Two black pawprints.
An open safety pin.
A black cat laying over a doodle circle.
An eyeball crystal ball inside a doodle circle.
A black snake coiled inside a doodle circle.
A hand sitting on a severed branch inside a doodle circle.
A set of golden scales inside a doodle circle.
Horse figurine inside a doodle circle.
A golden wand inside a doodle circle.
A ceramic teapot and blue gemstones inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A blue flower inside a doodle circle.
A plush goat stuffed animal inside a doodle circle.
A cow figurine inside a doodle circle.
A star fish surrounded by a doodle circle.
Pearl surrounded by a doodle circle.
An oyster surrounded by a doodle circle.
Two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
A gold mirror.
Yellow gemstone.
Amber gemstone.
Illustration of a lit match and the orange glow radiating from the flame.
A green crayon inside a doodle circle.
A green gemstone inside a doodle circle.
A shooting star sticker.
A gold star.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A pearl inside a doodle circle.

February 12, 2025

The Full Moon in Leo is tossing fiery glitter over your resources. Reflect on how they’ve evolved over the past six months and what’s culminating around them now. If you’ve been craving more ownership over your funds or the ability to generate wealth more creatively, opportunities to do so may emerge today. But if this lunation feels draining, it’s okay to drop the number-crunching for a bit. Potential avenues to abundance will become clearer with a little TLC.

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December 25, 2024

Infuse your days with abundance. If your work or wellness routines feel stale, reinvigorate them. How? By stretching your thinking. Keep your notes app at the ready, and brainstorm any expansive tweaks you could make. Give your inner fact-checker a break, and let your stream of associations flow unimpeded. If you’re curious about freelance coaching, crafting a batch of healing elixirs, or learning a new smoothie recipe, add it to the list. The point isn’t to close any doors; it’s to open up more enlivening ones.

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December 24, 2024

Secret dreams, meet real-world obstacles. If you’re yearning to explore your deepest fantasies or tackle your private bucket list, don’t let practical difficulties discourage you. When you confront the limits of your time or resources, treat them as catalysts for your passion projects. Think back to what was happening in your inner world on or around August 19th of this year, and notice how your psyche’s cravings have gradually sharpened and solidified since then. Be patient with yourself while clarity dawns.

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December 23, 2024

You may be at a crossroads in your committed bonds, whether romantic or platonic. Today, identify what needs shedding in this area. Pay special attention to any codependent dynamics rooted in your childhood or your relationships with caregivers. It’s not always easy to stop people-pleasing and own your desires, but doing so is key to forging sustainable partnerships. So cut ties with any habits or connections that disempower you. When you do, you’ll regain clarity.

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December 22, 2024

Tune in to your relationships with family or chosen family. What’s one interpersonal habit you’re ready to ditch? Maybe it’s smiling through cringeworthy small talk or taking on too many chores. Whatever the case, allow yourself to let go. If helpful, you can ritualize this release. Build an altar to your old and new selves. Or scrub your front door with essential oil while reflecting on your growth. When you banish stale patterns, you invite in a healthier you.

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December 21, 2024

Create the containers that allow your 1:1 partnerships to thrive. As the Sun enters Capricorn, take your bonds with best friends, beloveds, or business associates more seriously. If you need to map out your romantic commitments, set necessary boundaries with a pal, or seek interpersonal guidance from wise elders, make moves toward your goals. If your energy is ebbing, reflect on what you’ve already accomplished in this arena this year. Relationships require hard work, but your efforts yield connections that are skillfully built to last.

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December 20, 2024

Sagittarius season is coming to an end. Consider what you’ve been learning about your health habits and time management skills. And reflect on the obstacles you’ve encountered in the process. Though frustrating, they’ve helped you pause, catch your breath, and clarify your motivations. Detours and rambling roads are, after all, a part of life. But if this month has taught you anything, let it be the importance of rest. It’s a non-negotiable. And you need it to recharge. The result? A refueled appetite for discovery, for learning, and for embracing the unknown.

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