On January 18th, the hungry North Node of the Moon enters Taurus, while the South Node swipes its dragon tail into Scorpio.
The North Node brings increase, volume, rapaciousness, greed, and striving. The South Node brings surrender, release, giving away, and letting go.
For the past 18 months, the Nodes have been side-winding through Gemini and Sagittarius. With the South Node in Sagittarius, we witnessed a wild decrease in Sagittarian themes, such as flights, tourism, and long-distance travel.
Sagittarius also relates to higher learning and spiritual seeking, which were similarly compromised during the past year and a half. Colleges closed or went online, and in many places, spiritual groups could not meet in the same way.
By contrast, we witnessed an uptick of Gemini themes, such as communication tools and online platforms. We met in digital classrooms and temples over Zoom.
As the North Node slugs into Taurus, we’ll witness an increase of earthly indulgences, as well movements regarding environmental collapse, food production, agricultural technologies, farmers’ rights, Indigenous land stewardship, advances in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and alternative ways to do business.
Wherever Taurus lands in your chart, the following 18 months will bring a period of steadfast building. Whatever hunger begins to awaken will send you on the hunt to generate, stabilize, and cultivate bounty. Just don’t be fooled into thinking that this appetite can be quelled. The North Node stirs the need to strive, but it does not bring about a sense of satiation.
On the other side of the wheel, the South Node in Scorpio will usher in a release of shadows, inner ghosts, mysteries, secrets, and power plays. Where Scorpio lands in your chart, the next 18 months will bring a period of shedding, grieving, and letting go. Whatever you’ve been holding onto unnecessarily: you’ll find the courage now to set it down. Or, you would be well served to.
With the lunar nodes in these signs, the eclipses will land here too. In 2022, the lights of our Sun and Moon will flicker on April 30th, May 15th, October 25th, and November 8th. These are moments to lay low. To let the emotions wash through you. To sleep it off, sweat it out, or scrub it away in a ritual bath. Whatever comes up around these times of the year: be endlessly patient and loving with yourself. That’s the only way to ride it out.
At the end of July, the North Node will conjunct Uranus, the planet of freaks, geeks, and disruption. This combo is loud. It’s electric. It’s frenetic and frenzied. While it’s not an eclipse, it might feel like one, and the same advice applies. Know that this point in the year could be turbulent. It’s a time where we might even feel obsessive about what we’re hungry for. Note for yourself now how satiety feels in your body. You may need the reminder.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
With the head of the dragon sweeping into Taurus, your hunger for learning and communicating shifts to the ways you bring home the vegan bacon — or luxury chocolate. This is Taurus, after all. With the North Node answering to Venus, it wants to line your pockets in 100% mulberry silk.
More crucially, the North Node will enrich your inner resources: your talents, skills, and sense of self-worth. That said, North Node hunger tends to feel bottomless. Around late April, late July, and early November in particular, you may not recognize when you’ve gorged or gathered enough.
There’s an invitation here: to learn the difference between abundance and brainless accumulation. Living abundantly means sharing your bounty when the going is good. Offering your honey to the collective pot ensures there’s always more where that came from. Never less.
Scorpio is one of the hidden grottos of your chart. On the one hand, this is the place where you share yourself intimately with other people: your secrets, your rent, your bedroom closet, your debts. It’s also the place where you bid funding from outside sources, such as banks or investors. And it’s the place where you safekeep the palimpsest of anything you’ve lost.
With the South Node here, you may find the readiness to let go of certain emotional or material entanglements. For the next 18 months, dispensing yourself to others feels suddenly less urgent than developing your own security. That doesn’t mean you need to cut cords with everyone, or anyone. But your drive for material independence will dial up a notch.
The South Node in Scorpio will also help you dislodge old sorrows. Let the emotion rock up and recede. One day, maybe after a good cry, or a good sleep, or a ritual bath, or a cuddle with your pet ball python, you realize your heart feels a lot lighter than it did.
That’s the South Node’s gift to you: this lightening. Levity only arrives after setting down some weight.
