Our benevolent fairy godmother / wizard uncle of the cosmos is once again well-resourced to help us help ourselves. In Pisces, Jupiter is at home, comfortable, and at its command center.
Working with Jupiter is generally joyous, as the planet of plenty encourages us to get serious about our pipedreams. However, Jupiter in Pisces is more than accumulation or advancement. It’s about trust. About faith. And the wisdom that finds you when you limber yourself up to give, receive, and believe.
Jupiter cruises back into its watery domain on October 27th, where it lays anchor for just under two months, until December 20th. This is Jupiter’s farewell tour in this sign. It won’t return to Pisces for 12 years. Whatever abundance, blessings, or open-heartedness Jupiter bestowed between May 13th – July 28th, 2021, or December 28th, 2021 – May 10th, 2022, this is the final chapter before Jupiter moves on to other parts of your chart.
To make the most of this time, trust your intuition, and your pipedreams. The only limit is your imagination with Jupiter in Pisces, so cast your spells accordingly. Let yourself believe that anything is possible for your future, even if you don’t know how you’re going to get there.
Later, it will be time to draft a concrete plan, but that’s not the priority with Jupiter in Pisces. Every innovation begins with a fantasy for how things could be better: consider this your daydream period. Also know that there’s no way to do this wrong. Jupiter will work its blessings whether or not you’re trying to beckon them.
The following horoscopes are an invitation to consider where in your life you can relax into abundance, align with the principle of generosity, and trust the luck that falls into your lap.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Jupiter’s homecoming to Pisces brings you back to the liminal stage of your personal odyssey. After sailing the sundry seas and encountering all the wonderful and terrible creatures the world has to offer, you now find yourself in a state of grateful retreat.
Whether you can truly return, though, is complicated by the fact that you’ve been rendered unrecognizable. That your reception is a stranger’s welcome. And in a roundabout way, your alienation confirms that you’ve been through a heroic journey.
Yes, your experiences will likely need to be processed in solitude. But this blessed expression of Jupiter widens the container so that all of your internal paradoxes fit inside. It helps you, yourself, feel large enough to contain it all.
As Jupiter weaves in and out of Pisces, your inner (and outer) circles keep upping the ante on what it means to get a little help from your friends. Yes, you can go fast if you go alone. But Jupiter’s homecoming to Pisces reminds you that you can go far if you go together.
Wide enough to house the whole ocean, Jupiter in Pisces may also enlarge your network. It brings blessings in the form of more community, more fans, bigger shared dreams, and greater faith in the liberation movements you’re invested in.
This is a boom cycle — a pool party, if you will — for your social life and organizing efforts.
Over two acts and a rousing encore, Jupiter in Pisces hypes you up in a room full of opportunities. If anything, you’ll be witnessing what it looks like when all your experience over the last few years materializes as a plum promotion, public acclaim, or growth spurt for your success.
Jupiter in Pisces has its own agenda of largesse and benevolence. Pisces is famous for its compassion and transcendental feels. That means: the nature of what you get recognized for may involve your tender-hearted generosity. Your goals get endowed with sacred purpose. You hear “the call” — and with Jupiter’s “yes” mentality at play — you accept.
Remain flexible as the water balloon of your life’s work is stretched with an influx of inspiration and possibility.
The most immediate impact of this transit may be an awakened appetite for new experiences, knowledge, and travel. Wait and see, though. The magic of Jupiter in Pisces is that your heart swells so large, the whole world could fall in.
As you develop new appreciation for your adventurous soul, you embark on an educational or devotional quest. The main caution as you venture forth is to choose your teachers and traditions with discernment.
You’re primed to suspend your disbelief right now. Your openness leads to the right expansion if you’re supported by a container with strong ethics and integrity. Consider this the end of a long dry spell when it comes to your faith and your reasons for doing what you do.
Jupiter in Pisces moves with the swagger of a benevolent high roller. In your particular case, it occasionally steps in as sugar daddy. Ruling the part of your chart associated with gifts, and currently at home in your sector of other people’s resources, Jupiter is in a generous mood right now.
The support that finds you may take the form of money. Equally, it could involve intangible treasures like emotional presence and acceptance from others. Your watery 8th house understands, on an intuitive level, that our systems of interdependency are fluid and full of grace.
If anything, you might struggle with enforcing boundaries in this soup bowl. Sometimes the boundaries between what belongs to you and what belongs to others tend to blur. Know that you don’t have to take on all the sorrows of the world to open yourself up to receiving.
As Jupiter rolls in and out of Pisces, it pumps up the magic in your relationships. It may even exceed your expectations around how good it can get. This heart-swelling, thirst-quenching expression of Jupiter will fill your cup and embolden your faith.
