Welcome, Gemini season. Normally, as the sun skips, whirls, and flits through Gemini, it also nudges us to get brainy and flirty; to add crossword puzzles or Sudoku to the breakfast menu; to task-switch and super-task; to make coffee while ironing while arguing while feeding the cat while texting while assessing the contents of the fridge — but this isn’t your usual Gemini season.
The Sun will be in Gemini from May 20th – June 20th. As the nodes of the moon are passing through Gemini and Sagittarius at the moment, that means: eclipse season. The first eclipse will occur on May 26th, the second on June 10th, issuing a ripple through the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of your chart. Not only that, this eclipse season will coincide with a Mercury retrograde — so things may get a bit blurry, bumpy, and bewildering.
The following horoscopes invite you to consider what in your life needs some healthy dishevelling before you settle into a more long-term arrangement.
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Your Sun in Gemini horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Steph Koyfman (The Daily Hunch).
Aries & Aries Rising
The Gemini Sun lends its diffused light to a part of your chart that’s already been popping with inspired talk since early May. Now that the Sun is centering your writing projects, media experiments, frequently traveled routes, daily practices, and your relationships with siblings, BFFs, and extended family, all of your latest dabbling in these realms gets illuminated with clarity and purpose.
This year, the Sun also ushers in a season of eclipses that’s getting an add-on remix treatment from Mercury Retrograde. Whatever’s cooking in the lab right now is about to propel you forward by one or two quantum leaps that you may not be able to fully anticipate.
The lunar eclipse on May 26th clears space by brushing aside limiting beliefs and stale conventions, while the June 10th solar eclipse provides a stark vision of the rewrite that’s trying to emerge.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
Every year, the Sun’s trip through Gemini sends its scattered light beams across the grab bag of resources at your disposal, reminding you that being good at multiple things is a pretty solid approach to security — that remaining flexible is a secret trick for staying solid.
Right now, the pace of these revelations just happens to be quickening. You’ve been flirting with some interesting possibilities in the realm of generating new income streams, owning more or less stuff, and/or putting your considerable talents to use since early May.
The Sun’s entry into Gemini on May 20th not only centers your awareness fully on these thought experiments — it also punctuates them with two eclipses that are getting topped up with a little creative chaos from Mercury Retrograde.
The lunar eclipse on May 26th clears some sort of debt or form of membership dues from your ledger, while the solar eclipse on June 10th gives you a sharp sense for how the math can potentially work in your favor.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
The Gemini Sun is always a bit of a wakeup call for you (quite literally, in the sense of a personal sunrise). As you shake off the sleepiness of yet another Taurus Season, the Sun urges you to open your blinds and smell the coffee as it warms you up with cosmic vitamin D.
This booster shot of vitality is both energizing and clarifying. You’ve already been experimenting with new outfits and ways of introducing yourself since early May, thanks to Venus, who is also in Gemini at the moment.
The addition of the Sun here gives you the confidence and swagger to pull off a particularly stunning stunt, especially around Sol’s meeting with the North Node on May 31st.
This year’s Gemini Season is also a chaotic whirlwind of eclipses that are further complicated by a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign. Suffice it to say that even small alterations to your signature style can lead to quantum leaps of personal change.
Anticipate that you may no longer be in Kansas anymore. If everything’s up in the air, you are too, and that means nothing is currently off the table.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
Though Gemini Season is busy and buzzy, your personal rhythm tends to put you to sleep during this time. While the rest of the world is extra wired, you usually find yourself in retreat mode, most likely to protect your more sensitive sides.
This year, though, your annually scheduled nap is full of disruptions, and even the best light-blocking curtains may not be enough to keep the commotion at bay. Punctuated by two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign, the Sun’s tour through Gemini is a blustery one. There’s no telling where the winds will carry us.
Consider that you’re waking up, perhaps in new and startling ways, to some of the things you’d rather be asleep to. This is perhaps made easier by the fact that you’ve already been playfully engaging with what usually feels like painful material since early May.
The Sun brings a helpful dose of added clarity. As it gets eclipsed, the circuit breakers in your awareness are flipped on and off, helping you end unhelpful habits and make your mental health a bigger priority.
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Leo & Leo Rising
If most of May was the cocktail hour, the Sun’s entry into Gemini gets the social function into full (socially distanced and/or responsible) swing. Scattering its prismatic rays through the part of your chart associated with groups and alliances, the Gemini Sun lends a certain clarity of light that helps you see added dimensions to the social dynamics and politics of being in community.
You’ve likely been in social butterfly mode since Mercury and Venus flitted into this part of your chart in early May, if still from a screen or safe distance. As the Sun joins the party, some of the banter that felt noncommittal before raises questions of where to go next. That’s because this year’s Gemini Season is punctuated by two whirlwind eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde.
Much will be reshuffled by the end of this solar month, potentially with some dramatic exits and arrivals. Look for small nudges along the way that push you toward the right flock, especially around May 31st and June 3rd, when at least one of your allies may prove their mettle as a more steadfast teammate. For any lingering uncertainties, the June 10th solar eclipse will be extremely revealing.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
If much of May was a warmup exercise in brushing up your resume, the Sun’s entry into Gemini puts you squarely in the spotlight, and potentially even on the spot. Ready or not, it’s time to show the world what you’re capable of and be ready for everything to change as a result.
