Pluto is a planet that transforms whatever it touches. Completely. Absolutely. Without the option of going back. We are never the same once Pluto has touched our lives. Although eventually regenerative, Pluto transits are known for what they help us break down.
In Capricorn, Pluto is set on fiscal, material, and structural transformations. Capricorn knows of traditional hierarchies and climbing to the top of them. Pluto is a planet that symbolizes power. In Capricorn, Pluto asks us to see the corruption that lies at the heart of our relationship to the earth’s resources.
Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008, the year that will go down in history as one of the worst financial crises America has ever faced. It remained in this sign until March 23rd, 2023, when the planet made its first dip into Aquarius. The weeks leading up to this ingress coincided with a banking crisis as well, as three American banks failed within five days of each other in mid-March, followed by Credit Suisse in Switzerland. Given Capricorn rules over financial institutions, it feels appropriate that Pluto’s time in this sign has been bookended by disruptions to how we perceive, trust, and use them. The questions that remain as Pluto returns to Capricorn on June 11th, 2023: are we willing to learn from this disruption? And what changes are we committed to make?
These won’t be overnight shifts, but with an earth sign like Capricorn involved, they should be clear, unequivocal, and concrete. Pluto will remain here until January 20th, 2024, when it returns to Aquarius for several more months. After this stint, Pluto will return to Capricorn one final time, between September 1st and November 19th, 2024, when it will lodge into Aquarius for good — or at least until 2044.
If Pluto is about anything it’s about journeying. We cannot escape the journey laid out for us. We can resist it. We can scorn it. We can wait until our last breath or take it up on our first one: the choice is always ours. But eventually, we must engage with it. And in the process, we are challenged, changed, and brought closer to the true nature of our being.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Pluto in Capricorn transforms the containers of your professional world, and how you exercise power within them. Pluto is a planet we associate with power, threshold experiences, and change. Your industry itself could be in the throes of a profound transition, with you shapeshifting right alongside it.
Pluto plays a long game, and so will you — but these developments have something precious to offer to the collective. Trust that. Pluto also has a way of activating our subterranean wisdom, so you’re learning to count on your instincts during this period as well. That includes your instincts as a leader.
If you feel fear or hesitation about stepping into your potency — that only makes you human. But you don’t have to let those fears have the final say.
Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn transforms your life with the gift of the wide-angle view. Though a call to adventure can feel daunting at first, you’ve learned to follow the internal compass of your instincts. Your lantern light has revealed some of life’s most profound — even disturbing — mysteries. At times, this has felt like a spiritual catharsis.
Since 2008, the bedrock of your beliefs, big picture plans, and wisdom traditions has undergone tectonic shifts. This process could be hard to pinpoint at first, until one day you wake up and comprehend the terrain you’ve covered. Part of this process has involved trusting your inner authority.
As you approach the homestretch of an epic undertaking, Pluto will help you tap deep reservoirs of resilience. Knowledge truly is power, and with your hard-earned wisdom you’re beginning to make waves.
Pluto in Capricorn transforms the way you share or merge resources, and how you wield agency within these collaborations. Since 2008, Pluto has tunneled deep into the emotional landscape of such exchanges, exposing power imbalances and pushing you to meet them head on.
As much as you’ve risked opening yourself to the depths of sharing, you’re learning when to close these energetic portals too. In fact, these mergers may hold up a mirror for the reclamation of your own potency. When it comes to magnetizing loans, grants, or stipends — trust your instincts. Giving yourself time to feel your way into contracts or collaborations is part of your edge now.
Enlisting the support of a therapist or trusted confidant could help shift the last rubble in a healing journey — and make this process a little less lonely. Though the changes may feel subtle at first, you will end this transit with a true appreciation for the complexity of the human condition. Stretch those phoenix wings.
Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn transforms your most intimate relationships. You’ve learned to advocate for what you need to feel safe in your 1:1 dynamics — even if drawing these boundaries hasn’t always been comfortable. You’ve also developed a radar for the frenemies and energy vamps of the world. At the first prickle of something not feeling right, your most powerful move is sometimes to walk away.
That being said, your best friends and true blues have been some of your wisest teachers. In every encounter with “the other,” you’ve befriended a new facet of yourself, even a shadow or two. Celebrate the complexity of these exchanges. Enlisting the support of a coach, therapist, or mediator can help excavate any last relationship patterns you’ve outgrown.
Picking through the rubble of Capricorn, Pluto has transformed the containers of your 9 – 5. The potency that you exercise within them has shifted too. As Pluto’s channels run deep underground, your employment may have brought you in contact with folks working at the edges of their fields or industries.
Maybe you’re one of those renegades yourself, disrupting imbalances of power and following your instincts — no more business as usual, thank you.