Welcome to the next 18 months of (even more) weird and wild becoming. On January 18th, the North Node enters Taurus, the part of the chart that most intimately represents you. That involves: your body, your vitality, your persona, your identities.
In many cultures, the North Node has been mythologized as the head of a ravenous dragon. You embody that hunger this year. Uranus, the rabble rouser of the solar system, has been seeding mini revolutions in Taurus since 2018. The North Node will only amplify these internal coups and uprisings — especially at the end of July, when the two form an exact conjunction.
Given Taurus is a sign known for its rootedness, this turbulence may not always feel comfortable. However, you’ve been a lightning rod for this change for several years now. You’re finding your space legs. In this galaxy of ours, there are a hundred billion suns. This is the year where you chase yours.
Like a great cosmic tongue scraper, the South Node in Scorpio will be scouring the psychic gunk from your relationships, commitments, and intimacy patterns.
Let’s face it: it’s impossible to evolve so seismically without pushing waves to other people. While that may strain your relationships at first, the people worth committing to will be open to surfing these breakers by your side.
People change, always. The bonds between you need to stretch and absorb these metamorphoses. If there are any stale attachments you’re clinging onto, or patterns that no longer support your growth, this is the cue to toss them overboard.
The Scorpion’s love language can sting, but it’s also quiveringly honest. You’re stepping into your own so powerfully these days, there’s no time for anything that thinks it can hold you back.
If ever there was a year to treat yourself to a weighted blanket, heating pad, or silk eye mask, it’s this one. Imagine the kind of shut-eye you crave after 40 hours of travel or cramming for an exam. You may feel hints of that this year, with the North Node rekindling your delight in winding down.
After the last 18 months of rapid, rabid growth, courtesy of the North Node’s foray through Gemini, you need this rest stop.
In addition to sleep and solo time, Taurus corresponds to the part of your chart that holds your shadows and poltergeists. With the dragon’s head here, your inner critic or self-saboteur could steal more airtime than it deserves.
Bear this in mind if you start to notice an uptick of anxious or self-limiting thoughts. You’re ultimately the host of these ghosts. You have the power to banish the ones not respecting your rules.
The South Node in Scorpio wants you to shed the dragon scales of how you relate to work and health. If you’re someone who avoids delegating tasks to other people — because you can probably do it faster or better anyway — it’s time to seriously question that habit.
The greatest accomplishments are never a solo effort. This is a year where you could well get noticed, but such heights will be impossible to climb if you refuse a little help from your friends.
Whatever work, workout, food, or hygiene routines feel like a slog this year: ask yourself what’s tethering you to them. If you’re not finding pleasure in the meals you eat, the work you do, or the activities that keep you well: stop now.
Buy the fruit at the market you don’t even know how to pronounce. Sleep in your bed upside-down. Add a little incense and tarot to your workflow. Question any part of your day that feels joyless.
When the North Node enters Taurus on January 18th, it inspires a frenetic upsurge in your friendships and community involvements. While Cancer can be loath to leave the confines of its crab shell, the dragon’s head will fire up your social appetite.
On a literal level, you may make more friends this year than you have for a while. Alternatively, you discover new taproots of energy to share time with pre-existing friends and allies. And if the last few years haven’t already sent you to the streets with your megaphone and protest placard: this one could.
You might also find yourself more susceptible to mob mentalities and hive minds. Know that with Uranus also in Taurus, you will need to relate to your friends, your groups, your covens, your activism, in a way that feels radically authentic to you.
If you need to make up what that means as you go along: you’re on the right track.
With the medicinal wound leech rummaging through the part of your chart that relates to pleasure and creativity, it may feel harder than usual to relax into fun, because the very nature of what delights you is going through its own transformation.
Like watching the credits roll on the series finale of a binge watch, you might be thinking, “What do I do with myself now?” Feel. Grieve. Dream. Let yourself be bored. We are so distracted for so much of the day, lost in our devices, that we’ve lost touch with the mysterious and healing power of doing nothing.
Because Scorpio also relates to your art, your generativity, your creative and literal babies, you’ve most likely reached the end of a project, or your little ones are growing too fast and some version of empty nest syndrome is upon you.
