February 4, 2025
Over the past four months, you’ve been scaling back your financial mergers and other material exchanges. Instead of plowing forward and signing on the dotted line, the cosmos has been encouraging you to simplify, simplify, simplify. Now you have the green light to sync your resources up again. So brainstorm with business partners. Scout grants, loans, and scholarships. And revisit conversations about joint ventures. When you fuse time, money, and energy with folks worthy of your efforts, you magnetize your dream collaborators.
Continue readingFebruary 3, 2025
Your daily grind is sweeter when you gamify your tedious work tasks and wellness routines — and rally the support of an accountabilibuddy. Over the coming weeks, creative solutions to old problems could suddenly appear, but just remember that you don’t have to conquer all your to-dos in a day. Whether you’re weeding the garden, settling into corpse pose, or redesigning your website, ease into the pleasures of the process. Doing so will remind you that victory is simply a bonus.
Continue readingFebruary 2, 2025
You’re experiencing breakthroughs in how you share with your family or chosen family. Right now, you might be stuck on how to divvy up chores or pool money for groceries. Discuss these issues to reach mutually beneficial solutions. Remember: Everybody wins if the communication channels are open and judgment-free. Just know that you may need to ditch the status quo to land on a compromise. It’s time to experiment with new systems that make your exchanges as painless as possible — and maybe even enjoyable.
Continue readingFebruary 1, 2025
Fantasy is critical to your pleasure and artistic process, and lately, your appetite for play has grown. But your idealized versions of art and delight could be bumping up against reality. Pay attention. This moment may feel uncomfortable, but it will help you adjust your expectations as needed. Remember: You magnetize more creative flow not only by dreaming of it, but by rolling up your sleeves and risking making a mess.
Continue readingJanuary 31, 2025
Over the past few months, you’ve been shedding and shifting habits, patterns, or perspectives that hamper your bonds. Today, reflect on the changes you’ve experienced in your close relationships, whether romantic or platonic. Jot down any revelations you’ve had about upgrading your 1:1s. This transformation has been necessary to keep your connections fresh and enlivening. Now it’s time to act on your newfound wisdom — and maybe even ruffle a feather or two.
Continue readingJanuary 30, 2025
In the coming days, fresh inspirations — and the enthusiasm to act on them — are flooding your home life. Ride the wave. If growing your own food excites you, start a windowsill herb garden. If a podcast about family dynamics sparks an aha moment, discuss it with those who anchor you. No idea is too small right now. So soak up what stimulates your mind. And don’t be afraid to follow your optimism. When you do, you’ll reinforce your root system.
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