It’s time to grab life by the horns — the season of the ram is upon us. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, courage, conviction, and impatience are all on the rise. If you’re vying for a promotion, planning an escape room date with your friends, or trying out swing dance lessons, seize this opportunity to bust out of your comfort zone.
Sol’s entrance into Aries also heralds the March equinox — a powerful turning point in the year. If you’ve been feeling like a passive spectator of your own life, this is your moment to get back in the director’s seat. Doing one small thing every day to reaffirm how brave you are, even if it seems daunting, is potent medicine over the coming weeks.
But first, a caveat: Though Aries season tends to spark a newfound lust for life, there’s no need to crush every goal all at once. It’s especially wise to take it easy around March 29th, when a solar eclipse in Aries occurs — the grand finale of a story that began 18 months ago. Just as an athlete understands that warm-ups, cool-downs, and rest days are crucial for playing the long game, eclipse season invites us to commit to our recovery time. Channel the cardinal fire sign’s independence by protecting your energy, flexing your boundaries, and refusing to take the bait of the ambient drama in the air. Reflect on the determination, resilience, and fighting spirit that brought you to this fateful threshold in your life — and grieve everything that can’t follow you through the door. If you’re still pushing for a victory that’s eluded you in the past, ask yourself where this hunger comes from and what it means to “win.” The battles we opt out of are often the ones that define our inner strength.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 12th is an opportunity to restore equilibrium as the eclipse dust settles. Seek out soothing rituals, harmonious color palettes, and the softest lighting as you continue to integrate the plot twists of the recent eclipse season. And circle back on the conversations that fell to the wayside during the eclipse’s wild ride.
Though a little intentional pampering — and maybe some strategic flirting — could be just what the doctor ordered, keep in mind that this Full Moon is opposing Chiron, the wounded healer. If you keep brushing up against old scar tissue in your encounters with friends, lovers, mentors, or colleagues, get curious about these emotional flare-ups. What are they trying to teach you about your own neglected needs? What qualities are you being urged to reclaim within yourself that you envy in someone else? Our healing may require practicing the sacred arts of compromise and acceptance. Agreeing to disagree is sometimes the most loving thing you can do.
As a reminder, this is the first Full Moon in Libra since 2023 that isn’t an eclipse, so this particular lunation shines a brighter light on this corner of your chart. Our advice? Follow Luna’s lead and honor everything that’s culminating in your connections — even if it’s bittersweet.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
Ready for your close-up? Over the coming weeks, your innate courage, charisma, and drive to achieve your goals are surging.
If you wish for a radical makeover, wardrobe revamp, or new movement practice, take the initiative. If you find yourself scrambling to develop yourself to the point of burnout, remind yourself that you’ve got plenty of time to become who you’re meant to be. And if your fear of claiming your desires gets activated, gently push past your discomfort.
Sometimes clarity arrives only after an act of bravery.
Sol is spreading its light over the quietest corners of your world. Your restful rituals, healing journeys, and behind-the-scenes projects all receive a revitalizing boost over the coming weeks.
If you want to redecorate your sleeping sanctuary, upgrade your dream journal, or more fiercely defend your alone time, do it. Hiding out in your sacred fortress and removing your armor for a spell allows you to channel your power more skillfully.
If your urge to connect with others is surging, follow your inclination to bond. Sol is shining its light on your friendships, group projects, and collectives — and you may find that RSVPing to all the potlucks, parties, and virtual gatherings will replenish your energy reserves.
And if you feel a desire to advocate for social justice causes, challenge yourself to go for it. Taking heart-aligned action on issues you care about, alongside your community, is the antidote to self-doubt.
Cue the stage lights. Aries season is here to illuminate the realm of your career, greater calling, and public offerings.
Even if you’re inwardly battling self-doubt or impostor syndrome, you more naturally exude a sense of bold confidence over the coming month. So take strategic risks. Sometimes the trick to quieting inner critics is witnessing them — and then proving them wrong.
Courage is a muscle you strengthen every time you dare to flex it.
If your instincts are nudging you to exit your cozy comfort zones and explore the wilderness beyond your growth edges, do it.
Over the next few weeks, the Sun is reigniting your passion for travel, educational pursuits, and spiritual quests. This could mean buying a plane ticket to an unfamiliar destination or trying out a fresh meditation practice. Only you know which adventures, whether big or small, get your pulse pounding and inspire you to be brave. Go for them.
If you’ve needed a boost of courage to cut draining ties, whether with painful memories or imbalanced collaborations, support is on your side over the next few weeks. That’s thanks to the Sun in Aries, which is shining its rays over the realm of your mental health and material exchanges.
It’s not easy to roam your inner shadowlands and overturn the rocks that hide your grief, disappointments, and defeats. But doing so rallies your gifts and strengths to the forefront of your life and kickstarts fresh beginnings.
It’s time to be daring in your relationships and champion your desires.
Aries season is all about your 1:1 commitments, be they with romantic loves, best friends, creative collaborators, or longtime clients. Over the coming weeks, this could mean taking the initiative to plan a date night, but it might also mean communicating necessary truths you’ve hesitated to express to a business partner or therapist.
Sharing your uncensored viewpoint with others may feel risky, and it is. But doing it anyway will spark useful growth.
Over the next few weeks, turn your attention to your work routines, wellness rituals, and other earthbound responsibilities. Aries season is bringing an influx of vitality that may push your daily life into overdrive. If you experience an abundance of energy, steer it toward beginning useful habits.
But remember: There’s a difference between hustling just to stay busy and laboring in a way that fulfills, nourishes, and regenerates you. If you struggle with getting adequate rest and taking good care of yourself, this is the fight to win right now.
Romantic affairs, pleasure pursuits, and creative projects — for you, this is what Aries season is all about.
Over the next few weeks, when the world tosses mundane obstacles in the path of your fun, summon your motivation to overcome them. If you fear that seizing small moments of happiness will somehow diminish your inner warrior when the going gets tough, it won’t. You have permission to seek the blessings between your battles.
Aries season is stoking the embers of your inner and outer hearths. If you feel worked up in matters related to your family, chosen kin, ancestry, or home life, steward this energy productively. Instead of picking fights with housemates in the group chat, for example, consider undertaking an ambitious clean-up of your abode.
Vitality and aggression can show up in very similar ways. Seek the secret wishes smoldering within your internal infernos. Anger has a lot to teach us about our desires when we make an effort to understand it.
Tap into the currents of energy coursing through your communication projects and daily interactions.
Keep in mind: Tuning in to the rapid-fire conversations happening on social media or in your neighborhood can either invigorate you or scorch your nerves. If your nightly scrolling is simply spiking your cortisol, the most courageous move is to unplug. Over the next few weeks, pick only the battles that stoke your vitality rather than deplete it.
If you’re driven to make moves on an idea for an income stream, implement fresh fiscal habits, or confront limiting beliefs about the worth of your talents, do it.
Sol is heating up the realm of your finances, material assets, and abundance mindsets this Aries season — and support is on your side for beginning anew. Dare to challenge systemic barriers that prevent resources from flowing equitably. Doing so cultivates your most precious treasures of all: your personal power and your ties to your community.
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