Two black pawprints.
An open safety pin.
A black cat laying over a doodle circle.
An eyeball crystal ball inside a doodle circle.
A black snake coiled inside a doodle circle.
A hand sitting on a severed branch inside a doodle circle.
A set of golden scales inside a doodle circle.
Horse figurine inside a doodle circle.
A golden wand inside a doodle circle.
A ceramic teapot and blue gemstones inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A four-leaf clover inside a doodle circle.
A blue flower inside a doodle circle.
A plush goat stuffed animal inside a doodle circle.
A cow figurine inside a doodle circle.
A star fish surrounded by a doodle circle.
Pearl surrounded by a doodle circle.
An oyster surrounded by a doodle circle.
Two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
Pink gemstone surrounds two lovebirds inside a doodle circle.
A gold mirror.
Yellow gemstone.
Amber gemstone.
Illustration of a lit match and the orange glow radiating from the flame.
A green crayon inside a doodle circle.
A green gemstone inside a doodle circle.
A shooting star sticker.
A gold star.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A colorful fish inside a doodle circle.
A pearl inside a doodle circle.

February 11, 2025

Your foundations are being shaken up today, whether that means the hot water going out or your dog getting into the trash can. If miscommunications crackle between you and your cohabitants, take some solo time to breathe. This tension is pointing to the aspects of your home base that need a refresh. So get curious rather than reactive. You’ll unlock an innovative solution or two when you do. Remember: Facing the unexpected strengthens your adaptability muscles.

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January 17, 2025

Today, let your muses tweak your schedule. Whether they summon you to stroll around your neighborhood or ooh and ahh at a spiderweb, go for it. You’re extra receptive to inspiration right now. So stay open to the small transcendent moments buried in your routines. And remember: The more you treat your local world like a creative hub, the more it becomes one.

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January 16, 2025

Since May, you’ve expanded your financial alliances and your ability to process grief. Whether that’s meant funding new collaborations or sharing old wounds with your therapist, celebrate your progress. But also note where you’re still seeking clarity and focus. If you’re distracted by the dizzying nature of your give-and-takes or the narratives looping in your head, cultivate calm. Your wisest strategies emerge from the quiet.

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January 15, 2025

Forecasted for today: battles of the mind. If you find yourself caught up in endless debates or stalled in your communication projects, breathe. Sometimes releasing our expectations — and the need to “get it right” — is the wisest path forward. So take a conscious time-out, even if your ego wants to keep firing off in the comments or re-editing the same line. When you bust out of rigid thought patterns, you clear space for new answers and ideas to emerge.

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January 14, 2025

Celebrate good times, come on. Today is all about pleasure. Sweetness in its many forms is a healing balm for your nervous system. So let yourself play hooky from life’s humdrum responsibilities. Whether that means cuddling up with a pet, getting lost in a novel, or doing an at-home spa treatment, live a little. Fun is fuel for your creativity.

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January 13, 2025

The Full Moon in Cancer is lighting up your emotional map. The world of feelings is a wild one, but it’s yours to explore. Notice if sudden events prompt a tender response today, especially around your beliefs or long-range goals. If you sense a storm a-brewin’ internally, embrace its intensity. Then expel it through a healthy outlet. Maybe that means meditating, pillow-punching, or venting to your diary. Whatever the case, a good release will cleanse and revitalize your inner terrain, leaving you ready for your next grand adventure.

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January 12, 2025

Your instincts are savvy advisors. Consult them today about your educational pursuits. Feeling compelled to renew your library card, duck into a lecture hall, or check out a meditation class? Honor those urges. Your intuition communicates with you through the butterflies in your stomach and the electricity in your nervous system. So tune into these signals. Doing so will lead you to fresh wisdom.

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