Know that it’s all part of the process.
Fallow periods are as crucial as the fertile ones, because they give us a chance to regenerate and retool. From this novel blankness, you’ll find the spark to create again. But first, let yourself go dark. Find relief in the fact that you don’t have to create anything. Your only job, right now, is to be.
As a Leo or Leo rising, you seek concrete results in your professional life — but in 2022? You’re hungry for them. When the ravenous North Node of the Moon enters your career sector on January 18th, lack of motivation or inertia won’t be a problem for you.
As the lights flicker in Taurus on April 30th and November 8th, you could feel especially rapacious. The North Node carries a live wire energy. Residing in the same sign as Uranus, the planet of seismic change and disruption, it’s explosive.
It is said that hunger is the single most important prerequisite for worldly success, however you define that. In 2022: you have it. The struggle will be knowing when you’ve achieved enough.
You may be so fixated on what you’re striving for that you lose some sense of your foundation, of where you stem from and root to — of home. That could be your literal home, or it could be your sense of belonging to yourself: the fact that you’re always already whole.
Opposite the North Node in Taurus, the South Node in Scorpio is purging the crawlspaces of your home, family, and ancestral roots. Whatever root rot has been weakening your foundations, the South Node will rumble it to the surface.
On a material level, this is an invitation from the universe to declutter your closets and donate any clothes or mementos that feel like deadweight. On an emotional level, you’re recognizing what support you need from those you consider family. If someone is unable or unwilling to show up for this work, it might be time to snip any cords that feel like ligatures.
On an even deeper level, you’re recognizing what belongs to you, and what belongs to those that came before. You get to choose which stories you carry, and which ones you bury back in the earth from whence they came.
It’s time to pack your adventure backpack, or at least some snacks in your pencil case for a day at the library. For you, the North Node in Taurus unlocks a voracity for knowledge, adventure, and seeking. Over the next 18 months, you read more than ever, write more than ever, and maybe get some of it published.
You may also find yourself seeking (or fatefully meeting) a mentor for a fresh subject or field of study. Alternatively, you’re stepping into this role yourself: sharing the wisdom you’ve gathered so far, even (especially) if you’re still learning. The thing is: there’s no finish line. The best teachers know they’re still neophytes.
With Taurus corresponding to your 9th House, your spiritual, intellectual, and experiential seeking will have a sensual side, spurring you to collect those grimoires, singing bowls, incense resins, inks, and oils. For you, such trinkets can be transportation devices in their own right. Gather them. See where they take you.
For the next 18 months, you’re called to purge your calendars, your inboxes, and the group chats you don’t actually want to engage in. Sometimes, we’re simply tired of small talk. Sometimes, the quiet is more beckoning than white noise.
The South Node can act as a cosmic purgative, of sorts. If you’ve been stifling any sour feelings in your relationships with siblings, friends who feel like siblings, cousins, or neighbors, it’s time to talk it out. Write it out.
Your relationships with these folks will shift over the next year and a half, but that’s not something to fear or avoid. Expressing what’s on your heart only demonstrates you trust those around you — that you can be vulnerable with them. If someone’s proving themselves less than worthy of that trust, the South Node will also help you step away.
With this cosmic catharsis happening in the corner of your chart that relates to writing and communication, it would also be appropriate to pour your emotion into morning pages or journal entries. If you’ve been brooding over a writing project for longer than you care to admit, it might also be time to hit “send” or “submit.”
Your words have been living inside you long enough. It’s time to let yourself be witnessed.
With the dragon’s head gnashing into Taurus, you become a hungry conduit for all the universe wants to offer you. Taurus corresponds to your 8th House, the place of collaborations, gifts, the resources you share with other people — and the debts.
Whether you’re yoked to someone in love, art, friendship, or business, there will be physical traces of this bond. Dinner receipts, Splitwise tallies, hydro bills, website costs, inheritances. With the North Node in Taurus, you’ll find endless energy for grant proposals, loan applications, and elevator pitches too.
However, the head of the dragon doesn’t come with an off-switch. It will be up to you to recognize when you’ve gathered, or feasted, enough.
