Read your Astrology Guide to the Week of May 9th: a usable and concise toolkit for the week’s upcoming astrology.
How to make the most of this week 🎯 … Eclipses are always big cosmic news, but this week, we experience the first Scorpio eclipse near the South Node since 2002. Over the next year, we will experience a total of 3 eclipses in this sign. As you read your eclipse horoscope below, consider what you’d like to transform over the next year. The full story won’t unfold this week, but the opening paragraph will.
Read in-between the lines. Compost what has turned sour. As this eclipse meets the unflinching gaze of Saturn, defining clear boundaries — and sticking to them — will help weather the storm.
Late week, Gemini season ushers in a flurry of change, and possibly even a bright spot of clarity as Mercury retrograde makes its cazimi (meets up with the Sun). Expect revelations on how adaptability and a multi-pronged approach will serve your schemes, dreams, or brain children. After the shake up of eclipse season, we will have cleared ample space for new ways of being in the world. Let your curiosity light the way.
The breakdown 🔮 …
- May 15th:
- Sun sextiles Neptune at 12:15 pm PT
- The lunar eclipse in Scorpio at 9:14 pm PT
- May 17th:
- Mars conjoins Neptune at 11:33 pm PT
- May 19th:
- Sun trines Pluto at 5:11 am PT
- Mercury sextiles Jupiter at 6:33 pm PT
- May 20th:
- Sun enters Gemini at 6:23 pm PT
- May 21st:
- Sun conjoins Mercury (cazimi) at 12:18 pm PT
Tarot card of the week 🃏 … We chose The Death card for this week because it corresponds to the sign Scorpio, where the lunar eclipse is taking place. Symbolic deaths are not merely endings: they are portals into a much longer process of transformation. Just as we never step in the same river twice, the Death card helps us accept that there’s no change, or growth, without the murkier process of decay. With the South Node scraping the barrel of Scorpio, we may be more viscerally aware of the decomposition stage of this journey. When things fall to pieces, just remember: it is here that new life chooses to grow.
Affirmation of the week 😌 … I can’t grow if I don’t let life teach me. What is mine to heal calls me to it.
What to read and listen to 📚 … Your horoscopes for Sun in Taurus, Mars in Pisces, and from Friday, Sun in Gemini; your reading and guided meditation for the week.
How will the lunar eclipse in Scorpio impact your life?
Read your horoscope to see how this lunar eclipse in Scorpio will influence your life!
You can find and read more of your horoscopes for the current astrology here!