Two black pawprints.
An open safety pin.
A black cat laying over a doodle circle.
An eyeball crystal ball inside a doodle circle.
A black snake coiled inside a doodle circle.
A hand sitting on a severed branch inside a doodle circle.
A set of golden scales inside a doodle circle.
Horse figurine inside a doodle circle.
A golden wand inside a doodle circle.
A ceramic teapot and blue gemstones inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A blue flower inside a doodle circle.
A plush goat stuffed animal inside a doodle circle.
A cow figurine inside a doodle circle.
A star fish surrounded by a doodle circle.
Pearl surrounded by a doodle circle.
An oyster surrounded by a doodle circle.
Two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
A gold mirror.
Yellow gemstone.
Amber gemstone.
Illustration of a lit match and the orange glow radiating from the flame.
A green crayon inside a doodle circle.
A green gemstone inside a doodle circle.
A shooting star sticker.
A gold star.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A pearl inside a doodle circle.

February 11, 2025

Today, resist trying to expect the unexpected. If a personal project takes a swerve, you find yourself pressed for “you” time, or the dance class you’ve been looking forward to gets canceled, simply notice what feelings arise. You can learn a lot about yourself when disruption interrupts your carefully laid plans. One thing’s for sure: If you treat surprises like invitations to get to know yourself, you’ll discover treasures.

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February 10, 2025

The upcoming Full Moon is casting its glow on your closest relationships — and your personal independence. While it’s important to celebrate everything culminating in your 1:1 commitments, it’s crucial to tend to your growth edges too. Whether you’ve taken a confident leap of faith with a beloved or launched a new project with a business partner, don’t be afraid to pivot your plans or allow each other more spaciousness. A little friction doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Instead, it’s a golden opportunity to reroute toward greater harmony.

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February 9, 2025

Insights are incoming for your personal goals, passion projects, and self-development practices. Keep an open mind. This is a powerful seed moment for clarifying your most forward-thinking desires and heeding your inner wise one. Wherever you’re ready for a major reset — particularly in your relationship with your style, persona, or self-presentation — set your intentions. Then pay attention. The cosmos is weaving intel throughout the fabric of your experience. Synchronicities, vivid dreams, and eerily resonant recommendations abound.

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February 8, 2025

Tackle that paperwork, set up those appointments, and breeze through your to-dos. Today, support is on your side for completing all the little practical tasks that need to get done. Lately, you’ve been in a period of deeply reassessing the kinds of toil — from aerobics classes to domestic chores — that are emotionally fulfilling. So align your labors with that vision, and make sure to sketch strategies for avoiding burnout too. Even if you end the day with errands remaining on your list, celebrate what you’ve accomplished.

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February 7, 2025

Pleasure is rippling through your daily life. Your job? Trusting your instincts as you flow with the delights calling your name. Take the long route home just because it’s beautiful. Savor the breeze against your skin and the sun on your face. Notice the cast of characters in your neighborhood. Celebrate the people who make you laugh deeply and the profound conversations that reconnect you to yourself. Whatever you focus on is amplified, so soak up what feels great — no excuse necessary.

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February 6, 2025

Your craving for material indulgence is peaking now, especially when there’s a touch of escapism involved. But before you splurge on that impulse purchase or book a session with that money witch, pause to check in with yourself. Are you saying yes to satisfy a genuine desire or to fill a deeper emotional void? Abundance is not the same as having as much stuff as possible. When you let yourself pass on what you don’t need, you affirm that your integrity is the most valuable currency of all.

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February 5, 2025

You’re yearning for a tangible sense of home today. Let your restlessness propel you forward. Do an open-house crawl. Turn on local rental notifications. Or embark on a more literal quest by touring nearby towns. Even something as small as tending to your windowsill plants will help you stay anchored. You may be surprised where your soul feels most at rest.

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