What you need to know about March’s solar eclipse in Aries

When: March 29th, 2025, at 3:57 am PT

What: Solar North Node eclipse in Aries

Takeaway: This solar eclipse marks a crescendo in our journeys of self-advocacy and autonomy. This is the final Aries eclipse near the North Node for nearly two decades, and it culminates a story we began in April of 2023. Honor your resilience and courage, and celebrate just how far you’ve come between then and now.

Bring on the fireworks

Most of the eclipses since April of 2023 have been unwinding across the Aries/Libra axis, shaking up our burning ambitions and reawakening our rebellious impulses. Wherever Aries resides in your chart, this area of your life has likely evolved in leaps and bounds — and perhaps brushed against a few growth edges.

Over the past couple years, these eclipses have underscored how vital it is to honor your inner fire and your longing for self-actualization, even at the risk of disappointing others. You’ve been learning how to balance your personal agenda with the needs of your most important relationships, and this last eclipse in Aries is a final exam on all the ways you’ve sharpened the sword of your conviction.

…But pace yourself

When celestial events occur on or near the North Node, they get infused with a sense of hunger, restlessness, and drive that can sometimes feel bottomless. The ancients mythologized the North Node as the head of a ravenous dragon — aflame with desire, but disconnected from the feeling of satiation in its belly.

In turn, the eclipse near the North Node on March 29th represents an uptick in all things Aries: aggression, conflict, bold leaps of faith, and the appetite for novelty. On the days surrounding this eclipse, be extra discerning about the ways you’re exceeding your capacity to achieve a certain goal. This eclipse could be an opportunity to redefine what it means to “win” in the first place. Opting out of a battle could be the most triumphant move of all.

If you’re burning the candle at both ends, pause long enough to ask yourself what you need to decompress. Aries is a sign that champions the self, but its go-getting spirit can’t be sustained without regular recharges. So rally your comrades for support. If you’ve become isolated within your adrenaline rush, that’s your cue to check in with the people who keep you grounded and help you blow off steam. You don’t have to go it alone.

FYI: There are two retrogrades in the mix

Adding to the drama, both Venus and Mercury are still retrograde. Logging off and unplugging are always wise during eclipse seasons, but they’re also great ways to support Venus’ retrograde journey, which is a time of solitary retreat and introspection.

Mercury retrograde protocol is also crucial right now. Communicate with tact, and take several deep breaths before sharing what’s on your mind. Amid the volatility of eclipse season, we can be extra reactive, so remind yourself that you’re never obligated to weigh in, and save your hot takes and mic drops for a calmer moment.

The final wrap-up

Our usual eclipse advice to lie low and rest still stands, though all the buzzing Aries energy in the air may feel activating. If so, seek safe, cathartic outlets that help you cool down, which will make all the difference. You can always redirect pent-up feistiness by dancing, scream-singing along to your favorite heavy metal soundtrack, or clenching and then relaxing your muscles.

Remember: This is the grand finale of the Aries/Libra eclipse series. Recognize all the small and large moments when you’ve been your own fierce protector, advocate, and cheerleader over the past two years. It may not have been easy, but the relationship you’ve cultivated with yourself is priceless.

10 ways to work with the solar eclipse in Aries

1. Expect the unexpected. Schedule wiggle room in your calendar as a buffer against unforeseeable events.

2. Refrain rom making big moves or major launches from March 13th to March 29th (aka eclipse season). Eclipses are volatile moments, so it’s best to start projects after the turbulence has passed.

3. Mind-map what success means to you — and only you. Then journal about the self-doubts or inner naysayers that are blocking you from following through. Brainstorm healthy mindset shifts that could fuel your fire.

4. Channel your jitters into constructive outlets. Play air guitar with the mop, sweat it out in the sauna, or take out your frustration on your pottery wheel.

5. Anchor into your senses, especially if excess energy is making you feel ungrounded. Spend time in nature or with pets, breathe into your belly, or cook nourishing meals.

6. Rest abundantly. Limit your screen time, anoint yourself with essential oils, or meditate before bed to help yourself unwind.

7. Prioritize quality time with the people and activities that replenish your system. Say no to everything else for now.

8. Listen to the Astrology of the Week Ahead podcast, as well as Your Reading in the “This Week” section of the CHANI app.

9. Learn whether this eclipse is directly affecting your chart by checking the Transits tab in the CHANI app. You can also find out how your rising sign will be impacted by reading your Current Sky horoscope for the Sun in Aries.

10. Work through any emotions that this eclipse brings up by utilizing the journal prompts, guided meditation, and ritual in the “This Week” section of the CHANI app.

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