Speaking of ready, you tend to come over-prepared and under-assured that it’s ever the right time. This year’s Gemini Season is momentous and full of momentum. Punctuated by two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde, the Sun’s tour through Gemini propels you to greater visibility, and even to greater eminence, through a wormhole loop of cause and effect.
For now, stay flexible and ready to change your plans. Much remains up in the air, including where you currently call home. The June 10th solar eclipse may come with dramatic recognition, and perhaps along with that, an acute sense of feeling self-conscious and exposed. This is also likely the moment when it’ll all start to make sense and click into place.
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Libra & Libra Rising
When the student is ready, the teacher arrives. In the first part of May, your curiosity was piqued and your GPS calculations altered accordingly. As the Sun joins the Gemini choir on May 20th, a resonant warmth floods the trail, academy, or house of worship, and it guides you on your way.
Expecting the light to remain consistent might set you up for disillusionment, however. In Gemini, the Sun’s light is filtered through a multifaceted prism, and this year, Gemini Season brings two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign. Inevitable changes happen faster than you anticipated. Enlightenment happens all at once, and then is questioned. Rerouting is part of the plan.
You are embarking on a course of study or nuanced inquiry into your belief system that takes you for a ride. The meandering is the point, although it’s also setting you up to receive an unmistakable omen from the universe during the June 10th eclipse. The truth you divine then might be too compelling to not change some aspect of your life as a result.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
The Gemini Sun casts its iridescent rays into a dark part of your chart that’s recently been subject to more experimental exchange than usual. As it does so, it illuminates added dimensions to the transactions that have been taking place, centering your awareness on your joint endeavors, systems of financial support, and movements through various cycles of grief.
This year, the Sun’s time in Gemini comes with added twists and turns. Punctuated by two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign, Gemini Season speeds up the rate at which we process, change our minds, and tweak our circumstances.
New systems of support may sweep away the old habits of stubborn self-reliance. Ripened awareness around loss might shift your priorities in a flash.
This may be a pivotal time for your professional path as well, particularly as it relates to your collaborators and financial backers. You might have to part with something that’s totally yours in order to tap into a generous offer that comes with strings attached. The June 10th eclipse will reveal something essential about what’s on the table.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, adding a booster shot of vitality to the love letters stuffed with inside jokes that have been pinging between you and your faves since early May. Here, the Sun illuminates the nuanced complexity of your significant others. It centers your experience, also, at the threshold of “you” and “me.”
This year, Gemini Season packs in more twists, turns, shock, and awe than usual. With two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign, the Sun’s journey through this terrain flips the circuit breaker on your relationship dynamics, allowing fresh currents a chance to emerge.
Note that the flip side of this is that you, yourself, may be shedding a skin. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th flushes your system of the identities, garments, and assumed roles in family histories that limited your freedom to define your own trajectory. The June 10th eclipse will be a watershed moment for at least one of your partnerships, revealing the map of where you’re going next in stark clarity.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
At least some of your work doldrums have been alleviated by the stimulating conversations and projects you’ve been working on since early May. Perhaps some aspects of your self-care have grown more playful and experimental.
The Sun’s entry into Gemini renders your labor, wellness, routines, and coworker dynamics in prismatic splashes of multi-hued light, allowing you to perceive and appreciate greater nuance in the acts of service and care you extend to others and to yourself.
Because this year’s Gemini Season is turbocharged by two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde, altered sight can lead to some pretty monumental changes. There are certain things you won’t be able to unsee; certain habits and health approaches you won’t be able to maintain.
Have you considered turning your inner computer off and on again? Eclipses disrupt the programs we’ve been running to allow certain aspects of our lives to reboot. Your work life and self-care praxis might be due for a hard reset. The June 10th eclipse will be especially revelatory when it comes to understanding what’s needed to sustain your efforts.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
The Gemini Sun casts its multicolored stage lighting at the skit you’ve been workshopping since early May, helping you shine a little more brightly for your creative genius and center your pursuit of joy more resolutely.
Most years, this would be your time to play in the Sun. This particular Gemini Season is momentous for its momentum, however, which might come with a side of whiplash. Packed with two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde, this solar month seeks to disrupt your creative and pleasure-seeking processes, speeding you along the breadcrumb trail to the thing you’ve been circling around for the last while.
What was once “just for fun” might now be for real. What was once an original rendition might now be ripe for a remix.
Note the alliances that shift when you go your own way as an artist, hobbyist, or bon vivant. The May 26th eclipse may usher in some sort of exit from a group or coalition. Keep your energy free and clear, because the June 10th eclipse will bring an important creative breakthrough of some kind.
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Pisces & Pisces Rising
Home is where your heart has been since Mercury and Venus chatted up a storm in your domestic sector beginning in early May. Now, as the Sun joins the house party, its multivalent light illuminates that more than one thing can be true when it comes to who raised you, who you’re descended from, and how you currently conceive of your rootedness in the world.
Though this solar season tends to bring out your homebody nature on any given year, this particular Gemini Season might be a little too chaotic for couch time. Featuring two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde in the same sign, the Sun’s stay in Gemini flips the script, pushes fast forward on inevitable change, and redirects you on your way home.
To put things in context, this eclipse season is the latest installment in a series of pivots you’ve made over the last year concerning your career and living situation. The May 26th eclipse may come with some sort of additional release or exit from a role that you play. The June 10th eclipse reveals, in stark clarity, where to drop the pin on your map.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
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