Monday, February 20th
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries, both at 21°
Tuesday, February 21st
Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Libra, both at 22°
Wednesday, February 22nd
Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, both at 18°
Thursday, February 23rd
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, both at 26°
Saturday, February 25th
Mercury enters Pisces
Sunday, February 26th
6:58 AM PT – Solar eclipse at 8° of Pisces
Mars in Aries conjunct Uranus in Aries
This week brings a flurry of intense activity. While Mercury, planet of communication, makes nice with the likes of Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn, Mars makes mayhem, first with Pluto and then Uranus.
Mars is the planet that goes its own way, does what it wants, when it wants and how it wants. Mars is currently in Aries, the sign of the feisty, fierce, independent individual. When squaring Pluto, Mars has a fierce appetite for power, winning and battling with the forces of the underworld. When conjunct Uranus, Mars bucks the system, breaks all rules, refuses to follow orders and knows not of peace. It’s a disruptive duo, one that encourages us to smash the systems we feel confined by.
It is ungovernability.
The question is, whose ungovernability, who’s ability to live outside the law is most influential at the moment? Not everyone’s bucking of the system is for the betterment of all. We see plenty of folks that are behaving in ways that are unconstitutional, immoral and unconscionable. This too is a rebellion.
Whose rebellion will win?
The week’s astrology points to what is being destroyed and who is benefitting from the destruction. It looks at who is causing the mayhem and who is cashing in on it. It wonders about who or what is getting free and how we make sure that kindness, justice and decency stay in the running.
Sunday’s solar eclipse in Pisces has a few ideas. Occurring on the same day as the rebellious Mars/Uranus conjunction, Sunday’s solar eclipse is a new moon, generally a time of new beginnings, but this moon is a wrap up of what has already occurred. Occurring near the south node and Neptune, Sunday’s eclipse is the last of a series of eclipses in Pisces. This past 2 years has taught us much about the dangers of being deluded into thinking that someone will come along and save us. The past 2 years have taught us much about the importance of kindness and what happens when compassion leaves us. The past 2 years have taught us much about what we need to lose in order to gain a fair and just world.
If we truly want freedom, we must divest our creative energy from the systems that have never and will never grant us the success that is ours. Our imaginations, our creative contributions and our energetic support can be withdrawn from what will only suck our wells dry. We can reinvest that energy into a world that can hold us, reflect us and encourage our growth. This eclipse reminds us that when we do not release ourselves from what does not respect us, we will always be drained by its vampiric ways but when we use our imagination for the purposes of recreation, we are capable of bringing into being everything we could ever hope for.
*Horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. They both contain important information. You’ll know which resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you find inspiration here we love and appreciate donations. If you want to share this work you must quote it and link it to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around, we really appreciate it and you!
Aries & Aries Rising
It’s a big offering. It’s a lot to release. It’s a reset like no other.
It’s going to take a lot of faith. Faith in your grief. Faith in the cleansing process. Faith in your ability to find your way through nothingness. Until you get to your rebirth.
Sunday’s eclipse sweeps through the back closets of your life and asks you to make do with what is left. Just the gems. Just the jewels. Just the purest offerings survive this tidal wave of renewal.
Sunday’s eclipse asks you to make peace with what was lost over the past year, what was swept away and what you found in the process. Sunday’s eclipse might demand that you trust why the excess was released from your life. Whether or not you understand why it left.
While Sunday’s eclipse asks you to focus on a release, the rest of the week’s astrology might make you feel a little more restless and in need of a change. Remember that this is a momentary influence, one that for some of you will force a significant shift in your life, but one that for others of you might just be an impulse that passes.
Whatever you do make sure that the changes are in support of deeper needs that you are committed to fulfilling and not just a reaction to an emotion that you need to just sit with.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Sunday’s solar eclipse comments on the nature of your friendships, the quality of your allies and the importance of working with your networks. Some friends will need you to help them sort through difficulties that they are currently facing. Some friendships might feel too draining to try to deal with. Some social events can help you to feel refreshed. Others will have you feeling like you need a moment to reset yourself. Some part of your community might be working with a loss that you feel on a deep level. Some losses can’t be shared with everyone.
When hanging out with folks, choose wisely.
You might be extra sensitive right now. You might need to be with those that can hold spaces wide enough for you to heal your way through. You might need to be with those that are on your emotional wave length. You might need to be with those that don’t take from your energetic resources but encourage you to fill your own reserves first.
This is a time to chill when you can. Pause when there is no urgent need to move. Respond to what is necessary and let everything else wait while you take your sweet time seriously.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Make peace. With what was lost in regards to your work. Make peace with what you have had to let go of in order to get to do the work that you are now doing. Make peace with the fact that loss is part of success.
We have to give up what gets in the way of our dreams.
Sunday’s solar eclipse occurs in a part of your chart that points to the gifts that you have to give to the world and the growth that you struggle to make in your career. Showing up as a professional out in the world can require many offerings. Not all of them received. Showing up as a professional in the world can require many incarnations. Not all of them meant to last for a lifetime. Showing up as a professional in the world can require a tremendous amount of resilience.
