The eclipses are now behind us. As our lives absorb the script switches and pivots, we enter the breeze of another Gemini season. Here, no detail goes undiscussed. Talk therapy is free when shared with friends and strangers, and Wordle has been classified as an extreme sport.
The season starts in the most Gemini way possible, with Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, twin-flaming with the Sun on May 21st. This conjunction (known as a cazimi) marks the halfway point of Mercury’s retrograde. From the white noise of retrograde season, an epiphany crisps into focus. This moment could be subtle, or it could be the equivalent of suddenly remembering where you stashed your long-lost keys.
This Gemini season contains even more vim and vigor than most, as it features a conjunction between hot-headed Mars and Jupiter in Aries on May 29th. Mars can be blustering and impulsive at the best of times — but in a conjunction with Jupiter, the planetary growth hormone of the cosmos, this union could blow our daring (and possibly our tempers) out of proportion. Still, Mars is at home in Aries. It has all its needs taken care of. There’s a chance this moment could be incredibly constructive, lending jet fuel to your winged boots this Gemini season. Whatever goals you’re angling after: you have revitalized motivation to win your prize.
The Gemini New Moon takes place the day after this fiery connection, on May 30th. Mercury will remain retrograde until June 3rd, so any seeds you plant in the Gemini corner of your chart could possess a trickster quality. This is a moment to flex your powers of adaptability. Plans change at the last minute? Sounds like a call to adventure — whether adventure means trying something that unnerves you, or taking a day off, or sleeping in.
The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 14th could bring exactly that — adventure. This Full Moon will form a helpful aspect to Saturn and a blurry angle to Neptune, so it could feel equal parts stabilizing and flummoxing. Likely in that order. It’s easy to lose your North when Neptune enters the scene, so this is a time to listen to your inner voice. Lean into the systems you have in place. Give yourself permission to not know the answers. Uncertainty can be a fertile space to dwell in. When nothing is certain, everything is possible, after all.
Your Sun in Gemini horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Eliza Robertson.
Gone are the days where you’re waiting in the wings. With both Jupiter now in Aries (and Mars to enter on May 24th), you are the wings. Or at least, you’re test-flying a pair.
Where you have felt uncertain or uninspired in the past, you have no choice now but to follow the heat of your inner flame. You know that wriggle in your gut when you encounter an opportunity that terrifies you? An audition for a community theater, maybe, or an interview for a job that would change your life? This conjunction between Mars and Jupiter lends you the courage to believe in yourself. Sometimes, that’s the scariest feat of all.
Meanwhile, with Mercury still retrograde until June 3rd, your everyday exchanges could be the site of some chaos. The Gemini Sun will add emphasis to this area of your life, spotlighting your daily conversations, rounds, rituals, and relationships with siblings, or people who feel like siblings.
Sometimes our closest relationships need to get messier before they get clear. Sometimes a miscommunication can be just the wake-up call needed to course-correct. You may not realize a dynamic has shifted until circumstances force you to talk with wide open hearts.
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This Gemini season brings you a full-body exhale. After the recent eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio, the topography between you and other people may look a little different than it did 3 weeks ago. Your growth is not to be fenced in right now. If that requires tenderly repotting yourself when the container gets restrictive, that’s all part of the journey.
With the Sun beaming into Gemini, your relationship to material security is coming up for review. Money matters may have felt chaotic during this Mercury retrograde. The Sun in the same area will deliver some clarity — or at least favorable lighting. Whatever you’re learning about the “stuff” of your life — your cactus collection, your piggy banks, your financial road maps — there’s wisdom here to thread back to.
You’re supported by a gust of courage, as Mars and Jupiter join on May 29th. Their flame-spinning happens a little offstage for you, but it supports you invisibly, emboldening your self-belief.
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This is the first Gemini season in two years where your light gets to shine unobstructed. The eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio may have dislodged some psychic gunk from your system, but the Sun is here to help you puzzle together the pieces.
The union between Mercury and the Sun on May 21st offers one moment in the messenger’s retrograde cycle where lucid insights pierce through the static. If your personal life has felt disorienting lately, tune your antennae for the wisdom that surfaces from the chaos. Precious “aha” moments await — and you’re the channel.