The 8th House also signifies the holding zone of anything you’ve lost. With the North Node here, you find the courage to dislodge some of these sorrows. To comb out those dragon scales and mourn what needs to be mourned.
They call it “material security” for a reason. In periods of scarcity — surfing from paycheck to paycheck, or fearing that no matter how much we’ve gathered for ourselves, it will be taken away — it’s impossible to feel safe. We’re in survival mode. That’s not a place where any of us can feel free.
From now until July 2023, the South Node in Scorpio wants you to face any dragons in your relationship to money. Any thoughts that keep you stuck, any patterns of want, undeservingness, acquisition, waste, or greed: it’s time to banish these ghosts. To relinquish any narratives about wealth that you don’t actively choose to live by.
Remember, you weren’t empty when you got here. You were born full.
As you enter an 18-month period of rebirth and revival, you’re not alone. The North Node in Taurus will introduce you to new friends, co-conspirators, twin flames, and beloveds. If you’re already entrenched in a partnership (whether romantic, professional, or collaborative), you’re hungry for new depths within these duos.
Surface-level connections have rarely thrilled you, but that’s never been more true than now. You’re ready to go deep. To commit to a shared dream or work of art — the magnum opus of which could be the relationship itself.
Recall, however, that the North Node doesn’t always know when to stop. You’re so hungry for connection with other people right now, that it will be far too easy to sublimate your own needs into this larger allegiance. Sometimes, that’s okay. It’s how we compromise. But some needs are non-negotiable.
It’s up to you to recognize which ones those are. You belong to yourself first of all.
As any gardener knows: growth requires pruning. As a snake matures, there comes a time when it must push free from its old skin.
As the South Node of the Moon slinks through your sign, you enter a once-in-two-decade cosmic exfoliation session, where you slough off the roles, relationships, patterns, and stories that aren’t keeping up with your growth.
This is the sacred making of your tabula rasa, your blank slate. Like the deepest house clean, where you run a Q-Tip over your baseboards to remove every last particle of dust: the process won’t always be “fun.” But you might find it liberating. Identify everything that’s not yours to carry and set it down. Give it back.
Scrape away all the psychic gunk and banish it with smoke, with salt, with a rousing cold shower, with sleep. There’s no wrong way to make your heart light again.
With the North Node chomping through Taurus over the next 18 months, you’ll be hungry for your own version of “productivity.” On a literal level, you may experience an upsurge of side-gigs or assignments. While this could be a blessed development, especially if work has felt unpredictable over the past couple of years, you’ll have to enter this peak season with some strategy.
Yes, you have the spirit of an unbroken horse — but even your candle can run out of wick. To avoid burnout, you’ll have to get crafty with how you manage your time. Delegate generously. Punctuate your days with as many naps or yoga breaks as you need.
This could also be a period where you get into health and wellness like never before. Whether you’re devising new rituals to move, stretch, and rest, or experimenting with herb potions and mycelial brews — get curious about new ways to feel good.
The South Node is one mechanism through which your body, mind, and heart self-purify. Over the past 18 months, you’ve been the center of that catharsis. Though this letting go may have felt, at times, like a bout of epic food poisoning, you’ve made it. You’ve emptied all you could empty, cleansed all you could cleanse.
Maybe you just slept a lot. Now: you’re emerging from your dragon’s den.
With the South Node in Scorpio, you’re focused less on relinquishing aspects of yourself and more on banishing slippery inner ghosts. These are the phantoms of self-undoing, the imposter syndrome vampires that say you don’t deserve this accolade or that achievement. Vanquish them.
Throughout this process, it will be crucial to swaddle yourself in self-compassion. If you’ve learned to sleep deeply over the past year and a half, take that superpower with you. You’ll need to rest as fervently as you work.
The head of the dragon is calling, and it wants you to have some fun. If you’re accustomed to being the reliable one, the hardworking one, that’s sometimes easier said than accomplished. Whatever barriers to pleasure you’ve mounted in the past: the North Node in Taurus knocks them down.