Not every loss is personal. Nor is every success.
You can use this eclipse and the astrology of this week to make peace with what didn’t come to pass and to make a promise to yourself to never give up on your gifts, even if their manifestation is a little different than you had originally imagined.
Never let go of the dreams that you have for your career, but do let those dreams grow with the changes you go through. Never let your circumstances keep you from the certainty of your work in the world and its importance, even when the world seems uncertain of your ideas, talents, gifts and ways of giving them. Look for your own encouragement before anyone else’s.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Success isn’t dependent on effort alone. Success isn’t the awards that we win. Success isn’t the milestones we surpass.
Success needs to be contextualized. Success out in the world must be measured against the benefit of our inner growth. Success must be won for the right reasons. Otherwise it leads us towards a great emptiness. No trophy can fill us up.
Success requires that we are able to sit with, struggle with and know intimately what we hold to be invaluable. No societal recognition can give us that. However, when we receive support from others for what we are offering and outward recognition meets our inner goals and aspirations, validation is ours. Validation that has worked its way from the inside out.
And no award is as rewarding as that.
Sunday’s solar eclipse asks you to make peace with what you don’t believe in. It asks you to let go of the philosophies that do not reflect your possibilities. It asks you to get real with yourself, with your gods, with the force of creation that brought you here. What matters most to you? When everything else is stripped away, what is still worth striving for in your life and in your career? When you do your work, what kind of appreciation do you have for it? How are you relating to it? What do you need to free yourself from within it?
Use this week to step outside of the systems that you have given too much credit to. Take your creative power back by noticing all of the ways in which you get caught in competitions that you don’t really care about winning. Take what you do care about serving, place it on your altar and worship it through everything that you do.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Leo & Leo Rising
What’s important is what you have learned from the situation. What’s important is what you won’t repeat in the future. What’s important is what you can gather from what you weren’t able to keep.
Not every collaboration is meant to bring what you originally wished for.
Sunday’s solar eclipse makes known what energetic investment might not reap the rewards that you had hoped for. Sunday’s solar eclipse might make obvious what financial investments need to be withdrawn. Sunday’s solar eclipse can help you to know what part of your dream collaboration is still worth fighting for and what you’ll need to release in order to make it so.
What are you being asked to let go of in order to have more room to grow what you want? What dream gets you caught up in fantasy instead of fueling your ability to tackle it in reality? What have you been fooling yourself about that you are actually too smart to fall for any longer? Fantasies are helpful as long as we realize that they are only meant to be gateways into a working version of them in real time. This week’s astrology is begging you to break lose and find new ways forward. Use your imagination to fuel your dreams for the future.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
It’s time to clear the slate.
Find ways to work through the harder relationship dynamics that you are currently facing. The emotional ones. The sensitive ones. The ones that seem to reverberate all the way back to the beginning of your experiences relating.
Make an effort to understand what you fear here. Make an effort to understand what you take for granted here. Make an effort to understand the ways in which you feel taken for granted. Then make an effort to heal those rifts instead of holding on to the hurt.
Forgive yourself for what you can. Ask for help with what you can’t. Forgive them for what you can. Ask for direction when you can’t.
Sunday’s solar eclipse might see the end of a relationship or relationship dynamic. Those that go, will do so for good reason. Those that stay are staying for good reason. This week, your astrology speaks to the nature of what a soulmate is. And what it isn’t.
A soulmate isn’t someone who comes along and saves us. A soulmate is someone who believes in our ability to save ourselves. Someone who gives us the tools that they have, the encouragement, kindness and compassion that we need so that we can become the beauty that we were meant to be. Sunday’s solar eclipse points to those attributes and asks you to see if they are in your current relationships and, if so, to know that you are among your soul’s greatest mates and that they are worth fighting for, fighting with and fighting along side.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Libra & Libra Rising
Tension may build in your more important relationships this week, but tension will also break. Your job is to find a gracious way through the more volatile relationship dynamics that arise until you get to the other side.
Not everything that presents as dramatic needs to be reacted to dramatically. Your cool, collected calm will become a great asset to whatever your partners need to contend with. It will also help any breakdowns move more quickly towards becoming breakthroughs.
Who in your life needs freedom or help finding their way towards their independence? Who’s going through a growth spurt? How can you provide them the space that they need? What relationship dynamics are changing and how can you assist the relationship in finding its way forward?
Sunday’s solar eclipse lands in the part of your chart that speaks to your labour and the effects of it on your body. Appreciating the efforts that you make can go a long way in terms of keeping yourself healthy. Appreciating what you need in order to stay healthy can go a long way towards making your work a more supportive endeavor. Appreciating the relationship between effort and rest with be a theme to work with this week and well into March.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Sunday’s solar eclipse asks you to eliminate the sources of poisons that infiltrate your creative wells. What gets into the water, unseen but unrelenting in its effect? What leaks are causing you to feel weak? What intoxicants might be fun for a moment but ultimately leave you feeling dizzy and disoriented, unable to access your potency?
