Saturn transits are never easy, simple or swift. Saturn reveals its wisdom, and its ways, slowly. The keeper of time takes no shortcuts, and it causes serious issues for those that do. The taskmaster isn’t a fan of the cult of youth, fast fashion, quick bucks, or breaks for getting ahead without paying the price. Saturn helps us cultivate patience. It honors experience over praise. It is the moral fortitude needed to do the right thing over getting ahead no matter the cost.
Saturn reminds us that knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing is far too expensive a state to exist in.
Saturn first entered Aquarius between March and July 2020. Then Saturn re-entered Aquarius on December 16th, 2020, where it remains until March 7th, 2023.
As the traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn is high-functioning and dominant in this sign. Since 2017 — when Saturn was in Capricorn, its other domicile — the planet of structure has been highlighting the rules, boundaries, borders, and systems we live within. Saturn always comes bearing the hard truths we need to know in order to mature.
Most of the world has been running on cheap, fast, and unsustainable solutions for decades now. The drain on our environment, on our relationships, on our psyches and selves is undeniable. We bail out banks and big business before we support those at higher being swept under: the chronically ill, the entrepreneur, the single parent, the student, the teacher, the caretaker, the nurse, the survivor, the artist, the healer, the activist, the undocumented, the elder, the disabled, and the marginalized among us.
We are a world out of balance, in desperate need of a social reorganization.
In Aquarius, Saturn seeks to build innovative social structures. This air sign is known for its intellectual rigor, humanitarianism, and thoughtful visions for the future. In Aquarius, Saturn focuses on the needs of the group, bringing forth rules, regulations, and systems change for the masses.
The last time Saturn was in Aquarius (1991-1993), legal apartheid was dismantled in South Africa. Before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1962-1964, just before the Civil Rights Act, which banned school segregation and employment discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex or national origin, was signed into law in the United States. And before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1932-1935. The Great Depression had begun in 1929 causing unemployment to reach 25%. These years of Saturn in Aquarius saw the beginning of FDR’s New Deal, which brought social security, government infrastructure and banking regulations to the US.
While none of these measures are perfect, while none were a remedy in and of themselves, they were all attempts at creating social structures that centered the needs of the collective over the individual.
Saturn is back for more.
While we don’t know how the coming days, months, and years will unfold, we do know that we must wash ourselves clean of any misconceptions that we can remain in this system and be successful. As we move through these enormous challenges ahead, we need to prepare space internally and externally for new solutions to come forth. We need to be patient with our process as the external systems crumble, for they are all we have known.
Even when we want a new world, letting go of the old can be unnerving. As structures and systems show their incompetence, our internal worlds will need time to adjust, refocus, and realign with what can carry us the distance. We can and we will find new ways to organize and care for one another, but it will take a Saturnian effort to do so. It will take our determination, dedication, and patient persistence. Today, and for many more days to come.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure every aspect of your communities, friendships, hopes, and dreams. Inspect the corners of your group projects and identify what allegiances you want to make, and keep. Friendships old and new are up for review, as are your own needs for networking and making connections.
Saturn tends to bring growth edges, and the foundations you’re building in this area aren’t easy. But it’s through facing these obstacles that we understand how to strengthen our bonds, and our patterns of connecting to one another. Commit to the friendships and collectives that are invested in growing alongside you. You don’t owe anyone else your time.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure every aspect of your career and public roles. The timekeeper asks you to inspect the corners, creases, and folds of your professional goals, identifying the commitments you want to make, and keep.
Maturity is a must.
Saturn is an initiator. While in Aquarius, the planet of integrity is guiding you through a threshold moment in your life direction — graduating from college, starting a business, leaving your job of ten years, or restructuring your relationship with work altogether. Saturn will not abide by bandaid fixes or get-rich-quick schemes, but it will reward your discipline and patience.
Time is your ally and your resource. Remember, the most sustainable change never happens overnight.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps plan your routes forward when it comes to journeys, beliefs, and future goals. If it can’t bring you long-term gain, it will fall off the map. Saturn in Aquarius asks you to investigate what you believe — and why.
While you probably already know what you don’t know, Saturn in Aquarius exposes just how expansive that gap is — and how you can work to bridge it. Saturn rewards hard work and discipline above all. Your homework? Take your plans seriously. Sign up for that course. Renew your library card. Write an itinerary for the next 10 years.
This isn’t the period where you’ll learn a new language, or quantum physics, in thirty days. But you will learn how to learn, which is precious.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure your exchanges. No more hoping it will all work out. This period makes clear your need for specificity and owning your impact. Your mission? Identify the collaborations you truly want to commit to — then say “no, thank you,” or “not now,” to the rest.
While in Aquarius, Saturn will inspect every aspect of the agreements you make and the resources you share, asking you what promises you want to form, and keep, regarding your growth. This is a time to get clear on the “why” and “how” of your investments, inheritances, taxes, debts, and contracts.
