November 20, 2024
As we bid farewell to Scorpio season, reflect on the nooks and crannies you’ve explored in your joint resources and creative collaborations. If anything still seems murky in what you share with your best friend, beloved, or business partner, use today to broach that conversation. Whether you’re drawing up a dream board with your co-conspirator or feeling the rush of self-advocacy in your negotiations, reasserting your value will ensure you never undersell yourself. By leading with what you bring to the table, you magnetize the most fruitful mergers.
Continue readingNovember 19, 2024
Are you ready for a total system upgrade of your collectives? As Pluto re-enters Aquarius, its transformative rumbles will reshape your social circles for the next 20 years. If a group endeavor leaves you feeling drained rather than galvanized, it might be best to cut your losses. Redirect your energy toward the alliances that align with your dream of utopia. If such a movement doesn’t yet exist, dare to begin this revolution. By demanding accountability and transparency within your networks, you’ll magnetize the rabble-rousers on your bold wavelength.
Continue readingNovember 18, 2024
Today is all about intellectual expansion. So indulge your cravings for fascinating ideas, adventure schemes, or sacred practices. Let your book pile topple over. And consume as many esoteric Ted Talks as you desire. When you pay attention to the wisdom you’re hungriest for, you unlock deeper self-understanding. Where do your internal and external quests for truth collide?
Continue readingNovember 17, 2024
You’re at a crossroads when it comes to your legacy and ambitions. You may feel pressure to shine on the public stage or to align your career with your greater calling. But doubt is a part of every professional journey. There’s no shame in feeling anxious — or in asking for help. So open yourself up to those around you. You never know whose perspective might change your life.
Continue readingNovember 16, 2024
Today, your rebellious instincts are trying to communicate with you. If your collaborations feel constraining, dig deeper. If the balance is off with a roommate or business partner, investigate. And if you have something to express, get it off your chest. Now is the time to revise terms, conditions, or even the chore wheel. When you make things fair for everyone, you’ll satisfy the part of you that wants to break free.
Continue readingNovember 15, 2024
The Full Moon in Taurus beams a spotlight on your resources. From the talents you’ve nurtured to the coins jangling in your piggy bank, it’s time to tally your riches. If your financial landscape feels a tad unstable, remember: It takes time to build a steady relationship with money. Every fiscal plot twist presents an opportunity to pivot — or rewrite the rulebook entirely.
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