Sunday’s eclipse wants you to come clean about the nature of your addictions. We all have them. Mostly, they are a natural survival tactic. Until they threaten our survival. Addictions always serve a purpose. Consider which ones have done their job and now need dealing with in a different way. Take actions that take care of your entire being instead of giving in to assuaging a momentary discomfort. Feel the feelings that have been too scary to acknowledge. Feel what has been covered up by a behavior or a way of coping if you can. Feeling what lies underneath a compulsive behavior can create an incredible amount of space within us and in our lives in general.
Sunday’s eclipse wants you to face any romantic delusions that you are harboring, the ones that make it near impossible to experience real romantic fulfillment. Love gets us high in the best of ways. Infatuations can help us reclaim erotic energy that has been suppressed for too long. But it is only meant as a wake-up call to help us realize the power of its pulse. Don’t let a fantasy keep you locked away from what could be a really rewarding reality.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Without compassion for our own journey, it’s near impossible to have an honest understanding of anyone else’s. Without a relentless kindness for our own struggle, we are hard pressed to see those of another. Without an ability to soften to ourselves, we too easily bristle around those that push our buttons and trigger our deepest wounds.
No one knows us like our family. No one can get to us like those that raised us. No one can let us down like those that are supposed to raise us.
Sunday’s solar eclipse targets the most personal and deeply felt part of your chart. It asks you to reflect upon the work that you have done here over the past 2 years. What progress, healing and kindness have you been able to offer yourself in the process of healing the wounds of your childhood? What have your family members been able to heal with you? What haven’t they the capacity to consider? What are you becoming conscious of now that assists you along the journey of retrieving yourself from your past and reclaiming your right to live out a full and glorious present? What dreams do you have for your current and future home?
The family that you are able to create as an adult is a testament to your ability to create safety for yourself. It is a monument to the ways in which you are able to find your agency. It is a reminder that as an adult you can develop all the skills that you need to create the home, family and foundation that you deserve and desire.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
If you are going to rebel against something, let it be for the best cause possible. Break the cycle. Break the mold. Break the patterns that aren’t helpful. The patterns that have been carried down to you, generation after generation. Be the one in your lineage who puts an end to the nonsense. Be wiser than the age-old problems that your ancestors weren’t in the position to solve themselves. Bring your lineage to the next level. It’s part of what you came here to do.
This week tests your foundations. It might put a strain on your family relationships. It might help you understand more about the nature of what you need to feel secure and what you thought brought you security but really only inhibits your ability to feel rooted and firmly planted in your life.
Sunday’s solar eclipse helps you root out and identify the items on your daily calendar that keep you from getting ahead. There may be something about your daily structure that is more draining than helpful, more derailing than effective and more diffusing of your energy then is necessary. Don’t be afraid of letting some chaos go. Think of it as an opportunity to create more space for productive daydreaming. You need space in your day to entertain your muses. Keeping your days less cluttered is a solid invitation to them to come in and make themselves comfortable.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
We must all find ways to support our own existence. Sunday’s solar eclipse points to the struggle and the success that you have had with your livelihood over the last 2 years. Most likely you have had to give up one thing for another. That might have been an actual job. That might have been a dream that turned out to be misaligned with your greater mission. That might have been a false narrative that kept you from understanding the value of your talents.
Sunday’s solar eclipse points to the value of your talents and the hefty price you pay for devaluing them. What have you learned over the past 2 years about believing in your natural abilities? What trust have you been able to develop in them? What faith are you still struggling to have in this area of your life?
Sunday’s solar eclipse may highlight the ways in which you still allow your own or other people’s messy boundaries to erode your ability to work effectively. With your life as busy as it is at the moment, these are important lessons to learn efficiently. You don’t have time for situations that cause undue stress or take up too much of your precious energy needlessly. Keep your life running as smoothly as you can and let the only chaos you bring in be the creative kind.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.
It’s never too late to restart. It’s never too late to let go of an old sorrow. It’s never too late to be released from a lie that has held your energy back from the world.
It’s not too late. Not to believe in your dreams. Not to get behind your creative inspirations. Not to learn how to take action.
It’s not too late. Not to develop the courage to fight for your livelihood as you know you need it to be. Not to bring the images of your own success to work with you. Not to strive for what liberates your ability to get free. Personally, professionally and generationally.
Sunday’s solar eclipse is the last eclipse in Pisces for a long time. It’s a wrap up of eclipses that have taken place here over the past 2 years. Take a look back at this time frame. What have you had to say goodbye to? What part of your identity has been washed away? What is left as a result? What was the shape of your life then and how has that shape been eroded, smoothed over and softened? Count the blessings. Grieve the losses. Let go of what you no longer need and know, deep down in your bones, that it is never, ever to late to believe in the dreams that believe in you.
*The next new moon course is a part of Journey Through Eclipse Season and will include rituals for the new moon/solar eclipse and an explanation of how it will impact each sign as well a guide to the next lunar cycle from February 26th – March 26th.