Meanwhile, adventure calls in the form of friendship or community. With Mars and Jupiter blazing together in this social area of your chart, you’re encouraged to take a risk on your collective. This fearless combo supports any initiative on your part to make your world a braver and more compassionate place.
Whether that looks like community organizing, fundraising, or following the wolf howls into an adventure with your pack, a fruitful unknown awaits.
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Cancer is a sign known for their moon-led intuition. This Gemini season, you’re asked to remember that you can trust your gut. The brightest insights will flash from the deepest crevices of your crab shell. If you’re not listening for them, they may get lost in the static.
Particularly on May 21st, the Mercury cazimi will rustle some ancient wisdom from your psyche. It arrives in the form of a synchronicity, a tarot pull, a dream, goosebumps, or simply an inner, muscular knowing.
Indeed, that’s the mood all Gemini season, for the Sun here tends to illuminate your dark and ungraspable places. If you find yourself doing something, trying something, or saying something without fully understanding why, trust the wisdom of your body intelligence, your tongue intelligence. Your cells may remember something you don’t.
With Mars and Jupiter twinning each other in Aries, you unlock boldness and braveness in your career around May 29th. “Bold” and “brave” tend to mark your professional style anyway, but you may find that energy mirrors back at you right now. Take healthy risks. By all means, analyze the cost-benefit ratio — but don’t let overthinking impede your momentum.
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This Gemini season, your friends have a way of echoing the truths you need to hear. Whether they offer advice that supports what your inner wise one is saying, or you witness something in your community that changes your own path, the collective offers a scrying mirror of practical wisdom.
With Jupiter now in Aries, your 9th House, you may be embarking on an adventure or call to learning. This is the area where your horizon peels back to reveal a vaster plane. That could be the world itself, or Spirit, or whatever wisdom path is beckoning you to listen in. When Mars joins Jupiter on May 29th, the call grows impossible to ignore.
You may be integrating some change or growth in your public roles right now. As you do, remember to keep your vision large. Keep freedom at its center. Freedom is not uniform in the shapes it takes. Open yourself to what it might mean for you now.
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With your ruling planet, Mercury, currently retrograde, trickster energy abounds. This is one of those moments where you can roll with the tosses and turns life throws at you, or resent the rain for its timing.
With the Sun and Mercury hitching together at the top of your chart, you’re crowned with a flashing “eureka” moment. This cazimi brings a moment of eloquence right when you need it. The ideal words or insights finding their way to your tongue. You can’t schedule divine timing.
On May 29th, Mars and Jupiter juggle torches in Aries, a shadowy corner of your chart. This is the “stuff” of your closest bonds: the money you share, or the property, or the baggage of an emotional nature. This is also the place where you light candles at the altar of anything you’ve loved and lost.
Mars and Jupiter may feel like unsubtle house guests in this area. On the one hand, they fuel you with the courage you need to face certain ghosts, or make certain goodbyes, or simply to grieve. They also encourage you to take risks with a partner, especially if it involves shared resources.
Some risks require a little time to weigh the pros and cons. Other risks you’ll never feel ready for, but they’re worth taking anyway. It’s up to you to decide which ones are which.
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Gemini season has a way of reminding you how vast the cosmos is, and how miraculous it is to be part of it. With the Sun entering Gemini in the middle of a Mercury retrograde, you’re reminded that miracles aren’t always pristine. Like a thunder of geese trying to land in the same drinking hole, sometimes beauty arrives in the form of chaos.
If you’re struggling to find your way back to the trailhead, a helpful clue arrives on May 21st. Whether this insight illuminates a course of study, spiritual path, or travel plans, the course-correction arrives right on time.
Meanwhile, your partnerships take a turn for the thrilling on May 29th, when Mars and Jupiter join in Aries. This is your area of committed one-to-one dynamics, such as business partnerships, collaborations, romantic loves, therapists, and clients. If you tend to play it safe, it may be your partners that light the path out of your comfort zone.
This is a moment to risk everything for love, to let others change you, mirror you, and remind you of all the ways you’re brave.
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With the first Scorpio eclipse now behind you, you emerge from the pulp of your metamorphosis. This transformation will keep unfolding over the next year, with two more eclipses in Scorpio to come. You can’t rush this reappearing act. Much of the magic takes place within your own cocoon.
