November 2019 Horoscopes & Cosmic Playlists

Happy November! Your November horoscopes are published with a companion Cosmic Playlist that I curate in collaboration with Spotify. They are made with a lot of love and magic and we hope they help you cultivate more of the same.

You’ll find rituals, suggestions, and a reading for your sign for November – including how to work with November’s Mercury Retrograde – in A Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Taurus, and the Astrology of October 27 – November 25.

If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists!  Take what works for you, leave the rest. 


Aries & Aries Rising

November wants you to review your expectations.

With Mercury’s retrograde through Scorpio dominating the skies this November, you are being asked to review your exchanges with others. Notice when you become overly invested in what others are doing for you, saying about you, or giving to you. Though many beautiful gifts flow to you from others right now, intimacy issues that persist. Healing happens when you are able to be on your own side, no matter what anyone else is up to. Ask yourself for a refund of your time energy and talent when you find you’re taxed by giving too much and don’t forget to abide by the contracts you have set up with others. Focus on delivering your end of the bargain and see who can naturally keep up and show up. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising

November wants you to be clear about it.

When you make excuses for other people’s behavior instead of listening to what it’s telling you, your wasting time you don’t have to spare. When you end up with people that aren’t able to be honestly happy for you, they honestly aren’t for you. When a relationship dynamic isn’t comfortable, that’s all the information you need. Trust your gut and give yourself time to feel it out. With Mercury’s retrograde dominating the skies, you’re being asked to review your relationship agreements. This month wants you to be as explicit, clear, and direct as possible with those you are closest to. It’s a risk to do so, but this month makes clear of your need to shake things up in this realm of your life.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

November wants you to tell yourself the truth. 

With Mercury’s retrograde dominating the skies this November, you are being asked to sort out your work life. The projects that have the potential to turn into something special need to be given priority in your line-up of events. Make sure to clear your work schedules of all the clutter that you can. Go through your toolbox. Sharpen what’s rusty. Dust off what has been left alone for too long. Find the time to go deep with the practices that open up portals of professional possibility. Your work-life needs your encouragement, time, and care. This November also wants you to remember the relationship between it and your health. Both are things that are unglamorous to tend to, but without which no good times can be had. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising

November wants to know what turns you on.

November sees you reviewing what it means for you to submit to the pleasure in your life. Whatever your kinks, this month makes clear your need to investigate them. The more room you leave for what brings you joy the more you’re able to understand your block to it or refusal of it. Work with this month to become more conscious of how you engage with your creativity. This is the perfect time to edit the projects you’ve got underway, removing whatever doesn’t bring your work greater clarity. That goes for everything from a word, to a color, to a lover. Mercury retrograding through Scorpio demands nothing less than the truth about what turns you on and off.

Leo & Leo Rising

November wants you to get honest about what you need.

With Mercury’s retrograde dominating the skies this November, you are being asked to spend extra time tending your hearth and home. The bottom of your oceans need scanning. The neglected drawers of your life need sorting through. The junk that’s piled up in your basement needs to be repurposed. It’s much harder to build a life if you have to do so on top of a pile of unsorted and misunderstood past material. It’s much more challenging to convince opportunities to take root when there’s no space for them to grow into themselves. This is a much needed moment of reflection for you to take advantage of. Don’t feel pressured to be “on” when you’d rather be at home.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

November wants you to talk it over.

With Mercury’s retrograde through Scorpio dominating the skies this November, you are being asked to spend some time contemplating both the rhythms of your days and how you communicate as you move through them. This astrology wants to help you uncover and concentrate on what fills your weeks with meaning. It wants you to put time aside to reorganize your routines. It wants your conversations to be filled with the kind of content that unclogs your soul, helping you to engage with life more fully. Under these skies, the alibis you usually make up to evade your responsibilities don’t stand the test of this time. Excuses won’t get you far, but being honest with yourself will.

Libra & Libra Rising

November wants you to learn how to make it rain.

You owe yourself a chance. You owe yourself your best effort. You owe yourself the opportunity to see what your resources can do once in the world with your care and guidance. Mercury’s current retrograde is offering you the opportunity to review your accounts. How you spend your energy is just as much in question and how you invest your dollars in ways that make sense. Given your situation, given your overall astrology for 2019, you may be feeling a little more need than normal to tighten the laces, firm up your boundaries, and cut out what has become excessive. This process is more about cleansing than it is about self-denial. Removing excess expenses helps you be more thoughtful about what your foundation need now. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

November is your rebirth.

Your new year begins with a reflection. A recounting. A need to remember who you are. It’s time to gather all the versions of you. Gather all the parts that you forgot to nurture. Gather all the gold that lies in wait for you, buried in the stories you’ve lived through, running like veins through you. An unexamined life is one that has barely been lived at all. With as little judgment as possible, and with as much appreciation as you can muster, witness your efforts. Witness your growth. Witness any amount of healing you’ve been able to do and what it’s opened up for you. There is something that this Mercury retrograde wants you to retrieve, and with it you’ll regain some of the awe for the mystery of life that you lost along the way.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

November wants you to clear the clutter out of the closets. 

Your hidden life, your private self, and your personal hideaways are where your energy wants to be right now. Let yourself spend some time out of view. Camp out. Make having moments without any worldly responsibilities a must. Give yourself permission to learn something new about your make-up. Get more familiar with what makes you tick. Mercury retrograde wants you to sort through your psychological closets, getting to the crux of an issue that’s been too embedded to get to until now. This deep digging should be done with care and zero need for speed. A little goes a long way and you’ve got all the time in the world. Prioritize the quality of your care for yourself over the quantity of your revelations or accomplishments.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

November wants you to love honestly and relentlessly.

There are friends that come into your life at precisely the right time. Introducing you to exactly the right people. Aligning you with the perfect opportunities for the moment. Then there are times where communications go sideways, appointments get missed, and it seems like potential prosperity goes underground. November brings you a mix of both experiences. But remember, nothing that is yours can actually be lost. Return is the theme of the month making mysterious reunions with old classmates, colleagues, and college friends is likely. Mercury retrograde is asking you to review the ways you would in groups. How you can network with little effort, connect with people that help you achieve your goals, and when and why some personalities tend to trip you up. Get to the core of that issue and you’ll have gotten to the heart of the solution.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

November wants you to rethink success. 

November gets you to do a thorough investigation of your career goals and how you’re going about getting to them. It’s a month that encourages you to take a fine-tooth comb to the details of your dreams and a jack-hammer to your fears. You’re going to need to break them apart to see where and when they get in the way of you being as bold as possible when pursuing your dreams. It’s human to be afraid, but it’s an incredible waste of your potential to stop there. It can feel lonely to fight your way through the thoughts that have kept you cowering in the corner, but you aren’t alone in having to do so. By the end of November, you are as clear as you can be, ending 2019 with a better chance for moving forward without so much baggage.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

November wants you to rethink the working title of your life. 

While no one knows the ending of your story, you have every right to rewrite the chapter you are in. You have every right to rethink the working title to the screenplay of your life. You have every right to recast yourself as the plucky protagonist that wins the things that you may sometimes doubt you can achieve. The bottom line is that November needs your edits. It needs you to remember that you are part of your tale. You are co-creating your story with life, not trapped in a version of it that you can’t escape. Some plotlines may be persistent, characters need to be dealt with but don’t forget your agency that sometimes can only be found in-between the lines.

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