmic Playlists that I curate for Spotify. They feature many new up-and-coming artists, that I hope you will love, follow, and stan.
To work with May’s astrology, please join me for A Workshop for the New Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Scorpio, Astrology of April 22 – May 21 + A Journey through Venus Retrograde Pt 1. In it, you’ll receive a reading, ritual, and guided meditation specific to your sign.
If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists! Take what works for you, leave the rest.
Aries & Aries Rising
Reorient towards what is life-affirming.
You are what you repeat. You believe what you say to yourself every day. You have the power to change the station if it’s not going to help you get where you want to go. May encourages you to review your relationship to your communications, your daily life, and your habits and rituals. Consider spending a little more time at the altars that celebrate your potential, beauty, and inherent abundance. Consider creating spaces that you pass by, or better yet dwell in a little every day, to remind you to bring your focus back in. Train yourself to reorient towards what is life-affirming instead of what drains you of your creative energy. It will take consistent effort on your part to do so, but the pay-off is exponential.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
The distinction between the essential and inessential is priceless.
The next couple of months help (or force) you to understand the difference between what is essential in your life and what is simply occupying space in your closet. The insights you gain in the process are priceless. Because you are being asked to reprioritize how you spend, make, and invest your resources, what does eliminating certain things help you to appreciate what you naturally have? Notice what creativity these new insights inspire and how they ask you to show up for what’s most important to you. Like a double-edged sword, it’s a time to be financially cautious, but also one that trims the excess you never needed in the first place.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Your beauty isn’t up for debate.
It will most likely begin with a small shift: a change in your appearance, a new ‘do that you hope will do the trick. However, this moment is much more about a soulful makeover than a surface one. Over the course of May and June, you are being asked to re-establish your relationship to yourself. Dress to impress your muses. Devote yourself to what makes you feel beautiful from the inside out. Romance the routines that leave you feeling refreshed physically, mentally, and spiritually. As you do, you’ll be able to reclaim your energy from old stories about not being desirable, likable, or beautiful. Make it more enticing, rewarding, and exciting to love yourself as is than to try and be someone or something else.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Trust the timing of your projects.
Your secret workshops, studios, and incubators are all places of deep excavation and unveiling over the course of the next couple of months. Pay attention to the directions that your creative projects want to move in. They may change in unexpected ways or have their own timing altogether. Trust it. Whatever you’re able to get accomplished in private, away from the glare and “good intentions” of the general public, is potent, demanding the kind of effort worthy of such intensity. Come August, you’ll have something extraordinary to reveal – well worth the wait and work it took to get there. In the process, you retrieve aspects of yourself, your creative agency, and any values that got lost in the shuffle of life when it was full and busy.
Leo & Leo Rising
Friendships undergo a process of transformation and reclamation.
The next few months see your friendships undergoing a process of transformation and reclamation. As they do, you’ll notice that old interpersonal dynamics resurface. The issues that you work through with others trace all the way back to the first friend groups you belonged to, revealing age-old ideas about how you do or do not fit into the group. What you are able to heal here serves more than your social life. We all need connections that can help us bear the burdens that we are saddled with. We all need to know that we have a social circle that is capable of holding our hopes and dreams with us. We all need to know that just because we feel lonely sometimes doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with us. Give yourself the chance to know and be known.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Give precedence to the work that heals you.
May and June ask you to review the values that have steered your career in one direction of another. What begins as an invitation to rethink your way of working ends up becoming an all-consuming Q&A. The more you seek out the parts of your career that are meaningful for you, the more clarity you’ll ascertain. Make the kinds of decisions that strengthen your integrity, it will have you feeling like you’ve achieved your goals. Give the work that heals you precedence, and you’ll also have some peace. You are an adult, and you need to do what’s necessary to pay your bills, but only the most sacred aspects of your work should be revered, given a place on your mantle, and taken seriously enough to be afforded major space in your psyche.
Libra & Libra Rising
It’s deeper than a mere course correction.
Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. You may not have been able to prepare for this moment, but now that you’re in it, you have to find the best way possible to support yourself through it. May and June are marked as the months of 2020 that want you to revise your long-term plans. While the roads may not be clear enough to chart your next course quite yet, take note of the subtle shifts your end goal is going through. Take note, also, of the beliefs, philosophies, and truisms that guide you. Chances are that you are going through a transformation deeper than a mere course correction. The key is to let it guide you rather than trying to force your life in one direction or another.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
What you are being called to create has most likely evolved.
One of the things you are being asked to review over the next two months is the way in which you collaborate with others. Exchanges within partnerships always need periodic revisions. What you had an abundance of in the past may have dwindled. What you felt you previously lacked may have increased. What you are being called to create has most likely evolved. With more refined revisions, you can serve your work and communities with beautiful precision. Take note of what containers you want to add more of your energy to and which you don’t. This process also reveals your needs in partnership, exposing an age-old ache every now and then. Learning how to hold space for these feelings will help you to not react to them while leading you into a deeper relationship with yourself.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Get curious about your expectations in relationships.
Your needs in intimate partnerships are legitimate, and they also have an origin story. Without judging yourself for the kind of intimacy you crave, can you get curious about what events and dynamics those desires are rooted in? As your relationships go through a process of renewal, some of your old behaviors get reexamined. Layer by layer, you get to uncover the reasons why certain things upset, please and excite you. Knowing what is driving both your choices in partners and your reactions to their unpredictable humanness is key to finding the right fit for your heart, business, and overall betterment. Though May and June will bring some uncomfortable truths to the surface, it will be far less painful in the long run to have taken this time to know them.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
When you overwork, what are you trying to escape?
Reviewing your relationship to your work life is an essential component to May and June. When you overwork, what are you trying to escape? When you procrastinate, what else is trying to make itself known? When you struggle with the interpersonal dynamics you have professionally, what do you learn about yourself? Because your work life becomes such a focal point over the next couple of months, so too does your lack of control over it in certain areas and your influence within it in others. You benefit greatly from knowing which is which; most likely, that is a major aspect of this moment’s meaning for you. Make sure to beautify your office, desk, business cards, websites, and posts. With Venus retrograde, we always benefit from a little extra beauty to behold.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Uncover the joy of your creative process.
Remember when you were little and you first learned that coloring within the lines was a thing? Some people seemed to value such conformity, but whether you drank the kool-aid or not, May and June are asking you to wake up from the nightmare of trying to attain perfection. As Venus retrogrades, it wants to help you uncover the joy of your creative process, the curiosity you might feel again if you were able to be unruly, uncaring of popular opinion, and untamable to the masses. We all came into the world without shame and with the ability to express ourselves uniquely. Your current job is to get back to the place that supports your creative self-expression instead of condemning it.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
These months are made for your personal excavations.
Over the course of May and June, you will most likely feel an urgency to redecorate, refresh, and rearrange your living space. While you are moving couches and reviewing the contents of your drawers, take note of what you find, what it evokes, and what it helps you to remember about yourself. These months are made for your personal excavations. Unusual aspects of your family lineage, dynamics, and dynasties come to light. What gets unearthed is a part of your foundation that you need in order to be fully present in your life. Don’t be afraid of what gets uncovered, as it is here to set some part of you and your past free by way of making peace with it.