With earthy Taurus in your 5th House, your creative side involves physicality. Maybe that means spending entire days with your hands in the garden soil; treating yourself to hot oil massages, fragrant baths, and chaga facials; or knitting, woodworking, or throwing pots.
While the North Node can overdo it, seducing us to order one wheel of baked camembert too many at your local gastropub, you’ll start to recognize that boundary. For now, come back to your body and the gift of feeling good.
As the South Node of the Moon whips its dragon tail through Scorpio, you’re asked to identify which social dynamics you’ve outgrown. If you have friends that suck more life force than they replenish, or collectives that your excitement has drained away from, it may be time to rethink your engagement.
This doesn’t need to involve a dramatic severing of ties. It may be as simple as recognizing the subtle drift that has already changed the landscape of your friendship. You can be grateful for your experiences with a certain person or group without feeling beholden to them. Friendship should be rooted in more than duty.
There’s also a chance these shifts will happen naturally, due to a move or change of circumstance, such as a new job or graduation. That doesn’t mean you won’t make new chums or revive old allegiances, but right now, your heart’s drifting in another direction. Let it.
The friendships deserve to be tethered to your life like a limpet shell with its strong muscular foot aren’t going anywhere. But you might find new ways of existing within them as both of you evolve.
For you, the North Node in Taurus activates your homing pigeon. The North Node is hungry. In your place of family, home, and ancestry, you rediscover an urgency to root. Maybe that involves doting on your current abode — devoting a weekend to painting the walls or window-shopping new house plants.
Maybe it involves connecting to those you call family or creating a family of your own, through fostering furred companions, nurturing mandrakes, or you know — procreation of a more human kind.
Maybe it looks more like sifting through albums and framing photographs of those that came before you, offering your great great great so-and-so your first sip of tea or coffee in the morning.
This is the earth that you root from and it’s the place you come home to. If you find yourself craving a more homebody lifestyle than usual: revel in the comforts of your hobbit hole. From this quiet intimacy, discover how deep you can travel.
As the tail of the dragon mooches into Scorpio, consider this a greenlight from the universe to welcome a change of pace. Sometimes, we find ourselves on a career path that we’ve simply stumbled into. Maybe it was the right decision at the time, but 5 or 10 years later, you may question if you’re pedaling in the right direction.
The thing is: it can be hard to halt this movement once we’ve become habituated to it. That’s where the South Node of the Moon comes in. Like an elixir that helps you shed old skin, the South Node guides you to recognize and release the roles and responsibilities you’ve outgrown.
This can be as simple as learning how to delegate and as seismic as quitting your job of 15 years and opening a food truck. When it comes to your professional life, you rely more than a little on gut instincts. Trust them.
With the dragon’s head blazing through Taurus, your daily communications become a loud and frenetic playground. If you’re in school or learning a new subject, your brain gobbles up information faster than you can pass it through your eyes, fingers, or ear holes.
The nodes of the Moon are eclipsing places. For ancient astrologers, that made them danger zones. The red flag for you is spreading yourself thin. Will skimming twenty books on a subject sharpen your mind more than probing deeply into one? Maybe. Maybe not.
The North Node asks you to dance between depth and breadth. To balance your frothy exchanges with equal doses of quiet and absorption. Ground yourself in daily habits and rituals, discovering constancy in time, if not space just yet.
Whatever you’ve been learning, apprenticing, or experiencing, you’ve reached a point in your quest where you’re coming unfixed from your mentor’s wing. Yes, there’s more to learn; there’s more to hone. But with the South Node in Scorpio, it’s time to trust your inner wisdom.
The tail of the dragon is a bit like a sink drain. Siphoning stuck water from the part of your chart that relates to higher learning and spirituality, the pond of your seeking starts to rearrange its lotuses.
Consider the books, teachers, courses, and experts that you’ve been leaning on as props. Maybe they’ve taught you how to learn and helped you reach certain epiphanies. Thank them for that. But if you don’t ever try swimming without water wings, you may never realize you can float on your own.
Of course, the point isn’t relentless individualism. We’re all stumbling around on the shoulders of giants. The goal, instead, is to recognize your own authority, even within the gasp of fellow koi.
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