This goes for all forms of coupling in your life, by the way. Lovers might sweep you off your feet. Platonic significant others may come through as a saving grace. Business partners may materialize or level up their helpfulness.
Yes, this grab-bag of delights might include some well-intentioned promises declared on a billow of optimism. However, your highly discerning BS detector is more than capable of sussing those out. If anything, you could use a little trust fall medicine right now. Open yourself up to being pleasantly surprised.
If your work has been a drag lately, Jupiter in Pisces pumps you up to be both hired and inspired. Irrigating your office hours, health regimens, chores, and regular routines with buoyancy, Jupiter is here to lift you up in all the necessary (and tedious) corners of your life.
Usually, the cosmic gift-giver’s favorite way to do this is by throwing you a few juicy opportunities, or expanding your sense of what’s possible in the first place.
Does your wish list include a vibrant level of work/life balance? A job that checks all your boxes? A windfall for your wellness? A godsend solution that helps your life run a little smoother? Maybe even a new fur baby? The wish that’s in your heart is receiving encouragement, and fulfillment, during this time.
Life is about to get extra juicy with Jupiter in Pisces. As the planet of largesse rolls in and out of your “good times” zone, both your appetite and capacity for pleasure balloon.
Though this could potentially lead to a hangover of indulgence (especially since Jupiter also rules your 2nd house of spending), this will almost certainly be the right time to invite more play into your life. Whether it’s wholesome fun or fun you need to lower the blinds for, Jupiter finds the sacred in everything. Including the profane.
You’re also right on time to nurse your inner creative back to health, do some inner child work, or embark on a (literal or metaphorical) pregnancy of some kind. May the cup of your fruitfulness run over.
This next leg of your journey is about coming home. Before you start to feel trapped by that sentiment, remember that this is Jupiter we’re talking about — the planet of roaming, freedom, and expansion. In its watery domicile, Jupiter offers a generosity of the heart and shows us what it’s all really for.
As you meander around the notion of your rootedness in the world, a certain clarity, buoyancy, and acceptance unfurls. This can definitely be your time to move to your dream city or massively upgrade your living situation. Jupiter loves lots of space, big windows, and breathtaking views.
But there’s also a more subtle emotional growth taking place. These developments may help you make peace with your upbringing and move into a more expansive dialogue with your ancestry. “Family” is a boundless concept for you. Right now, you just happen to be swimming in that ocean of love.
Jupiter in Pisces irrigates your mind with a swell of emotional generosity. Particularly toward yourself. Now, more than ever, you find the inspiration to write, podcast, tweet, or talk all about it. Even the topics that normally evade your awareness.
This is a boom cycle for your own speaking and writing engagements, but you’ll discover an appetite for listening, too.
Your biggest growth could come from podcasts, online accounts, and the authors who populate your bookshelf. Your quest for fulfillment is mediated through the conversations you share with your nearest people, geographically or relationally speaking.
The pace of exchange might quicken under this spell. However, the nature of this transit is less about stimulating your brain than it is about opening your heart. Things might also be about to pop (in a good way) with your siblings, extended family, and neighbors.
If you’ve been coming up empty, Jupiter in Pisces brings much-anticipated rainfall to the arid soil of your crops. If you’ve actually been doing pretty okay, Jupiter is happy to top you up regardless. The cosmic bringer of prosperity is waking up in a good mood. Soon you may have some proof that your fortunes are taking a turn for the better.
Sometimes it really does help to know the right people, and it’s possible that connections you made in 2019 are about to pay off. Sometimes it really does help to center your growth and let that be the basis for raising your asking rate. That’s exactly what’s happening with Jupiter in Pisces.
Though this generally denotes progress in your finances, don’t sleep on the subtler treasures that are in reach at this time. Jupiter in Pisces is a compassionate giver, and it deals in the currency of acceptance. Drumming up some love for your own natural resources can lead you to greater wholeness.
Rise and shine, dreamer. All of that heavy growth you’ve been doing behind the scenes is about to burst through the barrier of your cocoon. If your growth edges are suddenly vaster than you remember, Jupiter will help you take the space you rightfully command: to ecstatically embody the person you’re becoming.
As Jupiter fills and refills your cup with blessings and benedictions, your whole being buzzes with the nourishment of good cheer, generosity, and abundant vision. Though this effectively functions as a launch party for your next big cycle of experience, you might enjoy some added professional attention during this time, too.
Consider what was popping off in your career or in your public life in 2019. This might feel like a more up-close and personal version of the boost you got then.
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