Venus has entered Gemini, which means it’s time to flirt, unabashedly; send selfies to your paramours; write irreverent love songs; add “sapioromantic” to your online dating profile; adorn yourself in paradox; say one thing, do another; read as an act of foreplay.
Venus will flit through Gemini from May 8th – June 2nd, tangoing with a Mercury retrograde and part of eclipse season. The following horoscopes are an invitation to consider where in your life you might invite more play and word-games, where your wit might become your most attractive feature.
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Your Venus in Gemini horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Steph Koyfman (The Daily Hunch).
Aries & Aries Rising
Venus in Gemini revives your relationships with a flurry of memes and inside jokes sliding into your DMs. Your phone, inbox, and calendar are already busier than usual thanks to Mercury’s presence here — Venus joining the party ensures that at least some of the busy-ness is pleasurable.
Make time for loves who want to catch up or exchange playlists. Share your eclectic collection of muses with your people. This would be an inspired time to write poetry, make music, record a podcast, or cross-pollinate with whoever’s in your immediate environment. You might even stumble upon an additional income stream in the process.
Either way, a potent sense of being in the right place at the right time may lock you into step with your community around May 17th-19th. Trust that the inspiration you receive from Venus is part of a larger plan that will be clarified during Mercury’s retrograde in Gemini, which starts on May 29th.
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Taurus & Taurus Rising
If you’ve been bored with what you have to bring to the table, Venus in Gemini will enamor you with your talents all over again. With the support of Mercury also in Gemini, Venus beckons with a grab-bag of tricks and reminds you how to be your own muse.
Though you’re under no pressure to monetize any of this, you can put the spell of inspiration to work in practical ways and speed up the flow of exchange that sustains you. You’ll be feeling especially magnetic when Venus meets the North Node on May 17th, amplifying your powers of charm and attraction.
Shortly after, Venus’ stabilizing trine to Saturn on May 19th will help pave the way for more sustainable success. Remember to stay flexible, though — Venus passes the torch to Mercury on May 29th as the latter stations retrograde. The month of June will involve going back over budgets or balance sheets to hammer out the annoying yet crucial details.
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Gemini & Gemini Rising
Feel free to flirt with life. As Venus graces you with the cosmic equivalent of a good hair day for the next few weeks, you’re reminded that you control your own capacity for all kinds of play. It also doesn’t hurt if others lavish attention on you, pick you out of a crowd for your babeliness, or tap you in on a plum opportunity — but that’s just the icing on the cake.
Though this transit sprinkles you with fairy dust, it’s possible you’ll feel swept out to sea around May 27th, when Venus squares Neptune and tempts you with a dream or opportunity that might not be entirely what it seems. It may help to contextualize this Venus moment as a glamification before your closeup.
When Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th, the revision process of your tell-all interview begins.
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Cancer & Cancer Rising
As Venus twirls through a part of your chart that’s often reserved for the cacophony of thoughts that keep you up at night, at least some of these internal monologues might feel lighter to hold. With Mercury also here, the chatter is loud, but Venus will add a dose of humor that helps you process new insights around your own self-defeating cycles.
Alternatively, it might be a friend or family member whose true motivations are hard to read, especially around May 27th, when Venus squares off with Neptune. Yes, some truths may be sugar-coated around this time. But don’t dismiss the other very real possibility that you’re being invited to deepen your faith by doubling down on love when you could very well run in the other direction.
As for what’s really going on? Mercury’s retrograde in Gemini, beginning May 29th with a conjunction to Venus, will handle the investigation.
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Leo & Leo Rising
Your social butterfly wings are primed for action while Venus is in Gemini. With added fuel from Mercury this year, you’ll be especially busy catching up with your community and cross-pollinating ideas between the various groups you’re a part of.
If this spell comes and goes as a moment in time where you simply enjoy the sensation of spinning multiple conversations in the air — excellent. If you’re not feeling totally allergic to the concept of “networking,” this would also be a great time to put yourself out there professionally, or perhaps mingle with some personal goals in mind.
Note that this Venus transit is actually part of the lead-up to Mercury’s retrograde in Gemini, which kicks off on May 29th. Venus is the social lubricant that helps you pull in important connections. Much of June will be about hammering out the details.
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Virgo & Virgo Rising
In Gemini, Venus gives you permission to lay it on thick with the charm of your talents and accomplishments. As someone who moves through the world with more humility than most, tooting your own horn may not be something you feel particularly comfortable doing.
