October 2019 Horoscopes & Cosmic Playlists

Happy October, Witches! Your horoscopes for October 2019 are published with a companion Cosmic Playlistthat I curate in collaboration with Spotify. They are made with a lot of love and magic and we hope they help you cultivate more of the same.

If you want to go deeper into this month’s astrology, my workshop, A Workshop for the New Moon in Libra, the Full Moon in Aries, and the Astrology of September 28 – October 26 has a reading, ritual, and guided meditation for you.

If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read and listen to both horoscopes and playlists!  Take what works for you, leave the rest. 


Aries & Aries Rising

October is your intimacy boot camp. At this point in the year, your ability to understand the ins and outs of the agreements, expectations, and dynamics you have in your most important partnerships will help you finish out 2019 with clarity. Commitments are key to a life well-lived. Without dedication to the process, come harrowing days or hopeful ones, most of us are more prone to bailing rather than going through the process of becoming. Not all relationships are built to last, but October’s full Moon in Aries teaches you what you need solidly in place if one is going to. All acts of intimacy that render you vulnerable are also acts of courage. There may be no winner but much winning involved.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Deadlines seem to love you this month, and although it may be taxing, career-defining moments don’t come along often. If you make it your sole intention to infuse your most important projects with integrity, the process of doing so will transform you. The more you commit to delivering your best, the more clarity you get about why you are doing what you are doing. Don’t let anything, or anyone, fool you into thinking you should be somewhere else. Doing an impeccable job here and now will get you wherever you need to go with incredible speed and efficiency. Taking a good long nap come the mid-month full Moon goes a long way.  

Gemini & Gemini Rising

October asks you to get real about manifesting your creative dreams. It takes drive to realize your potential, but more than that, it takes a plan and a dedication to seeing that plan out that brings your gifts into the world. You don’t have to be a master at your craft, you just have to be willing to work towards your personal best. This month isn’t kind to apathetic actions. It takes courage to care about our creations, it renders us vulnerable and reminds us that we aren’t in control of how our efforts are received. A willingness to go through many an uncomfortable feeling in order to get to every wild and well-earned triumph is needed and necessary. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising

October brings many lessons about what your foundations need. Any renovations you are forced to make might be a pain, but just remember that they are imperative for long-term fortune to find and feel comfortable enough to stay with you. Without space, it’s hard for new opportunities to feel welcome. Without doing the necessary work of transforming unhelpful patterns into constructive ways of working, it’s hard to attract new energy into your life. Most of October asks you to get better acquainted with what you have to work with. This way you’re firing on all cylinders come the Full Moon mid-month. Lighting up your career, the Full Moon helps you make a professional impact that is long-lasting.

Leo & Leo Rising

The communication lessons you’ve been learning lately have tested your ability to be as honest as possible. Merely fitting in is fine for those that aren’t here to shine, but your spotlight is always bright. Break-up with people-pleasing and commit yourself to your own pleasure and power. The interpersonal dynamics you’re learning to work through require you to converse with assertiveness and confidence. You are a bold, beautiful creature that needs to be loved, cherished, and honored by those you surround yourself with. Anyone who is threatened by your flare isn’t ever going to be able to listen to what you are trying to get across. Move onto those that know how to have invigorating, challenging, and compassionate conversations.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

October sends you strong messages about valuing your work and balancing your books. Bills are due, so make sure not to burn through your resources with what isn’t a top priority. Some self-restraint is needed in order to get business accomplished, but doing so will be incredibly satisfying. Knowing exactly what you have to work with gets your creative juices flowing. Abundance is accessed through taking challenges on head-first. There are a couple of tight corners to find your way around, but turning them will teach you something new about your resourcefulness and ability to make so much more out of what you have than you normally would.

Libra & Libra Rising

October brings with it your rebirth. Remembering that contractions lead to expansion helps during the tough love portions of this month’s astrology. This month asks you to strip away what has been taking up your time but not filling you up with the goodness you deserve. Protecting your energy is always more important than pleasing the people around you. Wanting your mental health more than wanting to make others feel comfortable is essential. Wanting for yourself what you want for everyone else (at the very least) you love is imperative. Come wins and losses, you are the only one who will always be there for you. Treat yourself like the VIP of your life that you are.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

The source of your power always comes from within. You may not always have an easy time remembering how to access your inner wealth, but it is your most important job and practice. No position, no prestige, no props can compare to what you already carry with you. As you remind yourself of this truth, by osmosis you set off a domino effect, reminding everyone else of their own. It may be one of the most important gifts to give yourself and your community. October will tend to remind you, time and time again, about both the tremendous resources you have within and the importance of continually clearing a path to them all. Oblige. Scorpio Season will be all the sweeter for it.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

October brings with it many an opportunity to sharpen your social skills. People will have issues with a million things given the chance, but your job is to consider what might be underneath the complaint, confusion, or situation. Sometimes we are just tired, hungry, or lonely and don’t know it. Sometimes we just need someone to give us a hug, leave us alone, or tell us to go take a nap. You might find yourself in more than one situation this month that demands you be the adult when others are acting like an unloved child. Sidestep the drama by helping yourself and others get to the bottom line. Remind everyone, yourself included, that getting needs met is always step one of any productive journey together.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

October asks you to step up your professional prowess. Which skills do others have that you tend to want to emulate? Put more of your energy into cultivating the same. This is the month to show up polished and early, dedicated and determined, discerning and willing to go deep. October asks you to get the job done, but more than done, it asks you to do it as well as possible. There is pressure here, but don’t worry about doing it perfectly. Your career is in desperate need of your presence, your attention, and your care. The more of yourself you are able to bring to the meeting, email, or conference, the more energy your message is delivered with. It’s a high-impact moment, make the most of it.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

October points out that even though there may be wrinkles in your plans, it’s no reason not to smooth out the map of your life. Let nothing deter you from finding the route right for you in this moment. Shortcuts don’t make the cut, but any obstacles on your path are there for a reason. Remember how protected you are. If you have to go left instead of right, know that it’s the best way to go, at least for now. No interruption is permanent and by reminding yourself of that fact, this month gives you ample opportunity to refine your relationship to your process.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

October asks you to sort through the details of your collaborations and contracts with others. It takes courage to make contact with, confront, and unpack the feelings that our most important relationship dynamics bring up, but doing so means setting all involved up for success. No matter what gets accomplished with others, it’s the quality of the connection that counts. Weigh what you give against what you receive, what you learn against what it cost, what you want to experience against the work that you are willing to put in. Without doing so, the richness of this time in your life is too easily dismissed. Depth comes with a considerable price-tag, but it’s worth every penny. Most are just too energetically withholding to pay the price. You don’t ever have to be so cheap with yourself.

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