January 12, 2025
Today, epiphanies and gut feelings are major sources of wisdom. What can they teach you about your finances and ambitions? Maybe you’re called to zhuzh up your abundance vision board or commit more seriously to your economic justice efforts. Follow your instincts. It can be unsettling to trust your intuition about which fiscal goal to set or which business to start. But doing so may lead to lucrative possibilities you never considered. What are you waiting for?
Continue readingJanuary 11, 2025
As the Nodes of the Moon change signs today, a fresh cycle begins. Over the next 18 months, your desire to weave more compassion and creativity into your public offerings will surge. At the same time, you’ll be nudged to release outdated habits or stale narratives about home, family, or chosen kin. Whether that means discarding old childhood narratives or just those ragged curtains, purify your inner and outer spaces. Here’s to more clarity.
Continue readingJanuary 10, 2025
Since July 2023, you’ve been learning profound lessons about your relationships with others — and with your creativity. You’ve cleared blockages to your artistic inspirations and sought out communal spaces that energize you. Today, think about the changes you’ve made in the last year and a half. What’s shifted about the social groups you mix with and how you channel your artistry? Now is the time to reflect on your inner and outer renaissance and celebrate how you’ve grown along the way.
Continue readingJanuary 9, 2025
Lately, you’ve been transforming your relationships with your muses and the collective. It’s been crucial to balance connection with your own creativity. And right now, important messages on these topics are swirling through the ether. They might arrive through charged discussions or sudden breakthroughs. Whatever the case, your cosmic GPS is leading you to your genius. So notice what feels resonant and stay the course.
Continue readingJanuary 8, 2025
Fine print? No sweat. For the next few weeks, take a clear, focused inventory of your contracts, joint ventures, and shared resources, in whatever forms they take. The more willing you are to crunch the numbers of life with your co-conspirators, the more magic you’ll make out of this moment. This would also be a fruitful time to reach out to the people you want to collaborate with or to make your case for a redistributed chore chart. The bottom line? Communicate. You’ll refresh all your co-creations when you do.
Continue readingJanuary 7, 2025
Temporary fog warning. Right now, your committed partnerships — and even your life’s direction — could feel murky. If your bestie or beloved is draining your cup, map out your boundaries. How can you clear up this connection? It’s not always easy to hold our bonds alongside our worldly ambitions. So spill your doubts to your journal, therapist, or favorite person. And loop your loved ones in on your greater plans. When you do, you’ll help them feel included in what you’re building.
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