You’ll need love, joy, passion, good friends, a soft place to land, magic and the ability to recognize it. You’ll need a thick skin to weather the worst of the world and a tender heart to receive the best of it. You’ll need a sense of humor to survive your ego and your pride (and everyone else’s), curiosity to investigate your weird reactions, defenses, fears and self-sabotaging strategies. You’ll need rituals that center you, habits that hold you to your promises, dedication and determination so that challenging yourself to do what is difficult but defining day after day, week after week, month after month, year upon year becomes natural and even enjoyable.
Welcome Capricorn Season.
Beginning with the Solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. At great cost to frivolity, discipline brings untold benefits for the soul. Time spent complaining eats up the hours we could otherwise spend finding a solution. Time spent with sub-par companions keeps us from the much-needed relationship with ourselves and those that inspire the best in us. Time spent doing what we don’t need and don’t want to is a deposit into the banks of our despair.
Our happiness depends on us.
Our desires are desperate for us to use every bit of agency we have to seek them out and bring them into being. Our willingness to show up to the task of becoming on our best days and our worst makes all the difference. No deposit goes to waste. No matter what our state, every date we kept with our destiny stokes the embers of its heart. Every offering of time, talent, labor, and love is remembered. Every long evening accounted for.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice is a time to attune ourselves to the seeds of potential buried deep within. From this shortest of days, the Sun steadily grows in light and in strength. Any intentions we set do too. Meditating on the light within, the light we share with friends, family, and loves of all kinds is a beautiful way to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun and Self.
With the solar eclipse in Capricorn occurring on December 25th, this entire holiday season is our chance to change things up. The solar eclipse encourages us to break from the childhood conditioning that has kept us spellbound, in a state of confusion, or only living life halfway. Eclipse Season always makes us step up our game, but this one demands that we reconsider the one that we are playing entirely.
Make yourself available to your dreams, ambitions, and desires. Make it a priority to forgive yourself for what you didn’t know how to do before. Make it known through your actions that you are divesting your energy from the relationships that never gave you what you needed or wanted. Recalibrate, reframe, and renew your commitment to showing up for yourself no matter who else follows suit.
For a Winter Solstice guided meditation, ritual, altar suggestions, and a reading for Eclipse Season specific to your sign, please join me for A Workshop for the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, and Astrology from Dec 21 – Jan 23 PLUS Bonus Solstice and 2020 Intention Setting Rituals