Power dynamics on the job could intensify, as your focus shifts to systemic inequities around pay, division of labor, and working conditions. Slowly, but surely, your toil will transform the collective (and ripen you as well). Part of this underworld journey may involve a reclamation of the rest and spaciousness that makes any monumental effort sustainable. Your wellbeing is worth its weight in gold.
Descending the depths of Capricorn, Pluto transforms your gardens of earthly delights. For you, a monumental creative effort may be reaching a crescendo. This artistic work could be provocative, taboo — even a bit disturbing. Life is too short to play it safe.
Your romances and connections to offspring, human or otherwise, may also be shaping you in profound ways. Refreshing your list of deal-breakers when it comes to dating, or pleasure pursuits, can help honor the potency you’re stepping into. If something has been blocking your mojo, consider enlisting the support of a therapist, coach, or hobby to bust through these walls.
As a creator and seeker of pleasure, Pluto’s initiation could be downright cathartic. Trust what gives you goosebumps. In the art of good living, follow what thrills you.
Sifting through the sediment layers of Capricorn, Pluto transforms your connection to home and those who came before. What it means to put down roots is evolving, even if these changes feel subtle at first. You’re wielding more power within your chosen family dynamics, learning to say no, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Pluto loves to tunnel deep, and this transit may have you excavating stories or patterns that you carry from your caregivers. Though these prototypes can be powerful, you have the power to create new blueprints of belonging.
Depth psychology, talk therapy, and family constellation groups could provide a container for these alchemical shifts. Remember that you have the freedom to choose the lineages and ancestral arts you will build upon — and the hungry ghosts you leave behind.
With Pluto cave-diving into Capricorn, the currents of your daily life are shifting. Potent new systems of time-management and organization have helped you tap the potential of each day.
Power dynamics within extended family and your closest friends could be rumbling too. Perhaps you’ve become more tactical about the energy you pour into these connections. You’ve learned to draw a boundary, even when it feels hard.
A monumental writing project, collection of data, or report may be reaching a point of culmination. You’ve learned to trust your hunches when it comes to connecting the dots. Now, when you speak — people really listen. Your ideas, however provocative, seem to be right on time for this threshold moment in the collective.
Let your truth ring out.
Tunneling deep into Capricorn, Pluto is transforming your relationship to material security. Your ability to magnetize the resources you need has become your superpower. You’ve also learned to trust your instincts when it comes to separating fool’s gold from the real thing. Income streams emerge in places that were hidden or shadowed before.
Your foundational stories about finances and security could still be shifting, though. Enlisting the support of a financial advisor or numerically-minded friend could help you dislodge any last beliefs blocking the flow of this honey.
You may also be tapping a deep reservoir of inner worth through a talent, or hobby, or an overhaul in your relationship to materialism itself. Whatever doesn’t spark joy — let it go. The more you invest in yourself, the more this inner garden will thrive and nourish you in return. Just don’t neglect the compost heap.
Chipping away at the rockface of Capricorn, Pluto is transforming you on a deeply personal level. Through this process, you’ve learned to own your perceived flaws as well as your unique gifts. You’ve trusted yourself to take up space — even when it feels uncomfortable.
Now you’re at a crucial threshold of your metamorphosis, as you claim the potency you’re meant to embody in the world. This process may be bittersweet, with you bidding farewell to the earlier drafts of “you” that brought you to this masterpiece. Remember that your jagged edges tell the story of your resolve and resilience. Don’t sand them all down.
Message boards, support groups, therapists, and close friends can help you own your authenticity. Dream board the upgraded version of you and place it on your altar. You were made for this moment.
Exploring the ravines of Capricorn, Pluto is transforming the way you rest, recoup, and heal. For you, this excavation may feel more subconscious, as you rummage through your psychic closets or fill a stack of dream journals.
Pluto’s gift is the courage to confront your oldest and most ingrained patterns — the ways you get in our own way. The grace to accept what we can’t control is Pluto’s gift to you — and your new super power. You also may have discovered the power of “going dark”, allowing certain projects to germinate and unfurl in their own time.
Finally, if there’s one way to work with Pluto — it’s to rest. Make your eight hours of shut eye non-negotiable and continue to explore deep-relaxation techniques. You never know where you’ll strike gold.
Descending the cliffs and crags of Capricorn, Pluto is transforming the landscape of your networks. You’ve learned to trust your power within your communities, pinpointing exactly where your talents are needed. Now, you’re starting to feel the momentum of collective action.
Continue to be strategic in the group undertakings that receive your emotional investment. Your activism crumbles to ashes if you’re not tending to your own fires first. If imbalanced power dynamics have derailed a collective cause, Pluto may ask you to blow the whistle, or simply walk away.
It may also be easier now to magnetize the folks you can truly move mountains with — so put yourself out there. Explore the message boards, meetups, cafes, and online spaces where your flavor of freak or geek is lurking.
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