Perhaps you usually prefer to let your work speak for itself. Venus can certainly gift you with a swell of public appreciation and recognition during this time, but you might also find yourself in the right frame of mind to zhush up your portfolio and social media presence in order to properly showcase your brilliance.
Assume you’ll have to give it more than one pass after Mercury stations retrograde in the same part of your chart on May 29th. Venus is here to give you some confidence and art direction as you get ready to hammer out the details.
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Libra & Libra Rising
As Venus teams up with Mercury in Gemini for the next few weeks, your love affairs begin at your bookshelf. This heady period of bonding with others on the basis of knowledge, philosophy, politics, and metaphysics not only connects you to those who share your values, but also serves as a reenchantment and enlargement of your world.
This might also be a time where you feel curious about the extent to which you’ve been seeking a type of love from other people that can possibly only be found in communion with the divine.
A spiritually transcendent experience will be most likely around May 27th, when Venus squares Neptune, but that doesn’t have to negate your more incarnate, everyday affections. Venus in Gemini is comfortable holding space for paradox, so you can flirt with multiple possibilities.
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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Venus in Gemini invites you lovingly into the fray of messy interdependencies. When it comes to the complex math of “who owes whom” and “where my stuff ends and your stuff begins,” multiple conflicting truths can coexist.
For instance, grief and debt can be the remainders of great love.
This year though, Venus dances in step with Mercury, which will station retrograde on May 29th. Venus provides the glue and playfulness to help you let down your guard and depend on someone more thoroughly. Mercury will remain after the honeymoon’s over to sort through the details and balance the checkbooks.
You might also find yourself literally reorganizing your finances, perhaps with a little extra sugar that comes your way around May 17th.
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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
As Venus joins the Gemini party that Mercury just started, prepare to be in full-blast “liking everyone’s posts and replying to everyone’s stories” mode. You’ll have more than enough heartfelt appreciation and sweet nothings to offer to your loves, and you’ll be especially adept at crafting the resonant language your heart wishes to express.
If you’ve been struggling to find the words to tell someone how much they mean to you, these are ideal cosmic conditions for overcoming your writer’s block. Around May 19th in particular, conversations will solidify into a concrete agreement or long-lasting bond.
Assume some aspect of this dialogue will be revisited, however, after Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th. For now, Venus is there to remind you of what you liked about each other in the first place.
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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
By your very nature, you are prone to wearing multiple hats at work. In fact, you make it look so easy that a lot of your multitasking goes unnoticed beneath your facade of capable cool.
As Venus breezes through the part of your chart associated with labor, you might find that your efforts are valued more, or that your work is recognized for its multifaceted complexity.
Cohabiting with Mercury this whole time, Venus may also spark inspiration and amusement from the chatter of how you handle your business and manage your self-care routines. You might be working on a project that’s stimulating and fun, while enjoying more conversations than usual in your work and health environments.
Know that some aspect of what you’re talking about will be further reworked after Mercury stations retrograde on May 29th. For now, Venus helps you find common ground and joy in the process.
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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Mercury may have sent out the invitations, but now that Venus is also in Gemini, the party is about to start. These next few weeks will be sprinkled with whimsy, flirty texts, stimulating creative adventures, and talkative, goofy bedroom romps.
As Venus floats through this mischievous air sign, you’re reminded of your own vital life force, which just happens to excel at clever double entendres. Say yes to your social life. Schedule a playdate with the kids. Write some standup comedy, or incorporate wordplay into your creative projects.
Put simply, you deserve to cut loose after all of the heavy-hitting personal growth you’ve been doing this year.
Pleasure can only solidify your progress right now, especially when Venus forms a trine to Saturn on May 19th. Pleasure will also lead you to have a good think about where your priorities lie after Mercury meets Venus on May 29th and stations retrograde. June will be about sorting through your thoughts. For now, follow your bliss.
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Pisces & Pisces Rising
In Gemini, Venus turns up the volume on your dinner parties and movie nights, making home the most happening place to be for the next few weeks. Dancing in lockstep with Mercury, Venus reminds you of the pleasure that lies in catching up with your various families, as well as entertaining close ones in your private sanctuary.
Hankering for a spring refresh? Venus will help you add beautifying touches to your space, especially if you’ve been meaning to showcase your books, curios, or trinkets in a more aesthetically pleasing way.
On a less obvious level, this might also be a time to commune with your ancestors and learn an artisan trade or handicraft that connects you to your lineage.
Pay attention to the buried treasures you stumble upon around May 17th, when Venus meets the North Node. You’ll be rethinking, retooling, or reevaluating some aspect of this discovery after Mercury meets Venus and stations retrograde on the 29th.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
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