You can serve this process by questioning any oath that doesn’t support you as much as you expect to support it. Remember, your devotion to any person or project is voluntary, and a two-way street.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure your partnerships and unions. Saturn in Aquarius asks you to inspect every corner of your agreements, identifying what commitments you want to make — and keep. If they don’t help you mature, or if they don’t mature alongside you, they won’t hold your interest.
Saturn tends to bring growth edges. Whether you’re joining forces on a work project or sharing your life with someone, collaborations don’t always feel easy. But Saturn’s not here for “easy”. Saturn’s here for devotion and steadfastness.
The first step is identifying the co-conspirators who are worthy of your love, your time, and your energy. Then show up consistently, ready for the ups and downs every relationship has to endure.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure your work and wellness routines. If a responsibility is unsustainable, it will reveal its wear and tear. If the project isn’t one worthy of your devotion, it won’t hold your interest. Of course, work will always rear challenges. The task for you is recognizing which obstacles are worth the sweat.
Your relationship with your body is also up for review, as you learn which structures and routines support you. Neglect is no longer an option. Saturn transits are as much about boundaries as anything. Set them liberally: with yourself. With your time. With your job. Protect your hours of replenishment as avidly as you show up for your day-to-day.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn will have you reconsider what gives you life. Inspect how you value your time and its constraints — then commit to the activities that help you mature. If a good time doesn’t also help you attain radical self-love, it won’t make your playdate schedule.
Saturn in Aquarius will also help you structure your creative projects. The muses are fickle, but you can earn their trust by consistently showing up for the job. Protect your creative time as avidly as you protect your other work. And take your fun seriously too. If it’s not delighting you, what’s the point?
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn will have you restructuring the floorboards of your life. If they can’t withstand the test of time, they will need to be replaced. Saturn in Aquarius will inspect every branch of your family tree and the memories that have built a nest there.
You may not have gotten much of a say in your past, but you are the one who gets to define your present. Get honest about what you need and make it a priority. Saturn work isn’t always easy, but the effort you’re investing now will support you for years to come.
Commit to this process by identifying what you need to feel at home in your life. Patch those leaks. Paint those walls. Light a candle for your ancestors. Nourish your connections to chosen family. And remember that nourishment can take many forms — including boundaries.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn will help you rework your calendars. If it isn’t worth your time, it needs to be delegated. While in Aquarius, this structure queen will have you citing your sources, updating your glossary, and getting your messages crystal clear and ready for broadcasting.
There is no such thing as perfection, but you are going to want the closest companion to it when it comes to putting your ideas out there. Do edit your texts, and your tweets, but remember to hold your inner critic to account too. They have biases of their own to be balanced.
Right now, your goals are best served by tightening the loose ends in your schedule. Ask for the support you need, and get started on the first draft of your speech, book, or pilot. Say no to the activities not truly worth your time so that you have more fuel for the projects that do.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn helps you restructure some aspect of how you make a living. Inspecting your budgets, investments, and resource development, Saturn asks you to identify what’s reasonable to spend, and what needs to be saved for rainy days.
Get ready for some new income streams (and some reality checks). Both are here to help you understand the power of working with what you’ve got. Serve this setup by getting real about your talents — and the underlying attitudes that inform how you work with them.
Ultimately, this period is about finetuning your systems, strengthening your stores, and recognizing how you can support yourself sustainably. If it’s not a system you can rely on for years to come, the planet of time will help you revamp it.
Saturn’s once-in-29-year entrance into Aquarius has you suiting up for an extraordinary coming of age tale all your own. Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn asks you to get real about committing to yourself. There are no shortcuts, no cheat sheets, and no fast lanes to doing this work. Only the benefits of self-respect that come through time and its lessons.
Over this three-year period, you’re asked to take your potential and impact seriously. You’ll be drawn to anything that will require the most effort from you, but also anything that offers opportunities for personal enhancement.
By the end of this transit, you will have crossed a significant threshold in your maturity, wisdom, and — no matter how old you are now — the journey of “growing up.” Whatever obstacles you encounter on this path, they’re all in the name of strengthening your foundations and helping you grow.
Between 2020 and 2023, Saturn will help you enter deep reflection mode in the studios and darkrooms of your life. If a healing practice can’t withstand the test of time, or a project isn’t meant to see the light of day, let it fade.
Saturn wants you to make friends with your unconscious, asking you to unearth your oldest self-sabotaging patterns. Becoming more keyed into the impacts that societal conditioning, systemic oppression, and intergenerational trauma has had on you is challenging, but it’s also deeply regenerative.
With this work already underway, you can further serve it by being consistent with the healing modalities in your life that are tried, tested, and true — or by finding new ones. Saturn in Aquarius is here to help you commit to the practices that support your mental health. To carve time for yourself to replenish. And to protect your hours of rest and incubation.
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Our small-batch Planetary Candles are hand-poured at auspicious times for their respective planets and include affirmations to help you call in extra planetary power. Plus, 100% of the proceeds go to survivors of gender-based violence through our partnership with Gifted by FreeFrom.
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