Two black pawprints.
An open safety pin.
A black cat laying over a doodle circle.
An eyeball crystal ball inside a doodle circle.
A black snake coiled inside a doodle circle.
A hand sitting on a severed branch inside a doodle circle.
A set of golden scales inside a doodle circle.
Horse figurine inside a doodle circle.
A golden wand inside a doodle circle.
A ceramic teapot and blue gemstones inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A blue flower inside a doodle circle.
A plush goat stuffed animal inside a doodle circle.
A cow figurine inside a doodle circle.
A star fish surrounded by a doodle circle.
Pearl surrounded by a doodle circle.
An oyster surrounded by a doodle circle.
Two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
A gold mirror.
Yellow gemstone.
Amber gemstone.
Illustration of a lit match and the orange glow radiating from the flame.
A green crayon inside a doodle circle.
A green gemstone inside a doodle circle.
A shooting star sticker.
A gold star.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A pearl inside a doodle circle.

February 11, 2025

Be flexible with your learning and long-term planning — they don’t have an end-of-day deadline. If you’ve misplaced your notes, forgotten your password, or had to cancel a trip, pay attention to what feelings arise. Bumps in the road teach you so much about keeping your perspective adaptive and open. The more you’re willing to take alternate routes today, the more possibilities you’ll invite in. There’s no rushing these things.

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January 29, 2025

This New Moon in Aquarius, you’re off to heed a fantastical quest of the mind. So strap on your ruby slippers and hop to it. From bringing home a stack of library books to applying to that residency in a faraway land, no action is too small. Divine timing, after all, is the best traveler’s insurance. And the universe has you covered today.

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January 28, 2025

Today, you have a heightened ability to cut to the heart of your spiritual and intellectual beliefs. Consider whether the last course you took, book you annotated, or meditation you tried aligns with your inner authority. It’s time to ditch any practices or perspectives that don’t make you feel centered and in control. Luckily, focus is your superpower right now. So seek out the teachings and concepts that strengthen you at your core. Ask and you shall receive.

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January 27, 2025

Map out the coordinates of the mental quests and far-flung adventures beyond your comfort zone. Over the coming weeks, the cutting edge is your path forward, whether you’re teaching yourself a new language, innovating your spiritual practices, or interrogating outdated beliefs. Give your mind plenty of room to roam by penciling in hours to daydream, take the scenic route home, or read books outside your usual wheelhouse. When you carve out space in your day for experimentation, you magnetize your most brilliant insights.

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January 26, 2025

It’s time to activate your inner rebel in your public-facing life. A spirit of risk can revitalize how you take up space and put yourself out there. So whether you get the urge to participate more in class, make moves toward a career goal, or simply believe more in your abilities, follow your inspirations. You’ll revive your relationship with your calling in the process.

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January 25, 2025

Your public-facing courage is on the rise right now and your magnetism on full blast. Especially when you lower your guard (and maybe the compulsive self-deprecation). It’s time to bring your more vulnerable side to the world stage. So write that email, reach out to those creators in your field, and say yes to that exciting new project. Your ability to make a glowing first impression while advocating for your emotional needs and limits is at an all-time high. Go for it.

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January 24, 2025

Today, think outside the box in your collaborations. If you usually meet your co-conspirator for lunch, take your business to the local aquarium. Doodle your feelings about a merger before signing off on it. Or draw a Venn diagram with your and your partners’ visions for your shared endeavors, noting what surprises you each. These types of give-and-takes aren’t always comfortable. But any friction you experience generates endless electricity.

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