Gemini is your place of grief, death processes, and other people’s money. You may be grieving an old version of yourself, or something you’ve loved and lost, or mindfully set down. It’s ok to feel lighter even as you grieve. It’s ok to grieve even as you feel lighter. It’s ok if your progress is not linear, or if it’s backwards, or if it doesn’t resemble “progress” at all.
It’s okay to loop, to repeat the same words, or stories, as you work out a knot. There’s room for all of you here, and all of your processes.
Your relationship with work and wellness could be the source of rejuvenation right now. Whether you’re adding a cold shower to your morning rituals or curating a playlist that gets your heart thumping, acts of boldness look good on you.
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When the Sun warms into Gemini, it feeds the part of you searching for your twin. Whether you’re in a romantic partnership, a professional collaboration, or a committed dynamic with clients or therapists, the Sun lights the part of your chart that provides a sacred mirror.
With Mercury retrograde in Gemini, this area of your life could be the source of some disorientation. Yet clarity arrives on May 21st. Conversations with your significant others lead to personal and mutual revelations.
Part of your mission at the moment involves inviting more generativity into your life. Get curious about the shapes that could take. With Jupiter and Mars joining in Aries, this could be a thrillingly fertile time for you. That might be literal. That might be creative. That might be about the ways you have fun.
The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 14th could feel equal parts stabilizing and bewildering. Something is blooming for you right now. If you don’t know where it’s leading, or where you’re going, you’re right on track.
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As the Sun warms into Gemini, life isn’t what happens while you make other plans. Life unfolds in those plans. In the crevices of your day. In your self-maintenance rituals. In the spinach smoothies and work calls and the Tetris blocks of your day.
Mercury’s retrograde in this area may have cast a spell of confusion. The Sun will add some clarity in the coming weeks, and its conjunction with Mercury on May 21st could leave you with an insight so valuable it all feels worth it.
Meanwhile, your hearth is a thrilling place to gather around on May 29th. With Mars and Jupiter yoked together in your place of family and home, you’re nudged to set brave expectations. Maybe it takes courage to work through the knots of a family entanglement. Or maybe you’re starting a family of your own, or choosing who deserves a place in your heart.
Right now, the world is your hearthstone, and it’s an exhilarating place to be.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
The pen is sexier than the sword for you, and your version of fun involves some banter, or at least a rousing word game. Gemini corresponds to the area you flirt from, create from, and generally have a good time.
With Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, retrograde until June 3rd, the season begins on a note of delay and disarray. The Sun’s union with Mercury on May 21st could cut through the radio static with stunning insights, however. Take notes. Remember the creative process doesn’t have to be “clean” to be generative. Masterpieces tend to be the culmination of sweat and mess.
Speaking of which, Mars and Jupiter will clang together in Aries, your place of writing, communication, neighbors, and daily exchanges. Your neighborhood could feel ~loud~ at this time, or it might thrill you in some way, especially if you find yourself on the move.
You might also notice that your writing and other communications gain an edge. This is an exhilarating combo, yet not a discreet one. Sometimes the bravest words are simply the honest ones.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
The Gemini Sun cups the flame on your hearthstone, adding warmth and vitality to your home life. Yet with Mercury also retrograde in this area, there’s a chance your home or family realms have felt off-kilter.
If you live with other people, mis-communiqués could abound on your kitchen whiteboard. You miss another recycling day, or your fridge calls it quits just after you’ve stocked it with perishable groceries.
The Sun’s arrival to this area could illuminate the root of a problem or misunderstanding. Its conjunction with Mercury on May 21st might just reveal practical solutions too. When in doubt, talk it out with roommates or family. If you live alone, befriend all the handy-people on your block, or take this as an opportunity to learn something new. YouTube tutorial on how to fix your air conditioner drain pipe, anyone?
Excitement is growing in your relationship to wealth and material security. With Mars and Jupiter blazing together in Aries, you’re presented with an opportunity, which could appear, at first, like an unnerving risk. On the one hand, doors you never knew existed blow open. On the other, the rules of reality still apply. Feed the fire in your belly, but do your research. Take only educated risks.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
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